Those Words, to be spoken by Jesus Christ to His two witnesses (Rev. 11:12), have been spoken to every true believer since the Garden of Eden. In the Revelation sequence, God’s two witnesses will be audibly called to physically ascend to where He is awaiting them. Throughout history, Jesus has spiritually called those who seek righteousness (Mat. 5:6) to “come up hither” to His level of righteousness and holiness characterized by obedience to the Father. This level of holiness is summarized in several places. Two of those Scripture passages tell us that we must “… walk even as He walked” (1 Jn. 2:6) and “… purify ourselves even as He is pure” (1 Jn. 3:3). This is accomplished by “… the washing of the water of the Word” (Eph. 5:25-27). Every command of God for His people to be holy, pure, righteous, etc. always points back to His Word–His unchanging standard believed and obeyed by those who will inherit eternal life. Deviation from that standard disqualifies one from eternal life. The Counterfeit Church openly and defiantly proclaims that she can defy God and still receive salvation. In fact, she already has it, thereby freeing her from having to obey anything God says. And Satan smiles, knowing that he has his converts firmly clinging to the spiritual breast of the church–Christendom’s golden calf. It is because believers refuses to loose themselves from the church’s breast that they are dying spiritually.
In the Holy Scriptures (Rom. 1:2/2 Tim.3:15) God commands believers to continue to grow spiritually in the Word. The reason: “… FOR THE PERFECTING OF THE SAINTS … UNTO THE UNITY OF THE FAITH … UNTO A PERFECT MAN, UNTO THE MEASURE OF THE STATURE OF THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST (Eph. 4:12,13). In 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 Paul is chastising the church at Corinth for remaining on spiritual milk–the infant level of spiritual maturity. Evidence of their lack of maturity–divisions (denominations) in the church. There can be no PERFECTING OF THE CORPORATE CHURCH until there is the UNITY OF THE ONE FAITH based on obedience to the Word of God. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Rom. 10:17). Any faith not backed up by God’s Word is counterfeit faith.
Paul chastised the Hebrews for remaining on spiritual milk when they should be consuming “strong meat”–the “… good Word of God.” He told them (and us) that they must leave the milk and go on unto perfection, “… for it is impossible for those who know the Truth, who have received the Holy spirit, who know about the world to come, if they FALL AWAY (refuse God’s strong meat of righteousness) to restore them to God since, by refusing strong meat, they CRUCIFY THE SON OF GOD AGAIN AND PUT HIM TO AN OPEN SHAME (Heb. 6:1-6). In Isaiah 28:9 God identifies those He can teach His ways: “Those who are weaned from milk … and drawn from the breasts.” He goes on in verses 10 and 13 to explain how they accomplish this–by diligently studying His Word precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little.
As a child who remains on the breast will die physically, the believer who partakes only of spiritual milk will die spiritually. Paul told the Corinthians that they had to purge themselves of DEAD WORKS–religiosity–and grow into righteous saints. If they continued to sin there would be no sacrifice for them–they would become God’s adversaries for having trampled underfoot His Son, called the blood of His sacrifice unholy and insulted the Holy Spirit (Heb. 9:26-31). In verse 36 Paul reminds them that it is only AFTER they have DONE THE WILL OF GOD (not merely believed in Him or believed Him) that they would be eligible for “the promise.” A promise involves what one does NOT YET HAVE. In verses 38 and 39 God says that to “draw back” (refuse to go on unto righteousness) is to lose one’s place in Him, that we must “… believe (UN)TO THE SAVING OF THE SOUL.” Note that belief (faith) does not save the soul, as James tells us in 2:14-26. Faith, God says through him, is dead if not mixed with works–going on to righteousness and the saving of the soul. The Lord’s response to those who refuse to leave the milk diet of the Counterfeit Church: Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and not do what I say (Lk. 6:46). You honor Me with your lips but your heart is far from Me. You worship Me in vain when you reject My Words and obey the words of men (Mat. 15:8,9). You cannot be saved because you refuse My Truth. You are damned for believing a lie (that they are already saved) and denying My Truth (2 Thes. 2:10-12). GOD IS SPEAKING TO BELIEVERS THEN AND NOW. Today He is calling out of the false (unclean) church and to Himself those who hunger for His Truth, who will believe and obey His Word at all cost. Have questions or comments? Contact me at or (903) 677-5642 or P.O. Box 2352 Athens, TX 75751. I speak and write only English.
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