I prepare to write this series with a heavy heart. Though I have written about this subject a number of times, I am compelled once again to do so, this time bearing a sense of urgency I am sure has been brought on by the Lord’s reminding me of the disaster that my beloved nation has become and knowing that she arrived in this condition by following in the footsteps of her religions. We are no longer a Christian nation. We are a mongrel nation with dozens of religions laying claim to her people, not one of which is Biblically based. There is an urgency in this morning’s call from my Lord. Spiritual time is passing extremely fast as the Institutional Church, which comprises 99+ percent of salvation seekers, is working hard to see how far from the Lord they can run in the shortest amount of time. With a deep sigh, I begin.
Being past 80 and being a student of church history, I am qualified to venture back to the past, to the time of the first pilgrims who landed on the beautiful shores of the continent God had preserved for them, on which they were to establish “One Nation Under God.” They pledged to “Trust” in that God. I am qualified to historically trace the rise and fall of the institution known as Christianity which had been brought to these shores by a people whose descendants were to spread it throughout the world as the light which would lead them to Jesus Christ. Having done research over the past several years, I am at this time pressed in my spirit by God’s Spirit to write the series I will embark upon at this time.
The word picture I am instructed to paint is not a pretty one. To no Bible student’s surprise, it is identical to the picture painted by God’s Prophets as they traced the history of ancient Israel from her planting in the land He promised the descendants of Abraham commonly known as the Holy Land. America was designed by God to be His new Holy Land. It would be holy because, like the Promised Land through which the Jordan River runs, God would be in the land where great bodies of water lay to the east, south and west. God would be in His new Holy Land. As was the case with ancient Israel, how long He would bless the people He had placed in that select land would depend on the holiness of the people. As Revelation 3:14-18 tells us, the answer would become abundantly clear over time.
America was birthed by a small group of people who knew God, who believed His Word and obeyed it. The people knew from whence came the Words they had pledged to obey. They knew that many of the “truths” put forth by the false church were heathen in origin and rejected them. At least for a while. For example, until the early 1680’s it was illegal to observe Christmas in the colonies. The people knew that such observances as Christmas, Easter, New Years, Valentines Day, Halloween and the Sunday Sabbath had been borrowed from Babylonian mystery religions. They knew that such holidays were designed by Satan to replace God’s Holy Days. Read the series on the Holy Days and God’s Sabbath. Key words–Days and Sabbath respectively. The early Puritan settlers observed none of Satan’s substitute celebrations and observed the seventh day Sabbath as instructed by the Creator of it–the Word Who came to earth as Jesus of Nazareth (Jn. 1:1-4,10,14). Read The God of the Old Testament and Jesus of Nazareth: God, Man or God-man? Key words–Old and God-man respectively.
Over the past half-century children born in the Western World, the United States of America in particular, have grown up with a religiously inverted church in the midst of a process that can be best described a reverse metamorphosis. Though the church manifested a slow, gradual change which began within a century of her New World founding, the change has been increasing in speed over the past decade and continues to pick up speed.
What is known as “the church” of the Western World has evolved in the exact opposite direction. What began as a beautiful, God-exalting entity has slowly morphed into an ugly, meaningless mass of competing, conflicting, contradicting, Satan-serving entities, all going in different directions, having no form and no unifying Biblical standard.
Though from outward appearance all has been church business as usual over the past several hundred years. However, what was happening inside her walls has been another thing entirely. Just as the Apostle Paul called the reigning high priest of his day “a white-washed wall,” God’s true saints see professing Christianity as just such a wall whose beautiful adornment covers nothing but rotting wood. Jesus likened those within the false church to whited sepulchures–outwardly alive but filled with death (Acts 23:3/ Mat. 23:27). What happened to the Bible-embracing saints of old? What has caused their religious descendants to reject the very Words they must believe and obey in order to receive salvation? Read the series on church apostasy. Key word–Apostasy.
As prophesied in that Word, the modern day church calls good evil and evil good, then, in her everyday life, practices what she preaches. She claims to trust in the Biblical God while overturning His ways and teaching others to follow in her path. She rejects the sacred (God’s Law) and embraces the profane (church doctrine). As the Lord noted relative to her ancient Israelite ancestors, she “fails to distinguish between the holy and the profane.” As a result she has produced several generations of “sinners saved by grace.” Jesus spoke to this heresy when He noted that such people “… worship Me in vain” by rejecting His Words and substituting their own “truths,” all the while calling Him their Lord (Mat. 15:9/ Lk. 6:46).
While proclaiming life, she produces death, both spiritually and physically. Read The Voices of God and Would God Do That? Key words–Voice and Would? While claiming unity with God, she does everything possible to separate herself from Him. Consensus holds that Isaiah 59:2 does not apply to her. She rejects the writings of the Old Testament prophets as well as New Testament passages such as Ephesians 2:20, First Corinthians 10:12, Second Timothy 3:14-16, John 14:15,23; 15:10, Matthew 19:17, First John 2:5; 3:4 and Romans 15:8 which reveal that the New Testament is simply the extension of the Old Testament. The church rejects the fact that the New Testament apostles taught exclusively from the Old Testament because the New Testament did not exist for the first 70 years of the New Testament era (Acts 17:11). L.J.
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