Conversion Are You Really Saved(Cont.3) One of Satan’s most destructive doctrines embraced by church people is the belief that they are “saved” and “born again” because God uses them and blesses them, sometimes miraculously. Admittedly, I have been involved in this most ear-scratching, religiously-uplifting ruse in the distant past. This most destructive of deceptions is a self-inflicted spiritual wound caused by a lack of knowledge of and belief in God’s Word. Proof of this Truth can be found by studying the relationship Jesus had with His disciples while He was among them. On one occasion Jesus asked the 12 if they were going to leave Him as had so many of the disciples, to which Peter replied: “To whom shall we go? You have the Words of eternal life. And we believe and are convinced that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. ” (Jn. 6:62-69). Later, nearing the end of His earthly walk, Jesus asked the 12 whom they believed Him to be, to which Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Mat. 16: 13-16). They knew who and what He was and accepted Him as such.
Conversion Are You Really Saved (cont. 3)
During the years between the two episodes described above we find the disciples ministering God’s Word, healing the sick and casting out demons–all under the power of the Holy Spirit. They returned from their first ministerial outing proclaiming that even the demons were subject to them (Lk. 10:17). Consensus among church people would be that they had arrived at the top of the religion ladder. But notice what Jesus said to Peter shortly before He died as recorded in Matthew 18:1-3. Here we find the disciples, “knowing” that they were at one with Jesus and the Father, asking Him who among them would be the greatest in the kingdom. Jesus’ reply must have shocked them: “Verily (surely) I say unto you, UNLESS YOU ARE CONVERTED … YOU SHALL NOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM
Conversion Are You Really Saved(cont. 3)
….” Note that the fix was not in for these Christ-chosen, miracle-working, gospel-preaching disciples. This is more graphically stated in Luke 22:28-34 where we find one of the most Truth-revealing episodes in the Holy Scriptures. Here Jesus is reminding the disciples that they had continued with Him through the trials, tests and persecutions He had suffered over the past 3 1/2 years. He then tells them that He has arranged for them to live in God’s kingdom with Him and sit on 12 thrones judging the 12 Tribes of Israel. Then He says something to Peter that few people grasp: “Simon, Simon, Satan has desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat (tempt him). But I have prayed for you, that your faith will not fail, AND WHEN YOU ARE CONVERTED, HELP YOUR BRETHREN.”
Conversion Are You Really Saved(cont. 3)
Note it: neither Peter nor the other disciples had been converted after living with, ministering with, listening to and learning from the Son of God Himself. They were still carnal, still self-centered, still ignorant of what true conversion meant. Peter’s conversion process would begin later that night as he denied the Lord three times before realizing the truth about his terrible spiritual condition. After all he had seen, heard and done, he suddenly realized that he was no different from those who were about to kill God’s Son, which was true of all of the disciples. Each of them had to be converted. Following this eye-opening, truth-revealing episode, Peter would indeed be able to help his brethren on their road to true conversion.
In today’s church system these unconverted disciples would be placed at the top of the saved/born again list. They would be declared the leaders of professing Christendom by acclimation. Their services would be in overwhelming demand. They would be welcomed by both Catholics and Protestants. They would be featured speakers at inter-church conferences. Their word would not be challenged. They would dominate religious radio and television programming. They would travel the globe as God’s ambassadors. Church people from around the world would make pilgrimages to wherever they were just to bask in the glow of their presence. Sound familiar?
Conversion Are You Really Saved(cont. 3)
But Jesus put forth a totally different characterization of them. He told them that they were UNFIT FOR THE KINGDOM. Salvation lay a long spiritual walk from where they were. Many tests had to be passed, much persecution had to be endured and great spiritual growth had to take place before they would be ready to join Jesus at His return. Pure, Christ-like righteousness had to be exhibited in their words, thoughts and deeds if they were to make the cut. And they would do so only if they “endured (persecution for being righteous–peculiar) unto the end” of their lives (Mat. 10:22) with their righteousness intact. This being the case with the disciples, what is the spiritual condition of the world’s two billion self-professed Christians? Where do we stand in the eyes of god? It is time for a spiritual gut-check. Let us all engage in one–regularly. When Paul said: “I die daily” and “I am crucified with Christ,” he was referring to personal examinations using God’s Word as his only Standard. We must all follow his example to have a chance of joining him in the Kingdom of God. To be continued. L.J.
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