According to professing Christendom, the answer is ADAM. From pulpit to podium, from television to radio, from street preacher to mega-church pastor, from missionary to home meeting leader–the church world emphatically declares that the most powerful gene the newly created human being receives at the instant of conception is the SIN GENE contributed by mankind’s original parent. From day one of our religious indoctrination we are told that Adam performed the most powerful, most enduring, most pervasive, most effective and most universally embraced miracle of all time. What was that incredible miracle? According to the religious establishment, Adam arranged to have his sin gene injected into the dna of every human being that would ever be born. God, we are led to believe, was either powerless to stop him, or didn’t care enough to do so. In this study we will examine the church’s view of Adam’s incredible miracle and determine how it has affected the lives of billions of people over the millenniums since he pulled it off in the Garden of Eden.
According to the church, Adam’s sin gene transferal affect the newly formed human being in this way: IT MAKES HIM/HER A SINNER. And not merely a sinner, but a life-long sinner. You see, Adam’s miracle is immutable, unchangeable and permanent. In fact, its power grows as one ages and learns more, and better, ways to sin. The tiny recipient of Adam’s sin gene is a SINNER BY CONCEPTION. It is not his/her choice; it is Adam’s choice. It is his gift to his/her genetic make-up. This church “truth” makes SIN A NATURAL PART OF HIS/HER BEING over which he/she has no control. Because of Adam’s contribution to the conception at, HIS/HER NATURE IS TO SIN. BY SINNING, HE/SHE IS SIMPLY DOING “WHAT COMES NATURALLY.”
In spite of God saying nothing about this “church truth” in His Holy Bible, the church immediately cast the Ten Commandments into the waste can of no-longer-relevant history. But did not God say through the Apostle John that “TO TRANSGRESS THE LAW IS SIN, FOR SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW” (1 Jn. 3:4). Is not all Scripture written under the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Tim. 3:16). That would include First John 3:4. So then, what Law did the seconds-old sinner transgress? Read Sin is a Choice. Key word–Choice.
The church proclaims loudly and relentlessly that First John 3:4 is a lie, that it does not apply to the New Testament church because the Law was “nailed to the cross” during Christ’s crucifixion, and that it exists only in the demented minds of those few religious reprobates who take the Bible at face value. These are the misguided zealots who believe that “holy men of old spoke (and wrote) as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:21/ 2 Tim. 3:16), that “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16), and that “The Law IS (present tense) holy, just and good” (Rom. 7:12). Have Bible believers “fallen from grace?” This accusation was leveled at me. Why? Because I believe the Bible–the same Bible used by my accuser. The accusing pastor then invited me to his church where I could “get saved.” I must assume that my “salvation experience” would come upon my admitting that the Biblical God was wrong and that the pastor and his self-proclaimed saved, born again, sanctified, rapture-ready, heaven-bound followers were right. No thanks. God delivered me from that sewer and I will not return to it.
Let us engage in some deductive reasoning relative to the “LAW IS DEAD” argument. If sin is the breaking of a Law that does not exist, THEN SIN DOES NOT EXIST. And if there is no sin, there is no need for forgiveness, which means that THERE IS NO NEED FOR A SIN FORGIVER. NO SIN=NO FORGIVENESS=NO NEED FOR ONE TO FORGIVE WHAT DOES NOT EXIST. This means that JESUS DIED FOR NOTHING. If, that is, He actually died, of if He ever actually existed. If any part of the Bible is wrong, then any other part can be wrong, including the parts that tell of Christ’s existence, His ministry, death, resurrection, etc. Perhaps all of it is wrong. Perhaps we should do away with the Bible and use church doctrine as our truth. But which church doctrine would we use? There are hundreds of versions of church “truth.” I suppose the Catholic man was right who told me that there was one thing he was sure of, that “each of us can interpret the Bible any way we want to.” Incredibly, this cursing, whore chasing, drug addicted reprobate was speaking for the whole of professing Christendom.
But the church does occasionally pay homage to the Biblical God. She claims that she has found parts of the Bible, John 3:16 for example, that are right. Which begs the question: who decides which parts of the Holy Bible are right? which passages, or which parts of which passages are to be believed and which parts are to be rejected? The church’s answer is “we are”–“we” being those in each of the hundreds of cults that make up so-called “Christianity.”
Back to the zygote (the product of the union of a male sperm and a female egg). Church people are told that, due to Adam’s sin gene, they are sinners for life. However, because they have “taken Jesus as their Savior, been baptized and joined “the church,” but that they are now “saved” sinners who have been forgiven of their inevitable sins that they inevitably commit by breaking a non-existent Law that Jesus commands all to obey. Question: what part of His dead Law has the newly formed boy or girl broken? How did he/she offend his/her Maker? The absurdity of this religious farce is evident. This “church truth” can be summarized and its universal acceptance by the religious masses can be explained in one paragraph, which I will now supply.
Many years ago there lived in an area of Africa known as Hippo a Catholic priest named Augustine who, in order to justify baptizing newborns children, created a “truth” that explained why infants needed to be baptized. His new, God-sent “truth” was that PEOPLE ARE BORN SINNERS DUE TO ADAM’S SIN. He proclaimed that Adam miraculously transferred his sin gene into every act of conception that, along with the dna contributions of the mother and father, became the totality of the zygote’s genetic inheritance. This “new revelation from God” swept through the church like a voice from heaven, which Augustine claimed it to be. As did Adam and Eve upon hearing that they could sin and still live eternally in paradise, the church immediately and zealously embraced the newfound reason why they could sin and get away with it. Augustine had set them free from God’s control. He had heard from on high that JESUS MADE THEIR SINS DISAPPEAR. This “truth,” along with the “truth” that the Law had been “nailed to the cross,” had freed them to do whatever was “natural” without guilt or shame. God’s grace was “greater than their sins.” They were now “Sinners Saved By Grace.” Due to Adam’s genetic contribution, sinning was “natural.” And everyone knows that we can’t resist nature. Can you change your eye color? or your height? or your sin nature? Of course not. And Satan smiles because–
Nothing has changed. Because there is now no Biblical definition of sin, sin, if it exists at all, is whatever each cult within the religious system called “the church” determines it to be. The ultimate revelation from on high is that THERE IS NOW NO REASON TO OBEY GOD. The fix in. As a local preacher said to his television audience which I happened to hear: “Don’t even try to be righteous; you’ll just make yourself sick. You are nothing but a society of sinners.” In other words, “sin and grin, my friend, for in the end, you’ll still win. Pie in the sky, sin till you die, for in the sweet bye and bye, you’ll still get to fly.” This disciple of Saint Augustine spoke for billions of fellow disciples as he did away with many Biblical statements such as the command to be holy as/because God is holy (1 Pet. 1:16/ Lev. 11:44,45). The heaven-bound masses can also ignore the Apostle Paul’s command to be pure, peculiar and zealous for good works (Titus 2:14). And First John 3:1-10 is just one big, God-formulated, Holy Spirit-spoken, Apostle-written lie. John was/is right: Satan has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9). His most prized conquest is the Counterfeit Catholic/Protestant Religious System that calls itself “the church.”
For the above reasons the Lord has commanded all who would spend eternity with Him and His Son to “come out” of that “unclean thing,” to “never touch it” again, and to become His true children by turning from their wicked ways and following Him, Read Second Chronicles 7:14 and Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1. Only those who obey those commands will rise to meet Jesus Christ in the clouds upon His return, descend with Him and His angels to the Mount of olives, enter Jerusalem and where He will create the Kingdom of God from whence He and His Very Elect will rule, first the earth for 1000 years, then the universe forever. Read The Three Resurrections, The Kingdom of God and God’s Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe. Key words–Resurrections, Kingdom and Caretakers respectively. Read the following series titled Adam’s Legacy: Isaiah 5:20 Manifested. L.J.
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