In the spiritual realm, “the right” refers, not to “that old time religion” that we often hear about and so many elderly church people yearn for. That brand of Christianity featured the same heathenism as today’s version, only with more emotion. Today’s radical right exposes that religion for what it was “in the day” and still is–Catholicism and her Protestant daughters. Read Revelation 17:1-5 where the end-time, one-world church is described as a woman riding (influencing) a political, world-ruling beast. Then read The Ingathering: The Rise of the End-time Church. Key word–Ingathering.
Today, the radical right within professing Christendom is at war with the other 99.99% of “the church” as we shed light on the darkness of Catholicism and expose the grayness of her rapidly-0darkening Protestant daughters who are trying to match their mother’s rejection of the Lord and His Holy Truth. In John 3:19 the Lord tells us that the whole world lies in darkness, and that those in darkness do not know they are in darkness, so they reject the light when it is revealed to them (Jn. 12:35). In Matthew 24:24 we are warned that, in the last days, Satan’s wiles will become so powerful and persuasive that even the Very Elect will be subject to its pull. Some of them have answered his call to turn away from the Lord and to him. Not even Jesus Christ was immune to the pull of Satan’s temptations. If He could not sin and lose His commission, as some believe, why did Satan try so hard to get Him to sin? Jesus was a man like all other men. He was “tempted as are all men, yet without sin” (Heb. 4:15). If He could not sin, then that statement gets a “so what?” reaction from me. Let us seek Truth, no matter how much it hurts.
This segment asks the question: What is the true saint’s reaction to a world and a church system that are spiritually decaying before our eyes? The answer lies in the Book of Truth–God’s Word (Jn. 17:17). When a civilization and its system of religion sets itself against the ways of God, the true child of God must set himself against that civilization and its religious system. There has to be a line that distinguishes between God’s ways and all other ways. The Very Elect stand at that line (God’s Holy Word) and not only refuse to cross it while warning those who are crossing it.
The Holy Bible is a book of warnings and prophecies. The Old Testament prophets and the New Testament Apostles repeatedly warned salvation seekers about crossing that line. This ministry is focused on the Institutional Church. It warns those trapped within it that they are headed for disaster unless they “Come out of her and be ye separate. Touch not that unclean thing.” Then, and only then, the Lord says, will He be one’s God and one will be His child. Read 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1.
The true child of God must stand against the flow of counterfeit Christianity even though it has been enshrined, established, praised and supported by the vast majority of its adherents in the society in which they live. True saints must take a stand against the tidal wave of Satan’s religious system. The right can be right only to the extent that it is against the left. “Right” is right because it is grounded in the Holy Scriptures. “Left” is everything else that passes itself off as being right. Jesus described the two “ways” of professing Christendom in Matthew 7:13,14 and 22:14. Here He warns that the vast majority (the many) will choose the left’s gate and walk their broad way to destruction. Many are called to go in God’s right (strait–difficult) gate but most ignore His call and choose to turn left.
The greater the evil relative to those who claim allegiance to the God of the Bible, the more powerfully must those who are truly His stand against them. This makes it personal. Evil, without a human vessel in which to dwell, can do no harm. It is only through the person that evil can wreak its havoc. This is the reason why those who go against the religious flow are often accused of not loving people when we speak directly to the bearer of the evil, thereby making it personal. Question: Why would I do what I do if I did not love those to and about whom I speak and write? I ask for nothing and receive nothing from those who hear and read me. So why would I deliberately say and write things that cause people to hate me? I want to be loved and appreciated like anyone else. But Jesus said to and about what those who serve Him in ministry: “Blessed are you when they (religious people) revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” It is said of the Prophet Isaiah that he was sawn in half VERTICALLY. Jeremiah was thrown into a dry well to starve to death. Jesus and eleven of His apostles were martyred. John was imprisoned and kept alive so that he could codify the letters of the apostles into what man has labeled the “New Testament.” He then combined it with what man calls the “Old Testament.” Only after it was “discovered” that the Law was “nailed to the cross” did men, calling, themselves “the church” separate them. Note that the Lord said: “This Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all nations to all people, then the end will come” (Mat. 24:14). “The (one and only) Gospel” was preached to God’s people centuries before the Word came to earth as Jesus of Nazareth. Read Galatians 3:6-8 and First Corinthians 10:11. What was the Gospel anciently is the same Gospel today. God does not change; He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Any professing Christian who is accepted, or even tolerated by the Catholic/Protestant Religious System is not a true (Biblically -defined) Christian, but is rather a church-defined Christian. One uses the Bible to determine who is and is not a child of God; the other uses church doctrine to make that determination. One is of the Lord, the other is of Satan. Because I have been both, I know the characteristics that distinguish one from the other. As Jesus said, few would comprise one group while the other would involve many. He used a mustard seed and a tree to symbolize the two “churches.” Recall that, after feeding, healing, delivering “great multitudes” of people during His short ministerial walk on earth, upon His death He had only about 120 followers. This is why He called His followers His “little flock” (Lk. 12:32).
As I noted in the series titled “Keepers of the Brethren,” it is important that true saints stand and fight against the flow of nominal (in name only) Christianity. By our example, words, etc. we serve as templates for those around us. The true Christian’s stand for God normally places him/her at odds with his/her relatives and friends. As Jesus warned, our enemies will be those of our own family. In my family there is only one–my precious granddaughter–who walks with me. Together we walk with the Lord. “Can two walk together unless they are in agreement?” (Amos 3:3). We must agree with God’s Law–His permanent, unchanging method of communication with His saints–in order to walk with Him. Not to believe and obey His Law is to sin (1 Jn. 3:4). Sin separates one from God, thereby preventing the sinner from walking with Him.
However, obeying God’s Law/Word, as Jesus, the prophets and apostles proved, ALWAYS causes problems. This is especially burdensome when it involves loved ones. Jesus said that we must choose Him over all others in order to be His spiritual brethren. Read “Who are My Brethren” and Friends of Jesus. Key words–Brethren and Friends respectively. Also read Matthew chapter 10 in which Jesus warns the apostles about what was coming. Those who obey their messages will receive similar treatment. For example, during the Catholic Inquisition some 50 million people were martyred, many, if not most of them were God’s people. Choosing Him in spite of the cost incurred (Lk. 14:28) serves as an example to others. Someone is watching us. Maybe many someones. By openly following the Lord in spite of the cost we serve as our brother’s keeper. L.J.
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