Webster’s dictionary defines counterfeit as “to make a copy or imitation with the intent to defraud; to practice deception.” This perfectly describes Satan’s Catholic/Protestant Church System that has been in existence since the beginning of the second century. With the exception of a minutely few true believers (Mat. 7:13,14), this system, with Satan at its head, has reigned supreme over professing Christendom since that time. But its roots took hold thousands of years earlier in the Garden of Eden. Let us return there for a brief history lesson.
With five words the Serpent (Satan–Rev. 20:2) changed the course of world history. The world, including the so-called “Christian world,” has been under his control until this time and will remain under his control until Jesus Christ returns to clean up the mess the devil and his followers–including all religions–have created, specifically professing Christianity, which will be the focus of this series. The reason the Institutional Church is highlighted is because her followers, claiming to be the disciples of the Biblical God, refuse to believe and obey His Words. Instead, she views them as options to be altered, interpreted, added to, removed from, ignored or rejected at will. The hundreds of denominations into which she has divided herself proves that she is a counterfeit church system whose conflicting, contradicting, contending denominations, faiths, sects, cults, etc. falsely claim to operate under the direction of the God of the Bible. That same Bible proves that she is a false religion no different from all other religions which reject God’s Word. Having embraced many of the precepts and customs of the world’s heathen religions, Christianity has become totally heathen in word and deed. See the Introduction (home page) of this website for a list of examples of her heathen foundational beliefs and practices., not one of which is Biblical.
With the exception of a miniscule few such as Abel, Noah, Abraham, the prophets, Jesus of Nazareth, Christ’s original apostles and disciples and their modern day descendants, the Christian world has followed after the spiritual whore and her harlot daughters who are described in Revelation 17:1-5 as a church. The Messiah Himself warned the church He created 2000 years ago against being lured into Satan’s open arms (Mat. 24:4,5). He has accomplished this subversion through his false prophets who, by proclaiming that Jesus is indeed the Christ of God, have “deceived many” salvation seekers. These are those who have bowed the knee to the mother and daughters, today called “the church.” In the near future that one-world whore/harlot religion, with the power of the “beast” (world-ruling government) behind her, will rule the world. Note that she is “drunken with the blood of the saints.” Over 50 million people were killed during the Catholic Inquisition, most of them God’s people. That bloody whore, her protesting (Protestant) harlot daughters having returned to her, will kill many more of God’s people before Jesus returns.
While on earth Jesus warned His disciples about the great false church’s false prophets and their followers. In Matthew 15:14,15 and 23:24 He warned true God seekers about those who would reject His Gospel in favor of a perverted gospel. The Apostle Paul echoed the same message in Galatians 1:6-7. The Galatians had done what he had warned the church in Corinth not to do. They had accepted “another Jesus” (2 Cor. 11:4) who had brought to them “another gospel” which was actually a perverted version of God’s Gospel.
After almost two millennia, the modern church finds itself even deeper in bed (in the “ditch”) with the Great Whore/harlot church of Revelation 17 that is forming at this time as inclusion-crazed Protestant denominations return to their religious mother. The rationale behind this move is that “We all worship the same god.” Which is true. The problem is that the god they have come to worship is the same god Adam and Eve came to worship–the Serpent, who is in fact Satan (Rev. 20:2). By following the lead of her false prophets, self-professed Christianity finds herself in a deadly situation. An additional problem is that she believes she is serving the Biblical God. Few dare to tell her the truth, knowing the vitriol that will ensue.
In Proverbs 23:27 we find the Lord warning those who profess Him to beware of the religious whore who is “a deep DITCH.” How did professing Christendom come to be in that “ditch?” Jesus tells us in Matthew 15:14,15. Biblically blind salvation seekers have fallen into the “ditch” by following blind leaders who have not been sent by the Biblical God, but rather by the “god of this world”–Satan (2 Cor. 4:4). Jesus called them “the blind leading the blind.” We find Paul warning about the devil’s deceiving ministers in Second Corinthians 4:3,4 where he writes about the true Gospel being hidden from Truth seekers who, though in “the church,” are unwittingly “lost.” Paul warns that, even then–over 1900 years ago–the god of this world had already “blinded the minds of those (in the church) who do not believe.” Remember that Paul is writing to “the church of God which is at Corinth and all the saints in Achaia” (1:1). Note that he calls God “our Father” (vss 2,3). THE APOSTLES WROTE ONLY TO THE CHURCH. THEIR MESSAGES WERE WRITTEN ONLY TO THOSE IN THE CHURCH. However, all that glitters is not gold. Read the series by that name. Key word–Glitters. Read First Peter 4:17.18 and First John chapter three.
A study of Paul’s letters to the Corinthian Church reveals two deadly internal problems–sin, and the church’s acceptance of church sin. Sin is sin. “SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW” (1 Jn. 3:4). Sin produces spiritual death unless repented of and ended (Rom. 6:23). This is true for both the churched and the nonchurched. “The gift” is offered to those who obey Christ’s command to two people whose sins He had forgiven: “SIN NO MORE” (Jn. 5:14/ 8:11). Notice that He did not tell them that after He died they could return to sinning, but that they needed repent when they do.
The church’s hirelings (Jn. 10:12,13) are paid to emphasize the “gift” mentioned in Romans 6:23. Such are not commissioned by God, but are hired by church people for one purpose only: TO TELL THEM WHAT THEY DEMAND TO HEAR, which is: that SIN IS INEVITABLE DUE TO ADAM’S SIN-TRANSFERAL MIRACLE, and that THEY NEED ONLY TO REPENT TO REMAIN IN GOOD STEAD WITH JESUS WHO DIED SO THAT THEY CAN CONTINUE TO SIN AND GET AWAY WITH IT. And Satan smiles, knowing that his people will hear from neither pulpit nor lectern, nor from t.v. or movie screen, nor from radio or street ministers what Paul wrote in Hebrews 6:4-6. Here the apostle warns that with each sin church people spiritually “crucify Christ again” and put Him to an open shame.” The late Elvis Presley summed up the counterfeit church’s attitude toward church sin. In a documentary on his famous (cross-wearing, Scripture-quoting) life I watched him proclaim the church’s foundational doctrine while looking directing into the camera. After describing his latest sexcapade, he smiled sweetly and blasphemed my Lord by singing “What a friend we have in Jesus.” He believed, as do billions of others, that Jesus died so that he could sin with impunity until he was taken to heaven where he would live forever in his other mansion.
Another passage the church will neither hear nor read is John 15;13,14 where Jesus tells His disciples that there is no greater love than that a man lay down his life for his friends. He then told them that they were His friends IF (and only IF) “… you do whatsoever I command you.” He commanded His disciples then and commands them now to obey His Ten Commandment Law (Jn. 14:15,23; 15:10 and Mat. 19:17). Nowhere does He make an exception of commandment #4. Satan, however, did. And like Adam and Eve, the modern church follows her god straight into his ditch where they plan to remain oblivious to Bible Truth concerning their spiritual condition. In the above-mentioned passages Jesus tells us that we must PROVE OUR LOVE FOR HIM BY OBEYING HIS TEN COMMANDMENT LAW–INCLUDING HIS SABBATH COMMANDMENT. In Luke 10:16 He tells His disciples then and now that failing to believe His Words proves that the doubter DESPISES both Him and His Father. This is yet another passage the church neither hears nor reads. And Satan’s smile broadens, knowing that his blind goats will continue to follow his blind shepherds to the bottom of his religious ditch where they are joined by all of his other religions. This is the ultimate meaning of “inclusion.” In the eyes of God, they are all the same. L.J.
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