Recently a world-known religionist declared with a high degree of giddiness that the churches were “coming together” in their “fight for right.” To the Biblicly ignorant this sounds like an answered prayer that would solve all religious problems, and possibly some of the secular world’s problems as well. But let us examine such a unified entity and the “right” the conglomeration would fight to put forth as “the word of God.” Let us see what would be the effect of such a monstrosity on the religious world.
If there were 100 bad companies that made widgets, the widgets they produced would all be bad. If those companies came together, the widgets the singular company would produce would be 100 times as bad as those produced by the individual companies. The same is true of the hundreds of self-proclaimed churches–each is equally as anti-God and anti-Word as all the others. Each goes its own way and does its own thing. And each one of their ways and things are contrary to God’s Biblicly expressed ways and things as this website has repeated pointed out. The “truth” being put forth by each denomination, sect, cult, faith, order, etc. is equally deadly for they are all equally contrary to God’s dictates. When they all become one, which will happen in the near future, the “gospel” they will produce will be hundreds of times as deadly as the one they now produce individually. Concerning this scenario, I am reminded of what God said about the people who were building the Tower of Babel on the plains of Shinar: “… the people are (have become) one (in mind and language) … and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do” (Gen. 11:6). Note that He would play no part in what they would imagine to do.
Following the Flood, God separated the descendents of Shem, Japheth and Ham–Noah’s sons. He had given each group its own language and had placed each group in its own geographical location (Gen. 10:32). Several generations had passed when Genesis 11 took place. During the ensuing years the people had decided to come together as one people and to develop a singular language as had been the case before God scattered them and confused their language. Their actions were against God’s will as shown in Genesis 10:32. The people had come together for the purpose of developing one language and, I suspect, to create one race–the inevitable result of race mixing. The expressed purpose for which the people of the plains were building the Tower of Babel was so that they could “… make a (singular) name for ourselves lest we be (again) scattered throughout the earth” (by God) (Gen. 11:1-4). They knew that God did not want a singular type of people who spoke one language. The Tower of Babel was an example of why He did not want that.
God does not prevent man, religious or otherwise, from doing whatever he wants to do. He does not prevent men from uniting, not even when the purpose for doing so is contrary to His will. Such is the case with Catholicism and the denominations of Protestantism. The people’s individual rejection of God then coming together in “churches” has proven to be disasterous. Their future unifying into one religious body will be hundreds of times worse. See The Ingathering. To be continued. L.J.
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