The “I’m okay; you’re okay,” “It’s all good” theology with which Satan has infected the church world are two of the foundational grains of sand (Mat. 7:26,27) upon which the modern church is built. According to her, anyone who has completed the sect-prescribed ritual, voiced the sect-prescribed words, been baptized and is “active in church” is saved, born again and need only stay the sect-prescribed course until death or the rapture. The fix is in; next stop–heaven. However, if the Holy Bible is indeed holy as the Lord says it is; if it is indeed God’s Word/Will/Way as He says it is; and if it is the Truth as He says it is (Jn. 17:17), then none of the above is true. If, however, the Bible is what professing Christendom says it is–a nice conversation piece to have on the coffee table–then what follows is true. A relatively recent occurrence will serve to make the point.
Several months ago a group of Navy Seals were flying into enemy territory when their chopper was shot down, killing everyone on board. Days later a spokesman from the chaplain’s office spoke publicly about the situation from a religious perspective. He boldly assured the loved ones of those brave men that they need not worry about where their loved ones were–THEY WERE ALL IN HEAVEN. How did he know this? Because, he explained with total confidence, they had watched a movie titled “The Passion of the Christ” the night before they died. Having seen the movie, they all understood who Jesus was and what He did. Therefore, THEY WERE ALL SAVED, BORN AGAIN AND IN HEAVEN WITH JESUS. This lunacy runs rampant throughout the Counterfeit Church. But it gets worse.
Immediately following 9/11 a self-appointed spokesman for the church announced to the world that the thousands of people who were killed in the towers “… are in heaven now.” He did not explain how that happened. This is not to say that all of professing Christendom believes the above, but a large percentage know without a doubt that all one needs to do is profess Jesus as one’s Savior or something to that effect, and one is instantly saved and born again. When asked about his spiritual condition, a famous politician recently assured the world of his right standing with God with these words: “I know who Jesus Christ is.” The smiles and nodding heads of his audience showed that he had, as far as the church is concerned, proved his right standing with the Lord. Apparently, knowing the Lord’s identity and going through the prescribed religious motions satisfies God’s requirements for sonship. However, those who know their Lord and His Word refuse to buy what the Institutional church is selling. Satan knows Who Jesus is, speaks with Him face-to-face, knows the Bible, believes it and attends church where his messages are preached several times a week. Therefore, according to professing Christendom’s salvation qualification standards, Satan is saved, born again and ready for the rapture. I recently heard that every military person who had ever died in battle is in heaven.
I have also noticed that following each deadly natural disaster, everyone who died in it “… is in a better place now,” or “… has gone to be with his/her heavenly Father.” This type of church-generated idiocy seems to have no end. Many of those killed in battle or in natural or man-made disasters are Atheists, Muslims, Hindus, Catholics, Protestants, etc., all of whom are supposedly in heaven now. Apparently, God has a no-rejection, guaranteed-acceptance policy for anyone who suffers a violent death, regardless of their standing with Him.
No one feels more sorry for those who die violent deaths and their loved ones than I do. But let us use some Biblical sense, which requires Biblical knowledge and absolute trust in the Truth of that Word. Wishful thinking is not Scriptural Truth. Neither are pulpit pontifications designed to scratch itching ears and leave everyone with a warm, “I’m in” feeling. How many reprobates have been preached into heaven because they belonged to a church, or were a church leader, or a minister, or were “the nicest person” who would “do anything in the world for you.” Some of the nicest, most generous, most helpful, most religious people I have ever known would reject the Lord’s Words if He appeared before them and told them the Bible Truth.
Let us cast off the coarse cloak of man’s churchiology and put on the fine linen of God’s righteousness which can only be acquired by obedience to His Holy Word. Let us reject Satan’s church doctrines and embrace God’s Biblical Truth. Let us stand up for Truth and be willing to endure the hatred and rejection of the Institutional Church. Only those who do so until the end will be saved (Mat. 10:22/1 Pet. 2:24;3:12;4:18/1 Jn. 2:29;3:7). To be continued. L.J.
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