The final postings in this series addresses a most serious subject–FALSE CONVERSION. In the ever-present mass media as well as in public conversation we hear the words “Christian,” “Christianity,” “the Christian community,” etc. applied to anyone and everyone who has ever “joined the church,” has ever “accepted Jesus as their Savior,” who is “active in church,” who has ever pastored a church, or has ever served on a mission field, or uses God’s name on a regular basis, or who looks and points upward or kneels on the ground after doing something of an athletic nature. Universal religious opinion holds that these uber-religious people are Christians. God says not so. In reality they have been deceived into believing that they are saved/born again because they have performed a prescribed ritual, gotten a warm, exciting feeling, believe in Jesus, been baptized, joined the church, etc. Nothing could be further from the truth. The proof, as God tells us, is in the fruit. As this website has repeatedly brought to light, the fruit the Institutional Church produces, which God calls “filthy rags” (Isa. 64:6), is the exact opposite of the fruit which He commands, which is the “fruit of righteousness” (Jam. 3:18)–the end result of the study of, knowledge of, belief in and obedience to HIS WORD SPOKEN AND WRITTEN BY HIS SELECTED MINISTERS. The fruit of those trapped in Catholicism/Protestantism and all other world religions is Satan’s words spoken and written by his selected ministers. During this most festive of religious seasons I have searched the popular t.v. channels in vain for someone with a global pulpit who is telling the Truth about Jesus Christ and His ministry to men. I find that the devil has the entire so-called “Christian world” firmly in his theological grasp. World-renown pastors and evangelists preach his “Christmas message” in spite of God’s condemnation of the custom (Jer. 10:2-5). There will be a heavy price to pay by both the blind leaders and the blind who are led by them (Mat. 15:14). See the three postings on Christmas.
Due to Biblical ignorance and unbelief, conversion is commonly called “salvation” and “rebirth.” As God proves in His Word, conversion is one’s introduction to the Godhead and their commands concerning eternal life. If one chooses to follow Them their lives must complete a 180 degree turn and continue on that new path until the end of this life. This change of course and fidelity to that course constitute true “conversion.” Salvation and rebirth await the one who, being truly converted, “endures to the END” in his/her converted condition. They and only they “SHALL BE saved.” (Mat. 10:22).
Due to Satan’s work through thousands of false prophets, all those who have ever completed the “salvation/born again” experience “know” that they have received their crown–salvation/rebirth. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard “I know I’m saved” or some variation of that theme over the past 50 years. The fact that everyone who has gone through the prescribed religious motions “knows” that he/she is saved proves the power of the devil in the life of professing Christendom. If God is to be believed, this “knowing” is Satan’s #1 weapon with which he has deceived God-seeking people since the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve “knew” they were in a right relationship with God and could therefore tweak His Words to make them fit the “walk” they “knew” was superior to His. We know how that turned out for them. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear know the end of those who have followed in the footsteps of their original parents. False conversion=false salvation. The fact that those involved in Catholicism/Protestantism believe what they believe and do what they do proves that they have not been converted and will not inherit salvation unless they answer God’s command to “COME OUT OF HER AND BE SEPARATE (BE CONVERTED) … TOUCH NOT THE UNCLEAN THING (STAY ON THE NEW COURSE) ….” If the past is a harbinger of the present and future, God’s Words concerning the Great Whore, Mystery Babylon and her Harlot Daughters will continue to be rejected and replaced by the words of their god–Satan. To be continued. L.J.
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