God has much to say about false prophets. In previous postings He has shown us how to identify them. We will now return to Matthew 7 where we find Him speaking about them and those who follow them.
“Not every one that says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’ (calls Him their Lord) will enter the kingdom of heaven, but (only) he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” In Matthew 7:13,14 the Lord indicates generally how many will be a part of His church in the last days, noting that only a “few” will search for it, “find” it, enter it and walk the path beyond it. Within the huge religious system known as Catholicism/ Protestantism (symbolized by the mustard tree in Matthew 13:31,32) we find thousands of self-designated ministers calling Him “Lord” as they cater to their employers who also call Him “Lord.” Unless He has lied to us, He is the Lord of neither Institutional Church leaders nor her parishioners. Jesus identifies His ministers and disciples as those who “DO THE WILL OF MY FATHER IN HEAVEN” as commanded in the Holy Scriptures. He states this principle graphically in Mark 3:31-35. Here we find Him speaking to a group of people who have gathered to hear His Words. Upon being told that His mother, brothers and sisters were outside wanting to speak with Him, Jesus said to His audience, “Who is My (spiritual) mother? and who are My (spiritual) brethren?” Looking at His disciples, He said: “Whosoever will DO THE WILL OF MY FATHER IN HEAVEN, THE SAME IS MY MOTHER, BROTHER AND SISTER.” Note it: Jesus did not consider His mother and half-siblings His spiritual family because they did not believe in Him. They were not alone. In Mark 3:21 we learn that His friends were trying to “lay hold on Him” because they thought He was mentally deranged. His friends had probably persuaded His mother and siblings to approach Him at the meeting. Neither His family nor His friends believed He was who He SAID He was. Nor did they believe what He SAID about God’s Word, Will and Way that He came to demonstrate before the world.
Nothing has changed during the 2000 years since Jesus walked this earth speaking and living God’s Truth. Now, as then, the church masses acknowledge His Lordship but refuse to allow Him to be the Lord of their lives. As He rode into Jerusalem on His way to the cross, worshipful masses lined the way shouting “hosanna, glory to God in the highest” while laying palm branches in His path. A short time later, however, their exclamations of His Kingship would turn to shouts for His crucifixion. Though the street was lined with worshipers proclaiming Him the Son of God as He rode in on the ass, the street would be relatively empty as He carried His cross to Golgotha. Of the masses who had identified Him as the Messiah, we find only a few dozen meeting in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost 50 days later. Where were all the others? They were elsewhere celebrating their oneness with God and congratulating themselves for having done the right thing.
Today we find a similar situation in the world of professing Christendom. As a tiny remnant of true believers proclaim Him as Lord and His Word as Truth, the religious masses continue to ignore them while marching lock-step through Satan’s wide gate and along his broad way that leads to death (Mat. 7:13,14). And Satan smiles. To be continued. L.J.
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