Today I marvel at God’s patience and longsuffering. He never withdrew His call on my life. This website is in a sense written testimony about the walk He called me to walk so many years ago, which is generally speaking the same walk He has called everyone to take in that He is not a respecter of persons. Warning: life in God’s service is not for those who need the approval of others. It is only for those whose only goal in life is to be at one with the Lord ON HIS TERMS. If one’s goal is to get to heaven one will not make the spiritual cut. To be one with Him one must be willing to give up wife/husband, children, friends, possessions, etc., which is sometimes required (Mat. 19:28,29). Churchites refute this, opting for a “better way” which Satan always provides in the form of Counterfeit Christianity and other religions–religious entities designed to meet the specific ear-itch of everyone on earth.
Only those who “hunger and thirst for righteousness,” who gladly embrace the hatred and rejection of others for being peculiar will “walk as He walked” and “overcome as He overcame.” For this reason the Lord warned anyone thinking about following Him to first “count the cost” of doing so.
The problem is that the masses comprising professing Christendom hunger only for a ticket to heaven. They are perfectly satisfied with being a round peg in a round hole–supposedly saved, born again and ready for a one-way trip to paradise. Refusing to leave their “comfort zone,” religious man is spiritually dying while being serenaded with messages that assure him that all is well, that he need only stay the course in order to spend eternity in heaven. For proof of his good standing with God he is asked how he feels, not what the Lord says about it.
Those of the church set who refuse to believe and obey God’s Word are religious inmates, imprisoned by a three-tiered fence comprised of pride, fear and a lie. Their pride will not allow them to admit that they are wrong even when confronted with the Biblical facts. Fear involves the rejection of family and friends should they embrace God and His Truth. The lie involves Satan having convinced them that they are saved and need not (must not) delve any deeper into God’s Word. These strands comprising the prison fence must be attacked and brought down if one is to have any chance at salvation. The invisible barriers Satan has erected to keep religious man in his fold must be destroyed. Only by breaking through them will church people be able to enter the Kingdom of God. L.J.
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