In Ephesians 2:20 the Apostle Paul, who received his Gospel directly from Jesus Christ through revelation (Gal. 1:12), tells us that the New Testament (Covenant) Church was founded on the teaching and writings of the OLD TESTAMENT PROPHETS AND THE NEW TESTAMENT APOSTLES. In First Corinthians 10:11 Paul writes that the lessons recorded in the Old Testament Scriptures were written and preserved to serve as “examples for OUR instruction upon whom the ends of the world have come”–God’s end-time church. In Second Peter 1:21 the apostle wrote that “Holy men of old (the prophets) spoke (and wrote) as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” Recall that “the Scripture (Word–Jesus–Jn. 1:1-4,14) preached THE GOSPEL to Abraham” (Gal. 3:8). He notes that the same Gospel was preached “to us”–the New Testament Church–that was preached to ancient Israel (Heb. 4:2). The New Testament came into being between 90 and 100 A.D., which means that the original apostles preached the same Gospel to the New Covenant Church that had been preached to the ancient Israelites–the message we call the Old Testament. This proves that GOD IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER. HIS MESSAGE DOES NOT CHANGE. His methods have changed due to the sins of the people, for example, the implementation of blood sacrifice, but His will, His Truth, His Word HAVE NOT CHANGED. It was the “law that was added because of transgressions” (the sacrificial law–Gal. 3:19) that was “nailed to the cross” (Col. 2:14).
The New Testament Church is comprised of those who obey the Law given to ancient Israel at Mt. Sinai. Those who refuse to obey that Law are CINOs–Christians In Name Only whom God calls “goats,” “tares,” “bad fish” and bad fruit-producing trees. Law-keepers are called “the Israel of God” (Gal. 6:16). These are the righteous Peter refers to in Peter 4:17,18 who are spiritual Israelites because the obey the Law of the God of Israel. GOD VALUES THE OLD TESTAMENT AND NEW TESTAMENT EQUALLY. THE NEW PICKS UP WHERE THE OLD LEAVES OFF. THERE SHOULD BE NO BREAK BETWEEN THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS WHICH SHOULD BE PRESENTED AS ONE BOOK. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES COMBINED COMPRISE THE ONE AND ONLY COVENANT BETWEEN GOD AND MAN.
Because of the above Truths, we know that true Christians are the spiritual, and in many cases the physical descendants of ancient Israel. God’s dealings with ancient Israel are mirrored by His dealings with His New Covenant Church and the nations that house them. THE MODERN DAY CHURCH IS THE FINAL (LAODICEAN ERA) CHURCH JESUS PROPHESIED ABOUT IN REVELATION 3:14-22. She is corrupt, vile and unrecognizable when compared to the church God created in 31 A.D.
What He writes about in the Old Testament concerning His dealings with ancient Israel was written as a warning for the New Testament Church. With the exception of a minutely few true believers (God’s “remnant”) His warning has gone unheeded. We will now return to the days of old to study what God spoke to and wrote about ancient Israel which will tell us why the so-called Christian world, specifically America, is in the moral, physical, political, economic and social sewer in which she now wallows. Let us turn to the first chapter of the Book written by the Prophet Isaiah beginning with verse one. One will notice the striking similarities between ancient Israel and her spiritual and physical descendants today.
God’s Words spoken to and through Isaiah concerned the nation of Judah (the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi), their backslidden condition and the curses He had placed upon them for having embraced the gods and religions of the heathen nations that surrounded them. Remember, this message was meant not only for those of long ago, but for “us upon whom the ends of the world have come”–the modern day Catholic/Protestant Church System (1 Cor. 10:11). One will notice the similarities between the actions of the Israelites of those days and their descendants today who make up most of the New Testament Church.
As the Holy Scriptures reveal, a nation follows its spiritual leadership. Concerning those nations which call themselves “Christian,” AS GOES THE CHURCH, SO GOES THE NATION. As we enter into this study of God’s dealings with His chosen Israelite people, it will seem as if we are reading today’s headlines relative to America–the supposed “One Nation Under God” whom her people supposedly “Trust.” The once greatly blessed nation called America has gone the way of ancient Israel–down.
As the reader will see, America is following in the footsteps of her ancient ancestors–Israel. Sadly, she will suffer the same fate and for the same reason–spiritual rebellion against her Founder. As with Israel, her downward spiral began with her religious leadership. What was known as “New Israel” began on a high note. For example, many of her original settlers continued to observe God’s seventh day Sabbath. Until 1820 it was against the law to observe Christmas. Then, as had her ancestors, she ingested a little leaven here and a little leaven there. Over time, the nation became totally leavened.
This ministry was ordained to deliver a painful, sword of the Spirit message to the Institutional Church. Unfortunately, she is not listening. Equally unfortunate is the fact that I must also remind her of God’s reaction to her ancestor’s rebellion against the Lord–military defeat, slaughter and enslavement of the survivors–which America, England and the other so-called Christian nations will suffer unless there are true moral conversions on massive scales. Read Revival, Revival. Key word–Revival.
In the coming Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord, only God’s Very Elect firstfruits will be spared, protected and provided for during the 3 1/2 year period of terror, death and destruction that will come upon the earth. My prayer is that some of my readers will join that group which Jesus said would be very small (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14).
In Isaiah 1:2,3 God (the Word who became Jesus of Nazareth–Jn. 1:1-4,14) is speaking to those Israelites known as “Jews”–the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi. He notes that, unlike animals, the people He birthed and nourished have turned against Him and no longer know Him. In verse four He calls them “a sinful nation” who, like their ancestors, are “filled with iniquity” (Lawlessness) and are “corrupters” of other people. By “forsaking Him” they have “provoked the Holy One of Israel to anger.” They have spiritually gone “backward.” Sound familiar?
Beginning in verse four God explains why they are in the mess they are in. Simply put, they are suffering from a self-inflicted spiritual wound. He asks them (and us) why He should have to strike (curse) them any more? He then answers the question. He will be forced to curse them again and again because: “You will revolt against Me more and more.” Why? Because “your whole head (heart) is sick and faint.” From the sole of their feet to the top of their heads, there was no soundness, but rather spiritual bruises, wounds and putrid sores that they had brought on themselves. Their country was desolate, their cities were burning. Strangers were taking what they had worked for and devouring it before their eyes. Sound familiar?
In verse eight God compares the backslidden nation to a cottage made of tree limbs and vines where watchmen stayed during the cucumber harvest season to keep thieves from stealing the produce. Those flimsy, temporary shacks were destroyed at the end of the harvest season. In verse nine the Lord, through Isaiah, reminds the people that if not for a small remnant of true disciples, the entire nation would have done to them what He did to Sodom and Gomorrah–He would have burned them to ash because of their sins. In verse ten God actually calls them “Sodom” and “Gomorrah.” Why did He call them such vile names? Because they refused to “listen to (obey) the Law of your God.” Here God proclaims that a tiny few true believers are all that stand between national destruction and survival. Soon He will take His tiny remnant to a place of safety (Rev. 12:6,14) called “her place” where He will care for them while the world around them crumbles. L.J.
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