Many people, including many heads of state, are convinced that climate change is the #1 problem faced by the world today. They are right, though not in the way they believe. To the world’s science-oriented population, climate conditions are factors that can be changed by altering human behavior. It is believed that such natural occurrences as drought, flooding, record heat and cold, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, land erosion, rising oceans, melting ice, etc. can be eliminated if mankind will simply stop using fossil fuels (oil, coal, wood, natural gas, etc.). No doubt some “natural disasters” could be avoided by depending strictly on solar, wind, etc. sources to meet our energy needs. This would undoubtedly affect, possibly eliminate, our environmental problems. However, mankind’s most deadly problem does not involve nature. It is in the realm of the spirit where lies man’s most deadly condition. Though well versed concerning his environmental problems, global man does not realize that he has a much more serious problem, one involving the spirit. Due to self-inflicted Biblical ignorance, he refuses to listen to the Lord’s ministers who are warning the world about this deadly serious spiritual infirmity. And in those extremely rare cases where one recognizes the Truth, he/she rejects it, thereby rejecting the One who sent him/her that Truth. Churchman’s conscience having been “seared” by decades of listening to “smooth things, lies and deceits” coming from his “hirelings” (1 Tim. 4:2/Isa. 30:10/Jn. 10:12,13), he unwittingly walks Satan’s broad path that leads him toward the alluring glow in the distance that he believes to be the “light of the world,” but which in fact is the Lake of Fire. If he believed God, man would know that the Lord is warning him of his spiritual condition not only through His Word, but also through weather patterns. Unbeknownst to modern religious man, the earth’s climate and his spiritual condition are conjoined. Together they tell the story of modern man’s apostasy, why he fell and God’s reaction to his fall. I recently came into possession of an article that provided a time-line for the unusual weather patterns that have plagued the United States for the past several decades. I will share this information with you, along with what God says about the cause of these devastating, sometimes deadly “natural disasters.” In that America has been the world’s leader in everything–both good and bad–for the past two centuries, it is appropriate that God’s “voice” be heard first by her as a warning to all those nations who look to her as their trend setter. As we will see, the world has hitched her wagon to a falling star.
Songs have been sung and poems recited which describe the unique characteristics of this most magnificent of physical land masses. The nation’s geographical traits are matched only by her climate, the combination producing the ideal situation for the growing of vegetation and cattle and the support of wildlife. This fact is summed up in the following statement written by Ron Fraser: “No single nation on earth has enjoyed such a concentration of natural resources, such raw natural beauty and richness of environment on such a massive scale, not such beneficence of climate as this great nation which boasts itself as being ‘… the land of the free and the home of the brave.'” This beautifully describes the wonderful nation I grew up in during the 1940’s and 50’s. I cannot describe how much I miss her. Words fail me as I watch her decay from within. The wages of sin is indeed death–in this case the death of a nation. Praise God He will soon send His Son to end the mess man has made and establish His kingdom where His saints will help Him rule the world from its Jerusalem headquarters. See the Kingdom of God.
Though blessed with wonderful weather throughout her national existence, over the past 50 years or so devastating changes have occurred across this once most blessed of land masses. Blessed weather patterns which had made her “the world’s bread basket” have become curses. “Worst Weather on Record;” “Unseasonal Blizzard; “Floods Top Record Levels;” “Disaster;” “Worst Flooding in 500 Years” are examples of newspaper headlines stimulated by America’s catastrophic weather patterns over the past few years. Massive flooding in one area of the nation is taking place as another area is suffering through unprecedented drought conditions; record numbers of hurricanes and tornadoes ravage the land in record numbers and with record devastation, often out of season; forest fires ravage thousands of acres on the West Coast as the East Coast lies under a sheet of snow and ice. The article I am referring to goes on to describe specific weather phenomenon and their time elements. I will condense the information for the sake of space.
Farmers, those hearty folks who at one time fed not only the nation but much of the world, are totally dependent on the weather which has changed drastically over the past six decades. During the 1980’s the United States was described by one agricultural economist as the nation that had “… moved from surplus to scarcity in one fell swoop.” Drought conditions throughout the Midwest, combined with record high temperatures, scorched America’s Midwest in 1980, killing crops and fowl alike. The following year produced the driest winter in 100 years in the mountains where snow failed to fall at the same time that Florida and Texas were suffering citrus-killing freezes. I was living in South Texas at the time and saw first-hand the effect of the extreme weather conditions on the economy of the area. In my minds eye I can still see hundreds of acres of citrus trees that, having been frozen, had to be destroyed. Up north, lack of melting snow in the mountains caused the Mississippi River to reach its lowest level in recorded history. Barge traffic, the method by which thousands of tons of grain are moved throughout the nation, was stopped, causing a rise in prices for the food stuffs normally carried on the river. Having grown up near the Big Muddy I was shocked to see her in that condition. To be continued. L.J.
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