God prophesied that in the last days MANY would come IN HIS NAME professing that HE IS THE LORD and would DECEIVE MANY. Recently, some movie stars, athletes, musicians, etc. have publicly declared that they are “Christians.” These “saved” people push so-called “Christian” themes such as Christmas, Easter, etc. Though many in the church know that these holidays are heathen in origin and nature, they believe that even sin, if done in the name of the Lord, makes their observance holy. It is for this reason that God commands that we “abstain from even the appearance of evil,” (1 Thes. 5:22), and that we not “mix the holy with the profane” (Eze. 22:26;44:23). He knows that “a little leaven leavens the whole loaf” (1 Cor. 5:6). Note that the loaf does not unleaven the leaven. It was for this reason that God commanded Israel to have nothing to do with the heathen among whom they lived, knowing that Israel would be corrupted by them. It is for this reason that He commands those in the Institutional Church who seek Him to “come out of her and be separate, touch not the unclean thing” (2 Cor. 6:17).
But man knows best; he is God’s teacher. Moments ago I saw a popular movie star proclaim the rightness of observing Christmas while making fun of someone who knew and spoke the Truth about the pagan ritual. With millions of dollars behind him and international popularity to give him legitimacy, he and others are leading millions to continue in the Satanic ways of the Counterfeit Church while denying the Words of Almighty God. This in spite of God’s admonitions to the contrary. Nowhere does He tell us that if we use the devil’s ways in a “Christian” way and He will accept them. To the contrary, He commands that we “Learn not the ways of the heathen” (Jer. 10:2-5) for they lead to death. In this passage He is condemning what the world calls Christmas. Prideful man rejects God’s Words, declaring that the manner in which he observes pagan practices gives glory to God. Using the same reasoning, I could rob banks, give the money to the Lord and be praised by Him. He condemns such practices and reasonings. But churchman is not fazed. Being “saved” he can do as he pleases and God has no choice but to accept it. And Satan smiles.
Many church people know the Truth but lack the spiritual spine to obey it. Those who proclaim His Truth are dismissed as heretics, as was Jesus. Only those who are rejected, despised and hated as He was and for the same reason will join Him in His Father’s earthly kingdom following His return. These, He said, would be few in number. Interested in being one of the few? Keep reading.
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