In Matthew 5:16-20 we find Jesus putting forth two Biblical concepts that the Counterfeit Church refuses to accept: WORKS and LAW. In verse 16 we are commanded to do “good works” before those around us in order to glorify God the Father. In the next verse He noted that the Law was to be obeyed, that He had not come to destroy it (nail it to the cross), but to “fulfill” (pleroo–manifest, do, fill up, make full, complete) it. See God’s Royal Law. Obedience to the Law constitutes the “good works” He demands of those who will spend eternity with Him. Jesus went on to say that, not only did He not come to destroy the (10 Commandment) Law, but that the Law was not to be altered in any way, and that only those who obeyed it as written–all 10 commandments–have a positive standing in the Kingdom of Heaven–His church in this age. The Apostle Peter spoke of judgment in God’s church, indicating that some in the church were not living up to God’s standards (1 Pet. 4:17). By the time of Peter’s writing, Simon Magus’ minions had infiltrated God’s church and were spreading false doctrines–the death of the Law and the eradication of works being two of the main heresies. In verse 20 Jesus tells us to expel from God’s church those who believe these Satanic doctrines. We are also to keep others of their ilk from entering in.
Throughout the remainder of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus commented on several other aspects of true Christian life. He spoke of such issues as thought sin being as deadly as active sin, admission of guilt and paying restitution, divorce, swearing, persecution, giving, fasting, prayer, forgiveness, concern about the future, the Kingdom of God, judging, the strait gate and narrow way, bearing fruit, false Christians, obedience to His Words and the end of those who do not. Throughout this website I have written about most of these commands, therefore I will not comment on them at this point.
In various places in the Scriptures the Lord speaks through His prophets and apostles about the Christian “walk.” As stated in previous postings, one’s “walk” is one’s life-style, way of life, character, etc. God’s command is that we “walk even as He (Jesus) walked” if we claim to be His brethren (1 Jn. 2:6). Contrary to church opinion, this entails more than simply being “active in church,” “religious,” etc. The “walk” commanded by God forces us to live our lives as did the man Jesus of Nazareth–to emulate Him in word, thought and deed. To do this we must overcome the power of Satan who tempts us to deviate from the path trod by the Lord. God speaks to this issue in 1 Peter 2:21: “For to this (persecution) were you called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow in His steps.” Jesus’ “steps” constituted His “walk” in which He “overcame” Satan’s enticement to sin. This is the walk we must emulate in order to join Him in the Kingdom of God. He spoke to the walk-overcoming issue in Revelation 3:21,22: “To him who overcomes (Satan’s temptations to sin) I will grant to sit with me on My throne, even as I overcame (Satan) and sat down with My Father on His throne. He who has an ear (to hear), hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”Note that ONLY those who overcome AS HE OVERCAME will join Him in the Kingdom of God. We must work diligently to get sin totally out of our lives and keep it out. God sent His Word so that we would obey it and “sin not.” But IF we fail, we have “an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ” our righteous example (1 Jn. 2:1). Those who are satisfied with being “sinners saved by grace” have no chance for salvation unless they are converted, enter the strait gate and walk the narrow way leading to eternal life. See Come Up Hither.
As did her ancient counterpart in Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-18), modern professing Christendom believes that she is “walking with the Lord.” However, “Can two walk together unless they agree?” (Amos 3:3). Of course not. To “walk” with someone means to be in one accord with him. The One with Whom we must agree and be in one accord with is God. The Institutional Church refutes this, claiming that God agrees with her when she discards His commands and substitutes her own doctrines. See the introduction to this website for a few examples of such church heresy. Jesus warns the modern apostate church in Matthew 15:8,9: “These people draw near to Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. In vain do they worship Me, TEACHING AS (MY) DOCTRINES THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN.” Churchman not only rejects God’s Words and substitutes his own, but tells the world that his commandments are from the Lord. To be continued. L.J.
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