The disciples have asked Jesus about the signs that would precede His second coming. Instead of answering their question, He first issued a warning that would be in effect from the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D. until His Second Advent which I believe will take place within the next few years. Reminder: this time element is MY belief based solely on MY study of the Scriptures and the spiritual condition of mankind. I have NOT received a word from the Lord relative to the time of His return. Let us turn to Matthew 24 and pick up with the disciples’ question and Christ’s answer which affect us today as the time of His return grows ever nearer.
Upon hearing the disciples’ question, Jesus said: “Take heed that no MAN deceive you. For many (men) will come IN MY NAME, saying (that) I (Jesus) am the Christ, and will deceive MANY (vss 4,5). Note that He said that MEN would try to deceive us relative to His ministry. Let us be sure that we identify the ultimate “voice” behind the men (and women) who, being themselves deceived, have deceived, are deceiving and will continue to deceive the masses of salvation seekers. In the title I mentioned “the voices of the gods” (plural). The Almighty is the God of the Bible, which Jesus called “Truth.” Satan, the “god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4), is the god who directs his false Catholic and Protestant prophets to lure masses of salvation seekers into his counterfeit church system. Two Gods rule the whole of mankind: 1) the God of the Holy Bible and 2) the “god of this world.” As Jesus said in Matthew 7:13,14; 22:14 and 24:4,5, MANY people will follow Satan’s apostles through his wide gate and along his broad way leading to destruction while only a FEW will follow His apostles through His strait gate and along His narrow way leading to eternal life. The Lord compared His church to a mustard seed–the smallest of seeds (having few true saints). He compares Satan’s church to a mustard tree having many false saints (Mat. 13:31).
That which calls itself “Christianity” is the largest religion on earth. The vast majority of her proponents have entered Satan’s wide gate and are walking his broad way by believing and obeying his ministers’ various versions of God’s Holy Bible. Those hundreds of versions are called denominations, faiths, churches, etc. Only a tiny minority of professing Christendom (I estimate 1% at most) believe and obey the Biblical God’s Word as written. This miniscule congregation He calls His holy people, His peculiar priests, His remnant, His little flock, His Very Elect saints who will rise to meet Him in the air upon His return.
In Matthew 24 we find the most important warning Jesus and His apostles give to those who would spend eternity with Him and His Father. His message is: BEWARE OF THOSE WHO WILL TRY TO DECEIVE YOU BY CHANGING MY MESSAGE. On the homepage of this website is a partial list of “church truths” that false prophets have deceived the church masses into accepting as “Bible Truths.” They are not found in the Bible and they are not Truths. The Holy Word speaks directly against almost everything the churches claim to be His Truth. By keeping their disciples ignorant of the Truth that is God’s Word (Jn. 17:17), the devil has “… deceived the whole world” (Rev. 12:9). His workers, themselves being deceived, believe that they are doing God a service while they are in fact leading the masses away from Him and into the devil’s religious embrace.
In His statements about the future Jesus was warning His disciples then and now that men (and now women) would come to them with smooth, lying words ABOUT HIS MESSAGE. I read that there are over 450,000 preachers worldwide. This religious army uses just enough Bible Truth, which I all God’s “headlines,” to gain the acceptance of the masses. That done, they then weave those Biblical Truths into various spiritual-sounding church “truths” designed to deceive their followers. In order to maintain Satan’s control over them, his prophets steer the people away from God’s “fine print” that must be believed and obeyed in order for His “headlines” to come to fruition. God’s promises (“headlines”) have conditions (“fine print”) that must be met in order for the promises to be awarded. Read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 in their entirety for a perfect explanation of the connection between God’s promises and those promises being awarded to the believer. Contrary to near-universal church opinion, God’s Word features a two-way covenant which requires certain actions to take place in order for the covenant to come into effect. My past serves as a perfect example of such a covenant. The cotton owner promised me three cents for every pound of cotton I picked–HIS COVENANT HE OFFERED TO ME. The payment was sure. However, I had to FIRST PICK THE COTTON. THEN, AND ONLY THEN DID HE PRODUCE THE PAYMENT. Such is the character of a covenant. God gives His word (“headline”), but His conditions must be met in order for His Word to come to pass. The condition is not faith alone, but rather faith combined with works of faith. SPIRITUAL WORKS CONSIST OF OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S WORD (LAW). No obedience (works)=no blessing. Read James 2:10,14,17,18,20,24,26 where the apostle tells us that workless faith is dead faith. Dead faith produces a dead faither.
In God’s Word concerning His “headlines” and “fine print” we learn that He wants to bless human beings. Christ’s message addressed this Truth by telling seekers what they must BELIEVE AND DO (WORK) IN ORDER TO RECEIVED HIS PROMISED BLESSINGS. THIS CONSTITUTES CHRIST’S MESSAGE TO MANKIND. The problem is that church people are confused about His message which has both positive and negative promises. Positive things happen when one obeys. However, church people expect positive things to happen simply because they believe in Jesus. As Christ warned, MANY salvation seekers reject the connection between such curses as war, pestilence, famine, natural disasters, invasion, crop failures, droughts, etc. (Mat. 24:6-8) and what He said in verses 4 and 5. It is because verses 4 and 5 have been ignored that verses 6 through 8 have plagued mankind for the past 2000 years. The Institutional Church does not believe Christ’s Words relative to obedience and blessings versus disobedience and cursing. Their prophets have convinced them that they need only believe and God’s blessings will be theirs. This in spite of the fact that God treats them exactly as He does non-believers. Church people are cursed the same as their non-churched neighbors, and for the same reason–sin. The Lord said that there is a cause for every curse (sickness, natural disasters, accidents, wars, etc.)–Proverbs 26:2. This is one of the first lessons I learned from the Lord.
Within the doctrines of “the church” is a river of misinformation concerning Christ’s MESSAGE. Man has believed and obeyed Satan’s false information about Christ’s message to the degree that today professing Christendom consists of two divisions and hundreds of mini-divisions, each one claiming to be “the church” which God has given “the gospel” with which to save the world. The singular message of Jesus Christ is: BELIEVE AND OBEY THE HOLY BIBLE AS WRITTEN AND THEN GOD’S PROMISES WILL FOLLOW. WITHOUT SUCH FAITH AND SUCH WORKS, GOD’S CURSES WILL FOLLOW. History and current events reveal that the church has rejected His Words. As a result the church and the nations in which she is located have been experiencing “the beginning of sorrows” (war, disease, famines, natural disasters, etc.) for the past 2000 years. Why? BECAUSE CHURCH PEOPLE REFUSE TO BELIEVE AND OBEY CHRIST’S MESSAGE. And because nations follow the lead of their religions, the entire world suffers God’s wrath.
Warning: What is promised to take place in the near future will make “the beginning of sorrows” pale by comparison as Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 28, Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation–specifically chapter 6–clearly point out. Christ’s Words in Matthew 24:4-8 and the Apostle John’s words in Revelation 6 explain why God has continually cursed mankind in the past, is cursing him today and will curse him even more severely in the future. Mankind in general and Christianity in particular reject God’s Words as recorded in His Holy Bible. Read Luke 10:16, Isaiah 59:2, John 8:31; 14:15,23; 15:10 and Matthew 15:9; 19:17. Simply put, God curses man, including churchman, because man does not love Him and proves it by rejecting His Law/Word/Truth which He Himself wrote in stone. This is the same Law the Apostle Paul characterized as “holy, just and good” (Rom. 7:12).
God’s Law defines sin as declared in First John 3:4. Righteousness is the opposite of sin. Righteousness results from obeying the Lord’s Ten Commandment Law; sin results from disobeying it. Ninety-nine percent of professing Christendom refutes the above statements found in the Bible they profess to believe. These will soon enter the Great Tribulation and, following that horrific time, find themselves in the midst of and even worse situation called the Day of the Lord. Read about these terrible coming events using the key word–Tribulation. Then read about God’s Place of Safety. Key word–Safety. Again, God proves His love for man by making a way for him to spend eternity with Him and His Son in the Kingdom of God. Read about this future paradise using the key word–Kingdom. Read God’s Very Elect; Future Caretakers of the Universe. Key word–Caretakers. L.J.
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