The edifice is enormous. It is so huge that the human mind has trouble contemplating it’s gargantuan vastness which covers the entire earth with its many different forms and appearances. It contains billions of living, moving, thinking, believing, speaking parts that are divided into hundreds of different, conflicting, contradicting, competing unites, each with its own set of unique beliefs and customs. Each unit is believed by its participants to be the only real/true/correct unit within the world-wide organization. Each unit calls itself by a different name by which it proclaims its spiritual separation from all other units beneath the global umbrella. Each unit has a separate and distinct set of doctrines which bolsters its participants’ claim to be superior to all other units. There is however, one thing that all of the units have in common–a Book. Every participant in every unit of this colossal edifice has a copy of the same book. Most parts carry this Book with them when they congregate to worship their god on his day–Sun day–the day of the sun god. Those within each unit claim to believe that what is written in the Book is God’s will for mankind. In reality not one of the parts believes the Book’s contents as written. To better understand this mind-numbing situation, let us return to the beginning, to the laying of the first spiritual “brick” of the spiritual temple that would eventually cover the entire earth.
In Genesis 1 we find a Godhead made up of two co-equal, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-present beings Who are in the process of restoring the earth after a heavenly war had marred its surface. Over the length of seven days these two Beings restored the universe and the earth and added a special creation that They referred to as man–a being created with Their physical appearance and given the ability to take on Their spiritual characteristics. On the earth They created a garden in an area called Eden where They placed the man, from whose rib They then made a woman.
Having placed the First Family of God–Adam and Eve–in the garden, they gave them free reign to eat of the trees planted specifically for them. After creating all forms of animals, birds, fish, etc. the Gods returned to their heavenly abode and allowed man (Heb.–Adam) to carry on with life. Before leaving, the Gods gave the first family absolute power over everything on the earth, under the earth, in the water and in the sky. Adam and Eve’s only responsibility was to obey the God with whom they had direct contact on a regular basis. One of the Gods would remain forever in spirit form, unseen and unheard by mankind. The other God–called “the Word” in John 1:1-4,14–would one day come to earth as Jesus of Nazareth for the purpose of saving Adam and Eve’s descendants from eternal death.
One of the entities the couple had total control over was a being called the “serpent,” which would later be known as Satan. The serpent, having been cast down into the earth’s atmosphere with access to the earth itself, bided his time until one day while conversing with Eve he laid the first spiritual “brick” that would, over time, become the largest edifice on earth which would, in fact, traverse the earth with its religious messages, doctrines, customs and rules. Being subject to the couple, the serpent knew that he had to tread lightly in order to make headway with them. One day as he and Eve were talking he asked if she and Adam were allowed to eat the fruit of “… EVERY tree in the garden?” Eve told him no, that there was a particular tree in the center of the garden that they were forbidden to partake of, or even to touch. If they did, Eve said, they would die. The serpent (hereafter Satan) saw his chance and said: “You will NOT surely die.” The tiny, three-letter word became the first spiritual brick (lie) that Satan deceived mankind into believing. They readily believed it though it was the direct opposite of what their Creator, Provider and Sustainer had said. That seemingly insignificant word would, over time, multiply exponentially and assume a variety of forms until it became what today is known globally as “Christianity”–the world-covering edifice that has claimed billions of Adam and Eve’s descendants as its victims. That brick became the first counterfeit “truth” that would eventually develop into what would become known by its proponents as “church doctrine.” Church doctrine, which would always contradict God’s Word, would be the stuff (spiritual “bricks”) upon which the global church would stand.
Ironically, the term “church doctrine” is normally spoken in the singular, as each of the hundreds of units (denominations, faiths, etc.) within the edifice (“the church”) has its own set of doctrines. Each of the hundreds of churches, denominations, faiths, etc. has developed its own version of “truth” based on the wishful thinking of their respective human founders. In Galatians 1:6-9 we find the Apostle Paul dealing with these various false “truths” with which Satan was already infecting God’s church within a generation of its founding. These church “truths” are in reality various and sundry forms of counterfeit religious “babel” created by the god of the counterfeit church that embraces his counterfeit “bricks” and therefore rejects the Words of the Biblical God. This rejection of His Words, Jesus said, proves that one “DISPISES” both Him and His Father (Lk. 10:16) and adores Their enemy (Lk. 16:13).
Before continuing let us return to the Book of Genesis in order to chronicle the development of what would become the world-covering spiritual tower of babel that encompasses the planet today. Following the Eden debacle, the murder of righteous Abel and the curse placed on his brother Cain who murdered him, we meet a man named Noah, “a preacher of righteousness.” In chapter 6 we are told that, in spite of Noah’s righteous preaching, the world was corrupt and filled with violence because all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth (vss 11,12). In order to cleanse the earth of sin, God killed every human being on it, saving only Noah and his family. Noah’s wife had within her reproductive mechanisms the capacity to produce three different races of people. In chapter 10 we find God separating Noah’s sons, each of a different race, and their families from each other and giving each race an area of the world in which to live. To keep them separate, God set geographical boundries for the different races. Why set boundries for the three groups if He intended for them to unite into one group? By this we know that His intent was for them to remain separate. To further separate them He gave each race its own language. By separating the races God was showing future generations that this was the way He intended for man to live–segregated by race, language and geography (Gen. 10). Many generations passed while the races grew in size. We are not told how many generations passed before the story picks up with Genesis 11:1 where we find that man’s desire for racial integration has resulted in the entirety of mankind now living together and sharing a singular language. As a single entity, the whole of existing mankind had traveled until arriving at a place called Shinar where they decided to put down roots and to build a tower that reached above the clouds. Knowing that they had angered God by integrating themselves into one population, and knowing what He did to the sinners of Noah’s day, they reasoned that if God tried to drown them for their sins they could climb to the top of the tower and be safe from the water. Because they all now spoke the same language, the Lord said of them: “Behold, the people is one (people), and they all speak the same language and this (the tower) they have begun to build. Now nothing will be impossible to them. They will be able to do whatever they imagine to do” (11:7). Predictably, their God (the Word) was not happy with them.
Once again, man had rejected God’s way and implemented his own way. Therefore God once again separated them into racial groups, gave them different geographical areas in which to live and assigned each group a different language. It was His obvious intention for them to remain in those areas as He once again set boundries for them. Man, however, knew better than God. Today we find the same thing happening in what are called “Christian nations.” There is within mankind both a “knowing” that man is smarter than God and a “knowing” that he (man) knows what is best for himself. There remains also a desire for racial integration and race mixing. What was once against the law is now en vogue. One will notice that when God brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt and into their own land he strictly forbad His people to associate with the heathen nations they were replacing in the Holy Land. Joshua, the leader of the Israelites, let his guard down and took the word of one heathen group whom he was supposed to clear out. His acceptance of their lie would cause Israel much trouble (Josh. 9). The Biblical lessons concerning the differences God instituted relative to the races’ obvious physical attributes, social interactions, mental strengths, etc. along with the fact that He does not want the races to intermingle socially or sexually has been dismissed by much of mankind, including most of those who call themselves His people.
Let it be known that God loves all of His creation equally, and that His salvation is open to all races. One race is not better than or lesser than another. Each race has its own distinct abilities, talents, strengths, weaknesses and proclivities. However, nowhere do we find the Lord condoning their being geographically or socially united. I realize that this sounds like racism. It is not racism, IT IS GOD’S EXPRESSED WILL. God is not a racist; He is a realist. He knows what is best for mankind and wants the best for mankind. HE KNOWS THAT THE SEPARATION OF RACES IS WHAT IS BEST FOR MANKIND. Read God is a Segregationist. Key word–Segregationist.
In the same way, God’s people are to keep themselves spiritually separated from those around them who do not share their zeal for God and His Truth. His people are strange, peculiar and altogether different from the heathen around them, including those in the believer’s family. This is the “cost” we they must pay for taking God at His Word and rejecting Satan and his word about God’s Word which is what is preached every Sunday from multiple thousands of pulpits. Many different types of spiritual “bricks” have gone into constructing the Tower of Religious Babel that now traverses the entire earth, religiously infecting the masses with the devil’s perverted gospel.
In the near future mankind will pay a terrible price for ignoring the will of Him Who made all men. What God separated, let not man join together. I call that commandment #11. This command from God is being ignored in the world’s churches with ever more frequency. The churches, along with the world with which they identify and into which they perfectly fit, will pay a deadly price for the “bricks” with which they are continuing to build their individual units (churches) and, consequently, the Tower of Babel known as Catholicism/Protestantism. Concepts like INCLUSION and DIVERSITY do not work in God’s church. His is a one-way-only operation. His one way is the essence of the Book the Tower of Babel people dust off on Sunday morning. As we have seen and will continue to see in the future, man’s insistence on inclusion and his obsession with diversity will continue to have a deadly effect on God’s once glorious institution.
In summary, God intended for the races of man to remain separated. He also intended for His church to remain separated from the world and its church system whose leader is the god of this world–Satan (2 Cor. 4:4). L.J.
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