The political Left, which includes many church people, is accusing people who have been labeled “conservative” of trying to make the United States of America a true “Christian nation,” as the Supreme Court declared her to be many years ago and as she was designed to be by the God Who designed and established her. The America-hating Left believes that the conservatives’ “back-to-the-founding-Fathers’-intent” movement is a dangerous undertaking which would remove many, if not most of the freedoms enjoyed by Americans today. They cherish the right to break the law with impunity, live off of other people’s work, occupy buildings, burn buildings, defund the police, remove our national borders, etc. The Left believes that it would be a terrible mistake for America to operate on Biblical principles as did her biological and spiritual ancestors (ancient Israel) when she was the most powerful, most prosperous and most blessed nation on earth under the direct reign of the Almighty. That, the Left believes, would be a travesty in that it would take control of the nation away from man (actually Satan) and place her in the hands of the God Who created her and made her the greatest nation on earth in modern times.
The possibility of such a turn of events terrifies the Left because that would make America what she claims to be: ONE NATION UNDER GOD–THE GOD IN WHOM SHE TRUSTS. This, Law-despisers believe, would be the worst of all worlds. God/Law-despisers (Lk. 10:16) are doing everything they can to prevent that from happening. They like what they have turned America into–a nation in which each person formulates his/her own version of right and wrong and does what is right in his/her own eyes (Prov. 16:25; 21:2). What we see taking place in America’s liberal-governed cities and on her southern border is God/Law-hating liberals’ vision of what she should be–a nation totally under man’s power; a place where the Biblical God has no place and no say in the doings of the people. For the most part, this has already happened. And it began in the church. As goes the spiritual, so goes the material, so goes the nation. America’s people and her institutions have followed Satan into the religious sewer known today as “the church,” which in turn led the nation into what she is today–a religiously mongrelized whore whose arms are spread wide and beaconing to anyone who wants to enter her and partake of her riches. Read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 to learn why this is taking place in the nation God raised up to be His “light on a hill.” America, my beloved nation, has become a religious, social, political sewer filled, not with light, but with darkness.
The Left wants America to remain what she has become–a religiously mongrelized nation filled with heathen and their “Christian” supporters. These people who live in the “One Nation Under God,” which God they supposedly “Trust,” want that one, singular God to be replaced by multiple “gods” in a move to make the religious whorehouse that America has become the nation’s official identity as well as the basis of all religious and social policy. Obviously, the whores are winning and the grand pimp–Satan–is smiling.
This travesty has come about because America’s communist-saturated educational institutions are turning out young Bolsheviks who know nothing about the communist system with which they want to replace America’s tried and true social, political, economic and spiritual system which are based on Biblical principles. They have no use for the Biblical foundations of the America that once existed. They automatically reject that past system when it is revealed to them.
In this series I am writing about America’s foundational principles–from whence they originated, and for what they were implemented. To discover how the nation that would become the United States of America came into being we must turn to the Old Testament to the man the Lord used to start it all–a man named Abram of a city called Ur in the land of the Chaldees. Let us mentally return to that time and place, to a heathen land and to a singular individual from whom God’s true church sprang so many years ago.
In the Book of Genesis, beginning with the 11th chapter we find God dealing with an aged, childless man whose name He changed to Abraham, meaning “father of a multitude.” Because he was obedient, God promised to make of him a great nation whose people He would use to spread His Light (Word/Gospel/Law) to all of mankind. It was from Abraham that the nation of Israel was created to be God’s spiritual Light-bearers to the Gentiles (Heb.–heathen), meaning people who did not know Him (God), who lived in spiritual darkness. Israel was to be His light–His Word to those people. Abraham would be the original light from which the people of the light would spring.
Abraham begat Isaac, who begat Jacob whose name was changed to “Israel,” meaning “power with God.” Jacob begat 12 sons who became the 12 tribes of Israel. Later, the title “Israel” would be applied primarily to the two sons of Joseph, one of Jacob/Israel’s sons. The descendants of one of those two men (Manasseh) would later establish what would become known as the United States of America. The descendants of Joseph’s other son (Ephraim) would establish the nation today called Britain, meaning “covenant man.” For a better understanding of these truths read Who and Where is Israel Today? Key word–Where? .
Israel failed in her God-ordained mission to be the Lord’s guiding light for the Gentiles. Simply put, Israel became like those she was supposed to lead to the Lord. The problem began not long after God placed the Israelites in the land which God had promised to Abraham’s descendants (the “Promised Land”). This area extended from the Euphrates River in the east to the Nile River in the west. For Israel to take over the land, the heathen people occupying it had to be pushed out of that area. Eventually, Israel, under the leadership of Joshua, did as they were ordered to do and settled into a sliver of the promised land known today as Israel. God had told them to remain geographically and spiritually separate from the heathen people who would live next to them. However, they eventually began to intermarry with them and to embrace their gods, their religious practices and their customs.
As a result of Israel’s failure, God arranged for them to be defeated, enslaved and eventually scattered throughout the world. They left the Promised Land by tribe, the different tribes settling among different heathen peoples in different areas of Europe. Over time those tribes (named after the sons of Jacob/Israel) came to dominate the areas where they settled. As a result of the ministry of Christ’s apostles (see Mat. 10:6), those nations became known as “Christian nations.” Most of the early arrivals in what would come to be the United States of America were from those nations. Today the descendants of Abraham comprise hundreds of millions of America’s population. However, only a tiny few are aware of their Israelite ancestry. The other Israelites call themselves Gentiles due to having taken on the Gentile’s languages, social customs, religions, etc.
Following Israel’s failure, God established America as His light to the Gentiles. No nation in history has done as much as the U.S.A. to spread His Word throughout the world. The early arrivals to the New World called themselves “New Israel” because they knew why the Lord had preserved this continent in pristine condition for them. God had promised Abraham that one of his descendants would become the greatest empire (company of nations) in mankind’s history (Ephraim–son of Joseph–England). He promised the patriarch that another of his descendants would become the greatest nation ever on earth (Manasseh–son of Joseph–America). Few people are aware of this Biblical Truth.
However, like ancient Israel, modern Israel (America, Britain) failed to remain true to the Lord’s Word and, as did their ancestors, have fallen from the spiritual greatness in which God established them. Eventually those two nations, along with the Jews of the Middle East, will suffer as did their ancestors–military defeat, enslavement and scattering. I believe that with the return of Donald Trump to the presidency, America will be given one last opportunity to turn back to God. I believe that, following a brief period of “revival,” America will ultimately fail, as did her ancestors. Trump was chosen for his governmental skills only. If I am right, God will again use him to rebuild America’s economic, military and political system. However, if history is our guide, America will, following a short period of uber-religious zeal, return to her self-willed ways and resume her slide into the Tribulation period. Read What is the Great Tribulation? Key word–Tribulation.
Now let us examine some relevant facts about what America was designed by God to be and do and how He chose men who would carry out the initial work of establishing her using His Word as the foundation upon which the nation would be built. These men did an excellent job of establishing America on Biblical principles. For example, early on, no one could hold public office unless he was a professing Christian. The Christian God was enshrined on the nation’s currency and on many of her federal and state buildings. The Ten Commandments were featured on governmental grounds and recited in schools which were opened each morning with prayer. Her laws were based on the teachings of the prophets and apostles who received them from on high. With the advent of television, stations signed off at 10:00 p.m. with prayer and in some cases, a sermon. Advertising, t.v. programs, movies, books, magazines etc. were sqeeky clean relative to content. When the epic movie Gone With The Wind came out, featuring the word “damn” spoken by a famous actor, it caused shock waves throughout the nation. Until the mid-1980’s many of the nation’s cities were still enforcing “Blue Laws” which forbad stores from opening on Sunday. More about Blue Laws in a later series. For several hundred years following her establishment as a nation it was against the law to observe Christmas because the people knew was a heathen holiday observed in honor of the sun god, as was Easter. Many of the people observed the Biblical Sabbath–the 7th day of the week which is called Saturday. God’s people continue to observe the day He calls “My Holy Day” (Isa. 58:13). Pope Sylvester I did away with God’s Holy Day and installed Sunday–the day of the sun god–as the church’s Sabbath in 364 A.D. during the Council of Laodicea.
Understand this: The Lord never intended for America to be anything but a Christian nation. Americans, like their Israelite ancestors, were, from the beginning of the nation until the return of Christ, to avoid all things heathen. God’s warning that leaven leavens the whole loaf holds true in the spiritual arena. Note it: GOOD DOES NOT CHANGE EVIL, RATHER, EVIL CHANGES GOOD. For this reason He tells us individually and nationally to let our light of holiness shine so that the Gentiles (heathen) will COME TO OUR SPIRITUAL LIGHT. How many of those pouring across our southern border, many of whom are Catholics, will become true Bible Christians?
The so-called “separation of church and state” craze that Satan has unleashed on the nation does not mean what we are told it means. In ancient Israel the church and the state were one and the same. The Laws under which the people lived consisted of “the Law and the (writings of) the prophets.” With the establishment of the New Testament Church, the teachings of Jesus and His apostles were added to the Old Testament, creating one set of Laws by which God’s people were to live. As long as Israel obeyed God she was the ancient king of the world. When America obeyed God she was the modern day the king of the world. So why did everything change anciently as well as in modern times?
In answer to this question, I will direct you to a series that addresses it in depth. Read the series titled “America, What Happened to You?” To view the series, return to the website’s home page. Go to the rectangle above the Ten Commandments in which is written “research the site.” Inside the rectangle type America. Then click on the “enter” key. Several series carrying the America title will come up. Scroll down until you come to the series you are looking for and go to posting #1 to begin. There are three postings in the series. The instructions for finding any series on this website are the same as that given above. For a list of series titles email me at I will not contact you after mailing the information.
Also read the series titled Mission Statement Review. Key word–Review. L.J.
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