The United States has sunk to the lowest depths of deprivation and needs correction from her Creator. That correction has begun and will increase in scope and intensity until the return of Jesus Christ to put an end to the sordid mess before man can eradicate himself. Though we are examining only the U.S. at this time, the same holds true for all Western nations who claim the Biblical God as their God and the Holy Bible as their standard. Traditionally, the U.S. has led the world in apostasy; she will also lead the world in paying for that apostasy. As goes a nation’s religion, so goes that nation, meaning that the world’s so-called “Christian nations” are in for unimaginable terror. God is sending to them His “strong right arm”–heathenistic, demonic masses of humanity under orders from Him to destroy their host nations socially, materially, economically and spiritually. All the while He will be loosing the power of nature on them in unusual ways. GOD WILL GET THEIR ATTENTION.
Just as her spiritual parent–the Nation of Israel–was chosen by God to be His beacon of light to the Gentile world in days of old, the United States was established by Him to spread His light throughout the modern world. Just as Israel was defeated and enslaved because of her rebellion against Him, the United States will suffer at His hands for the same reason. But unlike Israel, America will not be alone. As is repeatedly voiced on news programs: “As goes the United States, so goes the world.” This tells us that the rest of the world is also in for a time of terror that is prophesied to be far worse than the plagues, the two world wars and the Great Depression combined. The Four Horsemen of the Apoclypse have been riding for some two thousand years. They are about to reach full gallup. The “beginning of sorrows” is just around the proverbial corner. So gird your loins, dear reader, fasten your spiritual seat belts–the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord are rapidly approaching. Before they are over most of the world’s population will be dead, including the Institutional Church. Many of those left alive will be in captivity. Only God’s remnant saints will be in their “place of safety” awaiting the return of the Lord of Lords and King of Kings–Jesus Christ.
I will end this segment with the words of conservative commentator George Will concerning an incident that took place in the spring of 1997 that exemplified America’s sowing of the wind and explained why the whirlwind is rapidly approaching.
“‘The Unforgiven’ by Metallica was the song 18-year-old (I will withhold her name) asked the disc jockey at her New Jersey prom to play when she returned to the dance floor. She had just tossed her 6-pound, 6-ounce baby boy into a trash bin next to the bloodstained stall in the restroom where she had just given birth …. If she is like millions of other young adults, she has spent thousands of hours watching movies and television programs not designed to encourage delicacy of feelings or to suggest that sexuality has morally complex dimensions and serious consequences. If she is like millions of others, she has pumped into her ears thousands of hours of the coarsening lyrics of popular music. And she has grown up in an atmosphere saturated with journalistic approbation of, and collaboration with, the political program of reducing abortion–the killing of something–to a mere ‘choice,’ like choosing to smoke a cigarette, only not nearly so serious …. This was an act of wickedness–a wicked choice. A society incapable of anger about it is simply decadent.” A society that has murdered some 60,000,000 (and counting) unborn innocents is indeed decadent and ripe for retribution. To be continued. L.J.
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