It is amazing that the Institutional Church believes that the universe was created in 6 days, that the Sabbath was created on the 7th day, that Jonah was in the fish’s belly 3 days and 3 nights, that Jesus fasted 40 days, that the Jews returned to Judea after 70 years of Babylonian captivity, that the Israelites marched around Jericho 7 times, that Jacob had 12 sons, that the millennium will last 1000 years, that Jesus chose 12 disciples to be with Him, that Peter found 1 coin in the fish’s mouth, that Paul and his fellow travelers fasted 14 days aboard ship, that there are 10 Commandments in the Law, that Lazarus was in the grave 4 days, that Jesus was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, that Jesus was with His apostles 40 days following His resurrection, etc., etc. The whole of professing Christendom will profess adamantly that all of these numerical figures are true BECAUSE THEY ARE WRITTEN IN GOD’S INSPIRED HOLY BIBLE.
Yet these same people will just as adamantly proclaim that that same God lied to them in that same Holy Bible concerning the length of the Lord’s stay in the tomb–a subject many times more important than all of the above-mentioned facts combined. According to the Counterfeit Church, Jesus Christ–her supposed Savior–lied to her 13 times in the 4 gospels alone. And in that He said that the Words He spoke were not His, but rather the Father’s Who sent Him (Jn. 7:16), she has concluded that the Biblical Father of the Biblical Messiah also lied. And in that God used His Holy Spirit to deliver His Words to Jesus, the Biblical Holy Spirit is also part of the lie. And in that the New Covenant writers, not to mention Jonah, were all involved in the ruse, they too were part of the deception involving the “sign” Jesus gave the world as proof of His standing with God. THE FALSE CHURCH DENIES THE ONLY SIGN JESUS GAVE HER AND THE REST OF THE WORLD CONCERNING HIS MESSIAHSHIP. THIS MAKES HER SPIRITUALLY THE SAME AS THE WORLD IN THE EYES OF GOD.
Did God lie, then involve His Son, His Spirit, His prophet and His apostles in the deception? This is the question one must ask and answer concerning all things Biblical. For if He lied in one passage of Scripture, can we take His Word concerning other passages? In other words, IS HE THE INVETERATE LIAR THE CHURCH MAKES HIM OUT TO BE?
Or can we take Him at His Word in every instance? God’s people say “yes.” The Counterfeit Church (Catholicism/Protestantism) says “No,” that one has to sift His Word through their respective truth filters in order to remove all offensive passages, and that only those that make the cut are in fact “truth.” The other 85-90% of the Bible can be either altered or ignored, depending on how radically it contradicts church doctrine. The church believes that she can believe some of the Bible and reject all the rest because she is “saved”–the religious fix is in. She can deny the God of the Bible, embrace the heathen sun god and, as Satan assured Eve, she “… will not surely die.” And the serpent smiles.
God’s people agree with Joshua in his address to the nation of Israel as they were preparing to cross the Jordan River: If one chooses to serve Satan, then serve him totally; if one chooses to serve God, then serve Him totally (Josh. 24:15). One must either stay in Satan’s church system, accept church doctrine, ignore God’s Word and convince oneself that one is “saved,” or “… come out of her and be separate … and touch not the unclean thing.” Only then will He be one’s God and one will be His child (2 Cor. 6:17).
Only the true Gods of the Holy Bible can create Truth. These Gods declare that the Messiah was in the tomb three days and three nights. The church, having usurped Their godship, declares that their messiah– Tammuz–was in the tomb one day and two nights. By so doing the church has rejected the Biblical God, His Biblical Christ, His church, His Truth and His salvation and have created a god, savior, church, truth and salvation more to her liking.
When one considers the reaction of Nineveh to Jonah’s three day and three night stay in his “tomb” to the church’s reaction to Jesus’ three day and three night stay in His tomb, one can understand God’s wrath upon the Institutional Church. NINEVEH REPENTED–THE CHURCH RIDICULES. For this reason God said in Luke 11:29-32 that people who reject the “sign” by which Jesus proved that He was a messenger sent by God will be judged by the men of Nineveh who accepted the same “sign” by which Jonah proved that he was a messenger sent by God. Those who reject Christ’s “sign” have no problem accepting God’s sign that His Messiah would be born of a virgin, Noah’s sign of a rainbow, Gideon’s sign of a wet fleece, bar Jesus’ sign of three days of blindness, Zachariah’s nine months of muteness sign and the wise men’s star sign. It is nothing short of amazing that these same “Christians” will then reject the sign given from the mouth of Jesus Christ Himself.
God proclaimed that all Scripture is inspired by Him. Not so, says the Counterfeit Church. Only those Scriptures that conform to her various brands of Christianity are inspired, and they are dwindling rapidly. God was right in Revelation 12:9: “Satan has deceived the whole world.” For him it is MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
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