In his epistle to the Church at Ephesus the Apostle Paul told the congregation (and us) that there is “one Lord (Jesus Christ) … (and) one God and Father of all ….” This epistle was written sometime in the mid-50’s A.D. to a church system that was already in the process of moving away from her Creator. By that time the church in general had already begun its slide into Satan’s religious web that would become the two-headed counterfeit church known today as Catholicism and Protestantism. Paul called out the churches of Galatia in the first chapter of his letter to them (vss 6-9) for rejecting the Gospel Jesus Himself had given him through revelation (Gal. 1:12). God does not change; His Truth/Word/Law then is the same now. To doubt, reject or change in any way what Paul and the other apostles preached to the world is to prove that one DESPISES BOTH THE FATHER AND THE SON. So said Jesus Christ in Luke 10:16. The bedrock of the Lord’s Gospel is the Ten Commandment Law He handed down to ancient Israel and their spiritual descendants–the New Testament Church, which He calls “the Israel of God” in Galatians 6:16. I call this true body of Christ “spiritual Israel.” We are told by the Lord that to fail to embrace and obey even one of the Ten Commandments (God’s covenant with mankind) is to prove that one HATES Him (Deut. 7:9,10,12/ Jam. 2:10).
In Deuteronomy 5:8,9,29 the Almighty warns His people then and now not to create idols which He views as other gods. Initially, the God-fearing people who came to the shores of the New World were monotheistic, having one God and one Lord Jesus Christ. Over time this changed until today America is no longer the worshiper of one God, but rather many gods, each of which is of her own creation. The church’s Israelite forefathers evolved into heathenism by accepting the gods of the pagan people surrounding them. To approach those gods in the traditional manner they built groves and high places upon which those gods were worshipped. They also built shrines before which they bowed to them in acts of idolatry. Two of those gods–Baal and Molech–required the sacrifice of children. The Israelites’ modern day counterparts have created their own gods and idols and have their own method of child sacrifices known as “abortion.” A recent study revealed that 54% of evangelical Christians believed that abortion should be legal.
A religious organization that departs from God will, in the end, give itself over to other gods and idols in order to fill the void created by His absence. They will worship and serve those gods and idols while denying that they exist. There is no better proof of this than the United States of America, the so-called “One Nation Under God” in whom she supposedly “Trusts.” The Biblical God is composed of spirit. Those who worship Him do so in spiritual ways. When such people turn from Him they invariable turn to physical gods. Such is the case of America.
America’s gods and their accompanying idols fall into three categories: profit, possessions and entertainment. Instead of the Gospel of righteousness for which we are to “hunger and thirst” (Mat. 5:6), the modern churchite venerates (makes holy) the gospel of materialism, success, stuff and self-exaltation. Every human being is religious; everyone worships and serves a deity–either the God of holiness and purity, or the god of unholiness and impurity. One way to prove which god the individual worships and serves is to notice his/her reaction to their god’s rules of engagement. Those of the same mind-set join together into religious organizations. The question then involves how the organization reacts to its god’s written instructions.
Initially, the church founded on the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D. looked to the Old Testament and the teachings of the apostles for her marching orders. Her focus changed over time. Today she looks to church doctrine–man’s perverted version of the Lord’s Gospel. Church doctrine is an abomination in that the only doctrine one needs is the Holy Bible which was written by God Who does not need man to edit what He has made clear.
Over time the modern church replaced her emphasis on holiness with a focus on the things of the world. Due to the fact that a nation will follow the leading of the church within it, church and state are mirror images of each other. The churched and the nonchurched read the same books, watch the same television programs and movies, listen to the same music, are addicted to the same worldly activities, etc. In order for the church to make the monumental change we are seeing today, God’s Holy Scriptures had to be rejected and replaced with a more self-serving version. This proved to not be a problem. Just as the Serpent of Eden convinced Adam and Eve to make that switch, so he did to the modern American church.
Another way to determine where one’s heart lies is manifested in how one spends his/her free time. When given the choice, human beings tend to spend their free time doing what makes them feel good. Identification of one’s passion can be found in comparing the amount of time one spends each day watching a screen, or a game, or in self-serving physical enjoyment as compared to the amount of time one spends in God’s Word and in prayer.
“Quite quitting” is a modern job site expression that means that one does only what is absolutely necessary to prevent being fired. Relative to maintaining ones “Christian status,” the fallen church set the standard for spiritual “quiet quitting” (QQ) long ago. The formula for religious QQ is: show up/pay up/’fess up /and prepare to go up. Nothing else matters because the fix is in. Who is the father of this abominable heresy? The answer is found in Revelation 12:9: “Satan has deceived the whole world.” Note that John lumped the church in with the rest of the world.
As a result of the Truth written above, the church that once was known as the Lord’s beacon of light to the world has become the world’s central conduit of openly-brazen, anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-Christian morality and truth. The result of this spiritual about-face is that the church has become the ultimate example of spiritual inversion.
The American (and Western) concept of Christianity involves many gods, many saviors and many plans of salvation–one for each denomination, faith, cult, sect, etc. For example, the denomination I grew up in has many sects (cults) into which she has divided herself. This in spite of God stating that there is only one Truth–His word–which was proclaimed by Jesus Christ Himself in John 17:17. When there are different religious sects/cults/denominations/faiths/etc., one will find that there are different realities and truths. Otherwise, there would be only one church, one reality and one spiritual Truth–exactly as God commands.
The church turned away from God by turning away from His Truth. This automatically eliminated all moral absolutes. As a result, “Bible Truth” has become relative. Each person determines his/her own truth, which can be changed at will. As stated, those who think alike form churches. There being no moral absolutes, changes in right and wrong are easily completed for each church. For example, many churches that in the past denounced homosexuality, lesbianism, transsexualism, etc. now fly the rainbow flag outside of their citadels of sin. If your church (or past church) has not bowed to the rapidly changing view of sexual morality, it will eventually.
I have been surprised by the speed at which spiritual absolutes are being rejected and viewed as curses of the past. Spiritual absolutists like myself are cursed, hated, rejected and, whenever possible, cancelled. We are beguiled as haters of anyone unlike ourselves. We are not merely wrong, we are evil and must be muffled. Frankly, I am surprised that no one has tried to shut down this website. I know of no one who teaches what I teach. Frankly, I am surprised at the number of positive responses I receive from around the world.
When one rejects the ways of the Biblical God, two things happen automatically: one automatically rejects both God and Christ and automatically embraces Their enemy. The Institutional Catholic/Protestant Church System has rejected the Biblical God and embraced the god of this world–Satan (1 Cor. 4:4).
The whole of humanity is unknowingly in a state of worship on a continuous basis. Each human being has a master whom he/she serves, whether knowingly or unknowingly. One cannot serve two masters. One serves and is at war with one of the only two masters in existence. While obeying the Biblical God the church was at war with the world’s god and visa versa.
The modern version of God’s church is a study in reverse metamorphosis, otherwise known as inversion. Spiritually she has gone from the penthouse to the outhouse, from the uttermost to the guttermost, from oneness with God to oneness with His enemy. For this reason the Biblical God commands total separation from false Christianity for those who would spend eternity with Him and His Son. The choices, as recorded in Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1, are obvious, as are the results of one’s choice. Let us make certain that we have made the right choice. L.J.
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