Everyone talks about the weather but only a minutely few people know why the devastating weather patterns mentioned earlier take place. Why does mankind, who spends much time and treasure studying the weather, does not comprehend cause and effect? Because such understanding is given only to those who know God, who listen to Him, believe Him and obey Him. This excludes 99.99% of the world’s population, including professing Christendom. Such knowledge is revealed following Truth-seeking study of His Word in which what what is written is believed and obeyed. Let us begin our study of the Bible relative to the weather near the beginning of the Bible where the Lord spoke to His chosen people as recorded in Exodus 19:5: “All the earth is mine. Now therefore, if ye will obey My voice (Words) indeed (not just read it and believe it), and keep My covenant (Law), THEN ye shall be a special treasure unto Me above all people.” This admonition has been transferred to God’s present day chosen people, also known Biblically as the Church of God (Prov. 1:23-27), the “Israel of God” (Gal. 6:16), His holy remnant, His “little flock.” These are the “few” who have entered His strait gate and are walking His narrow path (Mat. 7:13,14) that leads to eternal life. See What is Truth? and Come Up Hither.
King Solomon understood that it is God who controls the earth’s weather. In speaking to the Lord he said, “When the heaven is shut up and there is no rain because they (Israel) have sinned against Thee; yet if they pray toward this place (the Temple) and confess thy name, and turn from their sin when THOU DOEST AFFLICT THEM ….” (2 Chron. 6:26). God controls the weather, either making it do what He wants it to do or allowing Satan to interfere with weather patterns (2 Cor. 4:4; Job 37:1-13; Nahum 1:3,4). Solomon’s father knew who controlled the weather, writing, “Fire and hail, snow and vapor; stormy wind FULFILLING HIS WORD” (Ps. 148:4). Note cause and effect relative to sin and bad weather.
In Deuteronomy 28:1-14 we are told that God blesses those who obey Him with good weather. Verses 15-24 tells us that He brings the curse of bad weather on those who disobey Him. God is cursing America for its many national sins. A devastating weather curse will cover the entire earth in the final days of this era as we are told in Revelation 11:3,9,10. Here God prophesies about His two witnesses whom He will give power to stop rain from falling on the earth for 3 1/2 years. The entire water-starved world will rejoice when He allows them to be killed.
In Amos 3:7 God tells us that He will do nothing unless He tells His prophets, His servants. The Apostle Peter said that the messages of the prophets of olden times were recorded for the benefit of the New Covenant Church (1 Pet. 1:10,11). In Amos 4:7-9 God tells us why America, like her spiritual ancestors– the Nation of Israel–are being inundated with weather curses: “‘And also I have withholden the rain from you, when there were yet three months to the harvest; and I caused it to rain upon one city and caused it not to rain upon another city; one piece (area) was rained upon and did not wither (the other place withered) … yet ye have not returned to Me,’ saith the Lord. ‘I have smitten you with blasting and mildew. When your gardens and your vineyards and your fig trees and your olive trees increased, the palmerworm devoured them. Yet ye have not returned to Me,’ saith the Lord.” God continues in the Book of Daniel: (If you disobey Me) “… I will appoint over you terror, consumption and the burning ague that shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart, and you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.” Note that when Daniel asked God to explain what he was seeing and hearing God told him that the words and sights were harbingers of what would take place in the END TIMES–TODAY. But just as God curses disobedience, He blesses obedience.
“If ye walk in My statutes and keep My commandments and do them, THEN I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit … and you shall eat your bread to the full and dwell in your land safely” (Lev. 26:3-5).
Unfortunately America, along with all of self-professing “Christian nations,” have passed the point of no return. There will be no national repentance; help is not on the way. God has turned His back on the Western, religion-saturated, God-rejecting world. All those once greatly blessed nations will soon be defeated in nuclear war. The few that are left alive will be taken into slavery. Only God’s saints will be saved, having been taken to a “place of safety” where He will nourish and protect them as the world around them burns. To be continued. L.J.
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