Was it possible for Jesus to sin while walking the earth as a human being? Did He have special powers not available to all other people that made Him immune to Satan’s temptations? Did the questions go even deeper than that? For example, was He shielded from physical pain? I noted this episode in a previous series but for the sake of new readers I will repeat it. I was once in a Sunday School class taught by the associate pastor of the largest church in a university town. The young pastor was teaching on Christ’s crucifixion and the “so-called” pain Jesus “supposedly” experienced the day He died. This seminary graduate told us with ultimate assurance that Jesus felt nothing when having His flesh ripped off His bones. Nor did He feel anything when the crown of thorns was jammed down on His head. According to this young false prophet, He felt nothing when the spikes were hammered into His wrists and feet. Why? Because He was still a God, and Gods cannot feel pain. Even then, long before I came to know what I know now, I knew that this false prophet was totally wrong. I also knew that his theology was not limited to his seminary’s foundational doctrines. Other denominations, if not already aware of this supposed “truth” relative to Christ’s God-man status while on earth, would soon be following suit. If the truth had been available at that time (the 1970’s), many denominations were probably already “woken” relative to His supposed pain. This type of theological garbage also included His immaculate conception. I learned about this heresy when a relative dropped out of a denominational seminary after being taught that Jesus had not been conceived miraculously, and that there was no such thing as a “virgin birth.” Another such “woke” truth that has been around for generations concerns the supposed secret “rapture” in which all true Christians will be snatched up to heaven just before the outbreak of the Great Tribulation. Interestingly, there is global disagreement as to which denomination is comprised of true Christians. A cursory glance at the Introduction page to this website reveals that NO organization calling itself Catholic or Protestant is indeed Christian, although they all claim to be. That all such cults are abominations unto the Lord, which this website proves repeatedly. For a list of series titles and key words email me at lpj4142@gmail.com
The belief that Jesus was still a God while on earth and, due to this advantage, was immune from the physical problems and Satanic temptations suffered by His fellow man is foundational “truth” within professing Christendom. This theological “fact” calls into question several Scriptural statements in which His followers are commanded to conduct themselves as He conducted Himself in order to join Him in the next life. Are we to listen to and obey these Holy Scriptural passages, or are we to accept the more “common sense” proclamations being put forth by the majority of ministers today? In this series we will carefully examine the Truth (God’s Word–Jn. 17:17) concerning this very important question. Let us begin.
Today, in tens of thousands of self-proclaimed “churches” located throughout the earth there are false prophets telling their constituents that it is impossible to walk this life as did Jesus Christ BECAUSE HE HAD POWERS NOT AVAILABLE TO THEM. Therefore church members are not only expected to sin, they are unable to avoid sinning. Any attempt to live a holy life would, according to one popular pastor, result in sickness. And why is man predestined to sin? The combination of 1) a lack of supernatural power and 2) Adam’s sin gene in the dna of his descendants renders every human ever born a sinner by virtue of conception. And in that man can change neither receive supernatural power nor his dna make-up, man is predestined to sin. This combination of factors over which man has no control makes sin a “natural” part of man’s existence. Getting “saved” does not affect one’s natural sinfulness. Therefore, Jesus died so that man can do what comes “naturally” and get away with it. As Elvis Presley said when explaining why he could bed down with dozens of women and still be a heaven-bound Christian: “What a friend we have in Jesus.” Read The Real Elvis. Key word–Elvis. Satan smiles as his parishioners agree wholeheartedly with “the king” who, we are told, is now leading God’s choir in heaven.
What we must understand about Biblical Truths is that they are not derived from Bible study only. The true messenger of God receives Truths through revelation from Jesus Christ by way of the Holy Spirit, just as did the Apostle Paul (Gal. 1:12). Much of what he learned through revelation concerned Truths that were not known before his time, along with events that would come to pass in the future. Paul, who had not know about God’s Law had only source of information–revelation. The same was true concerning the entire Book of Revelation which was revealed to John between 90 and 100 A.D., after Jesus and the other original apostles had been killed.
The Lord reveals His mysteries to those who are humble enough to received them. Once the recipient of such information has believed them, God will show him where He has hidden them in His Holy Bible. He will also make them come to pass in the life of such a person. Much, if not most of what I have received from the Lord would be summarily dismissed by 99.99% of church leaders world-wide. The way Truth reception works is thus: The humble seeker of Truth studies God’s Word diligently seeking what is available to be known from the Author of that Truth. While doing so the seeker is eliminating what is offered by preachers and teachers who proclaim as truth their wishful thinking about what God should have said, or what He actually meant about what He said. Read John 14:12. Then read the series titled The Unknown Power of God’s Very Elect. Key word–Unknown.
When God is satisfied that the seeker is determined to embrace His Truth, will walk in it and proclaim it to “whosoever will” follow in the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth, then the Originator of all spiritual Truth will begin to reveal to him “the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.” In Matthew 13:1-16 we find Jesus speaking to “great multitudes” of people who had followed Him out of His home town of Capernaum and down to the shore of the Sea of Galilee where they had gathered around Him. In order to have some “breathing room” He had gotten into a boat from where He taught them using parables. Afterward His disciples asked Him why He spoke to the masses in parables while He spoke to them (His disciples) clearly? He replied, “It is not for them (the multitudes) to know the MYSTERIES OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN” (the church). However, the disciples were to have such knowledge (vs 11) for they would be establishing the church.
In verses 12-16 Jesus answers the disciples’ “why parables” question. I will present His response in American English. These great multitudes had no basis for understanding the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. They had not followed the Law before His arrival on earth and were not interested in obeying what they would hear from Him. They did not have ears to hear and eyes to see His Truth. By personal choice they had very little spiritual depth, and what little knowledge they had would be taken from them. Simply put: they would not believe His New Covenant Truth because they had not obeyed the Old Testament Truth they possessed. Jesus explained that THEY had shut off their minds (hearts) to God’s “voice.” They had stopped up their ears and closed their eyes to God’s Truths. In their present spiritual condition it was impossible for them to receive His Truth and be converted. So why did multitudes follow Him wherever He went? They followed Him and endured His sermons in order to be healed of their physical infirmities and delivered from Satan’s devils. If He had clearly explained the mysteries of the kingdom to them they would not have embraced them. Instead, after being healed and delivered, and in some cases fed, they would have returned to their synagogues where they would be told that, because they were the children of Abraham, they were automatically accepted by God. Until His death the masses continued to follow Jesus for the same reason. Recall that after all He did for so many, only about 120 chose to be His disciples “indeed.”
In Ezekiel 33:30-33 we find the Lord talking to the prophet about this phenomenon in his (Ezekiel’s) life. Here the Lord tells him that the people come to him “AS (pretending to be) My (God’s) people.” They gathered around him to hear his words, but then refuse to obey them. They showed much love for him with their mouths, but did not follow through with the appropriate works (obedience). They enjoyed his words, the songs he sang and the instruments he played. However, they refused to do what he told them to do. He warned that a time would come when they would be reminded of their hypocrisy. Then they would know that a prophet had been among them.
Only those whose hearts are open to God’s Truths will receive revelation from on high through His Holy Spirit. One of the mysteries of the kingdom involves the humanness of Jesus of Nazareth. The vast majority of church people believe that He had retained some, if not all, of His Godly powers when He came to earth as a man. Church consensus holds that it was this Godly power that enabled Him to live 31 years without sinning. Is this what the Scriptures reveal? Let us find out. L.J.
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