As professing Christendom approaches one of the most cherished of Satan’s holidays it is a good time to apply God’s Isaiah 28:9,10,13 study method to her celebration of the supposed death and resurrection of Tammuz–the heathen sun god. The Lord said that in order for Him to teach us wisdom and understanding, we must be “drawn from the breast”–have matured in Him so that we no longer need to hear and read the milk of the Word–and have a hunger for the “meat of the Word” (Heb. 5:12-14). As the Counterfeit Church continues her lemming-like march toward the spiritual cliff where Satan and his demons await, I will take those of her number who hunger and thirst for righteousness (Mat. 5:6) to God’s inspired Word in order to “Prove all things” relative to the resurrection issue. However, having proof of a Truth neither corrects nor saves the seeker. In order for that proof to have its designed effect, it must be BELIEVED and OBEYED. With that in mind, let us prove, accept and obey God’s Will and Way–His Word.
Within 150 years of the founding of the Church of God on the Day of Pentecost, 31 A.D. a group calling itself the Universal (“Catholic”) Church had broken away from God and His church and had begun her descent into total apostasy where she rests today in all her glory, pomp and circumstance. Since the beginning of her fall from grace, heathenism has maintained its dominant position within the cult. The so-called Protestant Reformation did little to address the power that heathenism enjoyed within the rebellious church. Unwilling to divorce themselves completely from Satan, the mother’s harlot daughters (Protestant churches) took with them many of their mother’s whorish practices and doctrines when they left in “protest.” The purpose of the following postings is to expose the origin of and Satanic power behind one of the false church’s foundational doctrines and practices–the supposed resurrection of a pagan sun god named Tammuz whom the church renamed Jesus Christ. Those with no desire to have this heathen observance exposed by the light of God’s Truth, stop reading now. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear–read on. Through the use of the Scriptures the reader will learn what God says about the celebration of Tammuz’ resurrection and what will be the end of those who observe it–the false church. As with any house built on a faulty foundation, her house “… will fall, and great will be the fall of it.” And why will she fall? Because the celebration of Easter (the goddess of fertility and mother of Tammuz) and the resurrection of her son (the church’s false god) is idolatry of the highest order. Of more importance is the fact that the celebration involves the supposed lack of honesty of the One the church claims has saved her. As this expose’ will show, Satan has persuaded the professing church that the Biblical Jesus Christ is an inveterate liar.
For centuries there has been found within professing Christendom the belief that the Biblical Jesus of Nazareth–the One she claims as her Messiah–has a severe character flaw. “The church” repeatedly announces to the world that the One Who supposedly saved her cannot be trusted. The irony of this situation is beyond my comprehension–how a lying God can save a soul escapes me. However, the vast majority of those who call themselves the Lord’s people readily admit that they cannot take His Word at face value–He is not trustworthy. Their accusations of lying revolve around, among many other things, the resurrection issue, namely, did Jesus Christ deliberately deceive His followers and detractors concerning the number of days He would be in the tomb following His death? The Counterfeit Church (Catholicism/Protestantism) openly declares that the Biblical Messiah lied about it. And if He lied about His resurrection, then He probably lied about many other things, many of which are listed in the introduction to this website. According to the Counterfeit Church, Jesus, and therefore His Father, lied to us repeatedly and in many ways.
The controversy concerning the honesty of the Godhead is central to the legitimacy of the institutional church as a Bible-based, God-led, God-fearing religion. The eternal worth of any religion is dependent on the honesty of its god(s). Christianity is the only religion known to mankind that admits that the words of its God can be rejected or altered at will depending on the religious proclivities of the reader. This explains the hundreds of denominations/faiths/churches, etc. that comprise that which calls itself “the church.” Jesus has promised that, upon His return, He will destroy the rebellious church with the “sword of His mouth”–the “sword of the Spirit” which is His Word (Eph. 6:17/Rev. 19:15-21). But the Counterfeit Church does not believe that those Scriptures apply to her, but rather to “them,” meaning anyone who does not belong to “the church,” the identification of which depends on which of the hundreds of “churches” to which one is referring. And Satan smiles. To be continued. L.J.
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