“The Scripture” (the Word–Jn. 1:1-4,14–the God of the Old Testament) “preached the Gospel to Abraham” (Gal. 3:6-8). The Apostle Paul tells us that GOD’S ONE AND ONLY GOSPEL was preached to the Old Testament saints, recorded and preserved to be used as a teaching tool for us who are now living at the END OF THE AGE (1 Cor. 10:11/ Eph, 2:20). For this reason we look to the Old Testament as well as our New Testament teachings in discerning God’s will. That part of His Law was not, as rumored, “nailed to the cross” of Christ. What was destroyed was the sacrificial, ritualistic law that “was added because of transgressions” (Gal. 3:19). That law was pronounced dead by Jesus during the Last Supper.
As the Apostle Paul reminded the Evangelist Timothy, ALL SCRIPTURE is written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and is to be used “for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:14-16). “All” includes the Old Testament Law and the writings of the prophets which Jesus said He did not come to destroy, but to fulfil, meaning to obey and teach to the fullest measure (Mat. 5:17). He perfectly fulfilled that Law and commanded those who would spend eternity with Him to learn, believe and obey what He taught and to follow His example in every part of their Christian walk.
The Apostle John believed, obeyed and proclaimed the Lord’s message, writing: “If we claim to be one with Christ we must walk (live) even as He walked” while on earth as a man (1 Jn. 2:3-6). That same apostle wrote that one who claims to know Christ but does not obey His Law is a liar and the Truth (Word–Jn. 17:17) is not in him (1 Jn. 2:4). Read First John 2:3-6 and 3:1-10 (note vs. 4). Which brings us to the focus of this series: TRUE CONVERSION which separates the NEW MAN from the OLD MAN, the NEW LIFE from the OLD LIFE, SLAVERY TO GOD from SLAVERY TO SATAN, A LIFE LIVED IN LIGHT from A LIFE LIVED IN DARKNESS.
This series will take the reader from Romans 1:16 to 3:18, from spiritual death to spiritual life, from oneness with Satan to oneness with Christ. The central theme of this journey will be the LAW OF THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY WHICH, FOLLOWING TRUE CONVERSION, MUST BE OBEYED IN ORDER TO RECEIVE SALVATION AND REBIRTH UPON THE RETURN OF HIS SON JESUS CHRIST. Now we will begin this most important journey.
In the first 15 verses of Paul’s letter to the Gentile church in Rome he makes clear the fact that the Gospel he preached to all of the churches was the Gospel Jesus Christ preached using the power and holiness of the Spirit. He emphasized that this Gospel was to be preached throughout the world in order to bring about “OBEDIENCE TO THE (ONE AND ONLY) FAITH (GOSPEL/WORD/TRUTH) AMONG ALL NATIONS.” Note that having only one faith prohibits divisions (denominations, faiths, churches, etc.) in God’s one and only church, which He calls the Church of God several times in the New Testament. Read Ephesians 4:4,5.
In verse 16 Paul states that the Gospel of Christ (Christ’s Gospel, not a Gospel about Him) is “the power of God UNTO SALVATION” for all who believe.” Note that the Gospel is ABLE to produce salvation for the believer, that, contrary to popular belief, salvation does not automatically follow belief (faith). This tells us that we must take Jesus as our LORD and Savior (2 Pet. 2:20; 3:2,18). In order for Him to become our Savior, He must first be our Lord. As Jesus said in Matthew 10:22, only if He is our Lord “until the end” of our lives will He become our Savior. People tend to forget the LORD part of the salvation process. One’s Lord must be obeyed, else He is not one’s Lord. No Lordship=no Savior=no salvation. In verse 17 Paul emphasizes that the Gospel reveals the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD which true saints manifest as they live by faith. To have Biblical faith means to take God at His Word (Rom. 10:19). No righteousness=no Lordship=no faith=no life. Read Born Again. Key word–Born.
In Romans 1:18-22 Paul addresses those who once believed and obeyed God but, like the foolish virgins of Matthew 25, entered into apostasy (fell away from God). In verses 21-32 he writes about people who once “knew God” but left Him in order to walk in the darkness of their hearts (vs 21). They did so even while knowing that the outcome of their walk would result in death (vs 32). Note that, even though they knew this, they enticed others to join them in their apostasy.
What caused them to reject God’s Word? The same thing that caused Adam and Eve to do so–THE DESIRE FOR SELF-DIRECTION. As God said in Genesis 3:22: “Behold, the man has become as one of Us, able to “DETERMINE (FOR HIMSELF) WHAT IS GOOD AND EVIL.” Proverbs 16:25 warns that “the way of man seems right in his own eyes, but that way leads to destruction.” There is one who caused Adam and Eve and their spiritual descendants to take that power unto themselves? SATAN, WHO HAS “DECEIVED THE WHOLE WORLD” (REV. 12:9).
In the following segment we will examine what man, beginning with Adam and Eve, did not like about God’s rules of life. We will examine the tree that was the reason for mankind’s fall from God’s true grace and into Satan’s web of deceit. Read Bait and Switch. Key word–Bait. L.J.
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