The question on the table at this point is, can one lose one’s conversion? The Scriptures say “yes.” In 1 Peter 3:6 we find the apostle writing to women in the New Covenant Church, telling them that they would continue to be daughters of Abraham–converted from Satan to Christ–“as long as you do well.” It is impossible to “continue to be” an entity unless one has been that entity (daughters of Abraham). By the process of deduction we conclude that they were at that time “daughters of Abraham”–doing well. But if they did not continue to “do well” they would no longer be daughters of Abraham, meaning that they would have reverted back to their original pre-conversion status.
In 1 Timothy 5:15 the Apostle Paul was also addressing women in the church, warning them about some of their fellow parishioners who had “turned aside unto Satan.” The expression “turned aside” means that they had given up one spiritual status (saints) and had taken on another (sinners). These women had stopped serving God and had gone back to their pre-conversion life of service to Satan. Nothing could be more clear to anyone seeking God’s Truth.
In Galatians 6 we find Paul telling the church at Galatia that they were to continue to sow (live) in spiritual goodness, and that they would reap the rewards of their life-style “if we (Paul included) continue” on that path. Note that if they (church members) failed to continue sowing good they would reap accordingly (1-10). Note also the various examples of good “sowing”: Helping those who have been overcome in a fault; bearing one another’s burdens; being humble; doing one’s own work; bearing one’s own burdens; sharing one’s physical possessions with those who teach God’s Word (1-6).
In Galatians 2:17 Paul writes to the Galatian church (and us), warning the saints that “if we ourselves (himself included) are found to be sinners” … we “make Christ our minister of sin.” Anyone who uses the Lord’s grace as an excuse to sin is not a child of God, no matter how righteous he/she might have been in the past. Recall that “as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they (and only they) are the sons of God” (Rom. 8:14). The Spirit of God leads no one to sin. If, having entered the right gate and having walked the right path (Mat. 7:13,14)–been converted–one then takes another route, that one has lost his/her conversion–has made Jesus Christ his/her minister of sin. Being a “sinner saved by grace” is a false status. God does not share the vessel in which He lives (the saint–His temple-1 Cor. 3:16) with Belial (2 Cor. 6:15). There is no such thing as a sinning saint. “He that is not with Me is against Me; he that does not gather with Me scatters from Me” (Lk. 11:23). In other words, one is either all-in or all-out, hot or cold, with Christ or against Him. “Sinners saved by grace” are deceiving themselves, being hearers, but not doers, of the Word (Jam. 1:22).
In 1 Peter we find the apostle writing to those whose faith is to result in salvation (1:1-5,9). After addressing a variety of subjects, he writes something that the vast majority within professing Christendom refuses to accept–that saints can lose both their sainthood and the possibility for salvation: “For the time has come that judgment must begin in the house of God (the church); and if it (judgment) begins with us (Peter included), what will become of those (in the church) that do not obey the gospel of God? And in that THE RIGHTEOUS WILL SCARCELY (BARELY) BE SAVED,” what will happen to those church members who are not righteous? Note that Peter is addressing God’s New Covenant Church, some of whom had lost their conversion–were not living righteous lives. Note that those who were walking in obedience to God’s Word would just barely (scarcely) qualify for the kingdom. THIS IS IMPORTANT INFORMATION. One dismisses it at one’s peril.
I will use two more verses to prove that one can “fall from grace” and lose his/her conversion. “HARDEN NOT YOUR HEARTS.” “Take heed, BRETHREN, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in DEPARTING FROM THE LIVING GOD” (Hebrews 3:8,12). Paul is writing to his spiritual “brethren,” warning them not to harden their hearts by turning away from God. At that point their hearts were not hardened and they were at one with God. Otherwise they could not later “harden their hearts” and “turn from God.” These saints were playing with fire. Paul was warning them that they would lose their conversion if they left God’s path–His Word. L.J.
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