In the mechanical world a “converter” is an apparatus that takes the energy being exerted in one direction and directs it in a different direction or directions. A good example of this is the “universal joint” of a car which converts the energy produced by the drive shaft into two different energies that extend from the drive shaft at 90 degree angles. These energies turn the wheels of the car, causing it to move. Though the drive shaft points in one direction, the universal (converter) causes the car to move in the opposite direction.
In the social world spiritual “conversion” is symbolized by what is called the “engagement period.” Following the introduction of two people they begin to “date” each other. Following this introductory period they make the decision to become “engaged.” At this point they no longer “date” other people. Interest in all others ceases. Each member of the duo has found the one with whom he/she wants to spend the remainder of his/her life. All emotional energy is expended away from all others and toward that one person. The engagement period continues while the parties involved get to know each other completely. After learning as much as possible about the other person, each becomes certain that this is THE person. That settled, they end the engagement period with marriage which is designed to last as long as they live in this life. This process can take from months to years to complete. The introduction-to-marriage process undertaken by a man and a woman reflects the introduction-to-marriage process undertaken by God’s true saints.
In the spiritual world a true “conversion” entails having the spiritual energy one has been expending in the wrong direction redirected, causing the converted person to “walk” in the exact opposite direction. Spiritual conversion does not take place at the end of a church-prescribed ritual performed in front of a congregation following an “alter call,” the climax to a “get saved or be left behind at the rapture” message. See Hope and Salvation. As the engagement period ends with the marriage of two people, the conversion period will end with Christ’s “marriage” to those who have remained true to Him throughout the conversion period. Just as a social engagement (the “get to know you” period) is broken by unfaithfulness on the part of one of the parties involved, a spiritual engagement (the conversion period) can be broken for the same reason. This is what Joseph considered doing when he thought Mary had been unfaithful to him. He would have had every right to end the engagement if she had indeed been unfaithful, just as Jesus has every right to break off His engagement to an unfaithful (sinning) partner.
“Once saved, always saved” advocates–who believe that one is saved in this life–refuse to accept the Scripturally-proven facts stated above. They have been repeatedly assured that, following the prescribed ritual, they are “saved” and need only be “active in church” in order to be either raptured or taken instantly to heaven upon death (whichever comes first). This Satan-inspired doctrine will be proved not merely false, but deadly false by this series of postings. Those who want the truth will, like the noble Bereans (Acts 17:11), have a readiness of mind to study the Scriptures to see if what I am telling them is the Truth–God’s Word (Jn. 17:17). The proud and fearful will not. Pride and fear are two of the tools Satan uses to keep church people from learning God’s Truth. Pride will not allow its host to seek that Truth in that he/she might be proven wrong–corrected. Man, especially churchman, cannot accept correction, not even from God. The typical church person refuses to learn and admit the Truth out of fear of the reaction of family and friends. As King David said of the God-rejecting Israelites, “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” Pride and fear of man trump humility and fear of God every time. To be continued. L.J.
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