Chapters five through seven of Matthew’s gospel contain a summary of the personal characteristics required of a true Christian. Meeting God’s requirements for sonship is, as we say, “easier said than done.” However, to have any chance of spending eternity with Him in His Kingdom we must exhibit those characteristics before the world. Let us study three definitive chapters relative to being a child of God for the purpose of learning and obeying what Jesus Christ said. Note that His message was directed at His disciples. But as 7:28,29 reveal, the multitudes heard Him and were very impressed. In 8:1-22 we read where Jesus performed many signs, wonders and miracles for them. Still, one has to wonder how many chose to live the life He laid out for them in His sermon.
Chapter 5 verses 3-5 can be taken together. They speak to one’s attitude. One who is poor in (man’s) spirit will mourn over his sins, repent and seek forgiveness and deliverance. If he is sincere, the mourner will be comforted by the Lord as He forgives and restores him/her. True God-seekers are meek, not weak. Jesus was meek, but what He endured on the day of His death shows an inner power that His followers/disciples hope we possess when/if our time comes to suffer as did He. In Ephesians 4:1,2 we find Paul speaking to the meekness issue, saying that saints are called to conduct their lives “in all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love.” To be “poor in spirit” means to have defeated that age-old enemy of all men–pride. But let us not confuse pride with faith and courage. Those who put forth God’s Word with total faith and courage are often accused to being proud and judgmental. Not so. Nothing is more meek and dependent than a lamb. Jesus is the Lamb of God (Rev. 5:6). Jesus the Lamb put forth His Father’s Words with courage and total faith in His Word, which He defined as “Truth” (Jn. 17:17). Biblical faith is knowing beyond a doubt that the Words written in the Holy Bible are Truth (Rom. 10:17). The lamb-like Jesus spoke God’s Word, not with pride, but with surety, as did His apostles. Their Words caused them to be martyred. His true saints will speak and live that same faith, knowing that in themselves they have no personal power. This makes them totally dependent on the Lord Who spoke the Words they believe and obey. Those who do so will inherit the earth, not heaven as we have been told for two thousand years. See Life After Death. The saint’s mansion now resides in the Kingdom of God. Jesus told His disciples and us that God’s kingdom is now in heaven, but that God would accompany it to earth in the future and would rule and reign with His Son in that kingdom forever (Mat. 6:10/Rev. 21:2,3,22,23). The Lord’s saints, we are assured, will rule and reign with Him (Rev. 5:10;22:5). This is what is meant by the statement that “the meek shall inherit the earth”–their “inheritance” (Col. 1:12).
Matthew 5:6 extols those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. God promises to fill such seekers with His righteousness, which is defined in Psalm 119:172: “My tongue shall speak of Your WORD, for ALL YOUR COMMANDMENTS ARE RIGHTEOUSNESS.” Psalm 119 is dedicated to the exaltation of God’s Word. Note that all of God’s Words are called “commandments.” Psalm 119 was the passage that God directed me to when He called me to His ministry. I love it so. God promises to fill the true seeker with His righteousness, but notice the qualifier–one must hunger and thirst for it. Spiritual hunger and thirst are all-consuming. When one is truly seeking God, nothing else matters, not even one’s own physical welfare. However, hungering and thirsting are useless unless one partakes of that which satisfies his hunger and thirst–the Word of God, which He calls “righteousness.” Zeal for God’s righteousness often entails fasting to rid the seeker of all other factors. Recall that Jesus fasted 40 days and nights before embarking on His earthly ministry. Fasting puts all other things in their proper places, allowing the seeker to focus his/her total attention on the Lord. Fasting is one of the “works” God requires of His saints. Notice in Matthew 6:16 that Jesus said, “WHEN, not if, you fast ….” He then gave instructions on how fasting is to be conducted. Unlike the practice of torturing the body with implements or acts designed for that purpose, fasting is Biblically defined and commanded. Ignorant and unbelieving men have designed methods and implements of self-harm designed to draw one closer to God. All such tools and acts are of Satanic origin and are designed to exalt man in the eyes of God. They do not work; God is not impressed with man’s self-concocted humility schemes. I have seen some of the implements used for this purpose. I can only imagine Satan’s joy as he watches people use them on themselves. To be continued. L.J.
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