It is the role of a true Christian to emulate the man known as Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus cared deeply about government while on earth and still does. His life and teachings while on earth were all about government. His Holy Bible is a book about government–His government with the Ten Commandments being the Law by which med are to live. But man has chosen to reject God’s Law and walk according to his own law. The results have been one debacle after another.
Unlike Adam, during His time on earth Jesus qualified to replace Satan as the ultimate Governor, Ruler, Potentate of the world. His holy life and death gained that inheritance from the Father. However, He has not as yet claimed that inheritance. He explains the situation in Luke 12:19-27 where He portrays Himself as “a certain nobleman” who traveled to a “far country” to receive His “inheritance.” After receiving it, He returned to his home country and took possession of it. JESUS, HAVING QUALIFIED FOR THE PROMISED INHERITANCE, LEFT EARTH (AT HIS ASCENTION) AND WENT TO A FAR COUNTRY (HEAVEN) WHERE HE WILL REMAIN UNTIL THE APPOINTED TIME WHEN HE WILL RETURN (TO EARTH) TO CLAIM HIS INHERITANCE–FIRST THE EARTH, THEN THE UNIVERSE. God’s people are “heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ” (Rom. 8:17), meaning that, in the future they will rule with Him over the entirety of creation. Read God’s Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe. Key word–Caretakers.
Jesus told the Roman ruler Pilate that He was “born to be a king.” A king must have a kingdom to rule, else he is not a king. Jesus made clear the fact that “My kingdom is (presently) not of this earth” (Jn. 18:36,37). In Matthew 6:9 we find Him praying to the Father, proclaiming that His Father’s kingdom, which was at that time and still is today, in heaven. He then prayed for Him to bring His kingdom to earth where His will would be done therein as it was then, and still is, done in heaven. JESUS REMINDED HIS FATHER THAT ONE DAY HIS HEAVENLY KINGDOM WOULD DESCEND FROM HEAVEN TO EARTH. Then They, with their holy saints, will rule, first the earth for 1000 years, then the universe forever as the Caretaker series makes clear. It will be at that time that the “certain nobleman” will return from “a far country” to claim His “inheritance” from the Father. His holy servants will co-inherit that most prized gift.
What is made clear in the Scriptures is that neither Jesus nor His Father now rule the earth or the world system that rests upon it. As it was in the time of Noah, wicked, Satan-serving, sin-saturated man rules himself under the devil’s guidance and power. The only humans who are not controlled by Satan are Christ’s Very Elect saints. These people have received the Holy Spirit which enables them to overcome Satan’s temptations to sin and are thereby protected when God pours out his curses on sinning mankind. This tiny group of people, whom He calls His peculiar people, His kingdom of priests, His little flock, His Very Elect are untouched during such world-wide curses such as COVID-19, the Black Plague, war, financial upheavals, crime, etc. which sinning man brings on himself through his rebellion against His Creator.
“Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God is at hand. (Therefore) repent and believe (and obey) the Gospel'” (Mk. 1:14,15). Beyond this, Jesus was not particularly active relative to politics. He “rendered unto Ceasar” that which was Ceasar’s. In that statement He was referring to the Roman tax which every Jew was forced to pay. Due to their sins, Jews had been conquered by the Roman Empire and were forced to pay the governing body a tax. Note that Jesus never voiced opposition to the Roman occupation and governance of the Jewish nation. He did not resent paying the tax. Scripture tells us that in the future, when America has been defeated and millions have been slaughtered, those taken as slaves to foreign lands will understand why their nation has been destroyed by the heathen masses and why they have been taken into slavery by them (Eze. 39:21-29). They will realize who they are and why God had cursed them. Read Who and Where is Israel Today? Key word–Who.
Upon His return to earth Christ will destroy the world of man over which Satan has ruled for thousands of years. He will establish the Kingdom of God from which He and His saints will oversee everything the Godhead has created. Until that time Satan is in charge, except in those cases and instances when God, through His Very Elect, stays the hand of the devil in their lives. Jesus told His disciples, “Behold I give you power over all the power of the enemy (Satan)” (Lk. 10:19; 9:1). “You” includes all of His true saints in that He is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). How many people believe this? Very few, which demonstrates the power Satan holds over professing Christendom. Recall that Jesus expected the disciples to calm the storm on the sea of Galilee and to heal the boy of his “moon-struck” condition.
Sin is the reason man cannot embrace the power God has offered to him. Sin separates the believer from God, therefore removing His power from their lives, making them easy pickings for the devil and his demons. Sin also affects the mind, making the promises of God seem like jokes. I have been laughed at for quoting such Scriptures. and when I tell of my experiences in that arena, I am not believed. It is God’s will to bless mankind. Only a minutely few people believe what I teach about God’s will for man. For this reason man disqualifies himself from receiving God’s promised blessings and reject those who do as religious reprobates. Read “You Walk as Men.” Key word–Walk.
While on earth Jesus did not come against the governing Romans, nor did He instruct the disciples to do so. After all, His Father had sent them to conquer the Jews. In Ephesians 6:15 and 1 Peter 2:18 He specifically tells us to obey those in authority over us. In the case of the Jews, the Roman Government’s power over them was due to their sins against the Lord. Such will be the case for Americans in the future. Meanwhile we are commanded to obey those who have authority over us. The only exception is when we are told to disobey God. Then we must resist and be ready to accept the consequences.
The Scriptures reveal that it is God and God alone Who sets up rulers and removes them according to His will (Dan. 4:17). He raises up kingdoms and removes kingdoms. As we are told in Daniel 4:17 that He not only raises up nations, He places over those nations whomever He wills, which are the “basest (worst) of men.” Why does God place bad people in leadership positions? Because He gives the nations the leadership they deserve. It is for this reason that God’s people do not run for public office.
Nor do they vote, for it is God, not man, Who places into power those whom He wants. The true Christian’s role in government, other than obeying it, is to be an “ambassador for Christ” (2 Cor. 5;20). An ambassador is one who represents a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT while living in another land. We are foreigners–servants of a foreign God–living in a land in which we are strangers (1 Pet. 1:1). As such we are lights living in a dark world which would rather we not be there. Why? Because we represent the Lord. We are an affront to Satan and his people. We are a “chosen people,” a “royal priesthood,” a “holy nation” and are therefore considered “peculiar” (1 Pet. 2:9) which makes us demonstrably different from those around us who are at home in Satan’s world. Like a square peg in a round hole, we do not fit in with the people of the world. We are not like them. We do not do what they do, talk like they talk, think like they think, believe what they believe. We are not at home in this world.
It is for this reason that the citizens of this world hate us, just as Jesus warned would be the case (Lk. 6:22/ Jn. 15:18). The “world” refers specifically to the religious world whose darkness is exposed by the saints’ light. The unreligious world ignores us and does not care what we do, say or believe. I am rejected, not by those outside the Catholic/Protestant Church System, but by those inside it. The more religious the person, the deeper the resentment toward those who live by God’s Word. The rejection is more pronounced toward those who speak and write God’s Truth–His Word (Jn. 17:17) by which we are sanctified (set aside for holy work. Christ and His apostles were martyred because of their message. The religious people of their day gladly accepted the healing, deliverance and food they provided. It was their message that the people hated. It was their words that brought about their deaths. I have many social friends and family members. However, they summarily, and in some cases heatedly,. reject God’s Word which I teach.
As an ambassador for Christ a true saint stands out from those who serve the god of this earth (2 Cor. 4:4) and are involved in his governments. As Christ’s ambassadors living in Satan’s land, we do not vote in his governmental elections. Nor do we involve ourselves in the governance of those nations. We know that this life is nothing more than a proving ground where we earn our place in God’s future kingdom by studying, believing and obeying God’s Word/Law. God’s people obey the laws of the lands in which they reside. God’s saints are involved neither in the making of those laws nor their implementation. My message does not revolve around the world’s terrible condition. My assignment is to tell the world why it is in this condition. The reason can be summed up in four words: REBELLION AGAINST GOD’S WORD. Because of that rejection, God places over the world’s nations “the basest of men.” L.J.
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