In the Gospel of John chapter three we find Jesus of Nazareth receiving a man named Nicodemus who had come to Him under cover of darkness. Neither Nicodemus nor his fellow Pharisees wanted to be seen talking to this miracle worker Who confessed that He performed those miracles by the power of God, the same God the Pharisees claimed to worship and obey. An examination of the conversation will set the background for the subject of this posting.
In verse two we find the Pharisee proclaiming that 1) Jesus was a rabbi–a teacher; 2) that He had been sent from God, obviously to teach God’s Truths and 3) that God was with Him. What more did the Pharisees need to prove that Jesus was sent from God to teach them and the other Jews His ways? As we will learn in this posting, Truth, admittedly Truth from God Himself, is not always enough. There was a problem with this God-sent, God-taught, God-accompanied miracle worker. What was it that caused the Pharisees to have Jesus crucified by the Romans? What did He do that would make them want to destroy the One whom they confessed to be God’s Messenger Whom God had sent to them bearing His Truth? They knew who He was and were impressed by the miracles He performed by the power of God. So what was it that would later cause them to have Him killed? Two words explain everything: HIS MESSAGE. They could tolerate Him, but not what He said. Nothing has changed.
This is proven by the Christian world’s attitude toward a soon-coming celebration that constitutes one of the foundational beliefs and customs of the Catholic/Protestant religious system commonly called “the church.” I refer to that most anticipated, most adored holiday: CHRISTMAS. Ironically, the word Christmas literally means “Christ’s death.” This makes as much sense as many other beliefs and customs which professing Christendom exalts and memorializes in her daily life. For this posting we will examine only one–Christmas.
How does the Truth seeker determine God’s attitude toward Christmas? He will not find the word “Christmas” in His divine Scriptures. One will, however, find His attitude, nay His command, relative to the celebration of and the activities surrounding the holiday in Proverbs 15:9 where we find the Lord saying that the ways of the wicked are an abomination unto Him. But what does this have to do with the celebration of the Birth of His Messiah, the Savior of mankind? Jeremiah 10:1-5 tells us that just because the church believes a traditional celebration is a holy rite for all who profess oneness with the Biblical God, that divine One does not necessarily agree. Like New Years, Easter and Valentines Day celebrations, Christmas is one of those holidays that the Lord calls “an abomination.” Let us turn to Jeremiah 10 to read for ourselves exactly what the Lord thinks about this most joyful of days.
Jeremiah 10:1-5 states the following: “Learn not the ways of the heathen (wicked) …. For the customs of the (heathen/wicked) people are vain (a delusion), FOR THEY CUT A TREE OUT OF THE FOREST … WITH AN AX, DECK (DECORATE) IT WITH SILVER AND GOLD AND FASTEN IT WITH NAILS AND HAMMERS ….”
Recall the Lord’s saying that the ways of the heathen (wicked) are an abomination to Him. No one needs to guess what the above-mentioned custom represents. For a more thorough teaching on the abomination known as Christmas read the series on the holiday using Christmas as the key word.
Anciently, the Pharisees and their followers successfully killed the Messenger by having Him nailed to a stake until He died from the lack of blood. But there remains His message which condemns their cherished practice. Like so many other rejected passages of Scripture, Jeremiah’s quote of the Lord Jesus when He was a God known as “the Word” (Jn. 1:1-4,14) creates a problem for those who claim to believe Him. Something had to be done. The solution is as effective as it is simple: SIMPLY IGNORE HIS WORDS ON THE SUBJECT. In other words, ignore all “fine print” information and stick strictly to the “headlines.” Ironically, in this instance, even the “headline” condemns those who celebrate Christmas, as well as a number of other subjects which the church has borrowed from Babylonian heathenism in the past.
The Introduction to this website lists a number of such heathen beliefs and practices which the church embraced anciently while the Roman Empire ruled much of the world. Over the following generations such abominable beliefs became “God’s Truth.” Satan has successfully implanted the Christmas celebration in the mind of Western man. All, both churched and unchurched, proclaim the importance of the day. The key to the acceptance of the ruse, which the Holy Scriptures expose, is to ignore all of God’s Words with which one does not agree. Aided by Satan’s false prophets who “tell them all they need to know,” the Words of God that contradict the prevailing theology, which all people will be judged (Jn. 12:48), are summarily trashed and rejected by those “in the know” relative to all things spiritual. L.J.
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