The Lord has one last point to make in His Matthew 7 discourse concerning false prophets and those who follow them.
“Many will say to Me on that (judgment) day, ‘Lord, Lord,’ have we not prophesied (preached) in Your name? and in Your name have cast out devils? and in Your name have done many wonderful works?'” Undoubtedly, the “many” who will remind Jesus of the wonderful works they have done in His name will be the same “many” who will have led “many” through the wide gate and along the broad way He warns about in verses 13 and 14.
In the posting titled All That Glitters I bring out the fact that having a great world-wide, baptizing, witnessing, healing, delivering, cross and fish wearing, Scripture-quoting, pamphlet-dispensing ministry is meaningless relative to a minister’s standing with God. SATAN’S PEOPLE DO ALL THOSE THINGS. Remember that Simon Magus performed so many miracles, signs and wonders that the people called him “the great power of god” (Acts 8:5-24). Notice that in spite of his miracle-working power the Apostle Peter told him that he would burn in hell. See Simon of Samaria: The Legacy. In Acts 19:13-16 we read the story of seven sons of a priest who used Jesus’ name when dealing with those who had evil spirits. They experienced continued success until they faced a particularly powerful demon who sent them running for cover. Notice that the false prophets standing before Jesus on Judgment Day will have done “many” wonderful works in His name. However, BY THEIR FRUITS (NOT THEIR MIRACLES) YOU SHALL KNOW THEM.
This is the point at which many miss the spiritual boat. ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD. Having been one of those who glittered, I speak from personal experience. As they say, the proof is in the pudding, not the bowl. For this reason Truth-hunters are commanded to “Try the spirits (of ministers) to see if they are of God (1 Jn. 4:1). Here John is warning the Church of God to look past their minister’s miracles and to judge them by their fruit–their obedience to God’s Word in speech and actions. Now let us examine the Words Jesus will speak to the false prophets standing before Him on Judgment Day.
“And then I will profess to them (v 23), ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU; depart from Me you that work INIQUITY” (Heb.-Lawlessness–see God’s Royal Law). The ministers standing before the Lord Jesus on Judgment Day will be expecting to receive the keys to their heavenly mansions. But no keys will be forthcoming. They will be rejected due to having spent their ministry years in the Counterfeit Church (Catholicism/ Protestantism) where they taught their followers to reject some 80% of God’s Word–the same Word by which all men will be judged (Jn. 12:47-50). In this important passage Jesus declared that the Words He spoke came directly from God, and that all men will be judged by those Words (vs 48). In this passage He also stated that the Words He and the Father spoke were synonymous with Them, and that to reject Their Words (in whole or in part) is to reject Them personally. And bear in mind that, though the ministers standing before Jesus had preached mighty sermons, healed the sick, cast out many devils and done many wonderful works in His name–HE HAD NEVER “KNOWN” THEM. Though they had “heard the call of God to the ministry,” had “surrendered to the ministry,” had graduated from the seminary, had served the people, had baptized many, etc., etc.–GOD HAD NEVER KNOWN THEM BECAUSE THEY HAD NEVER BEEN HIS CHILDREN. Having heard, believed and obeyed the doctrines of the false church, they will have never been God’s children. To be continued. L.J.
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