There is an age old adage that continues to make its powerful statement even in the era of political and religious correctness: “If the shoe fits, wear it.” Translation: If what is believed and said about you is true, admit it.” In Romans 15:10 the Apostle Paul states: “By the grace of God, I am what I am.” By God’s grace Paul was what God said he was–His appointed and anointed servant. For Paul, old things had passed away, all things had become new–the old man was dead; the new man lived. Because the “shoe” (God’s description of him) fit, he was one of, if not the most effective man ever to walk the earth in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is not the mind-set found within professing Christendom.
In the case of the professing church, when God uses His Word to point out her true spiritual condition she refuses to admit it–she does not wear the “shoe.” Instead, she changes shoes. For example, when God declares that the Law defines sin and that she is guilty of it, she changes the Law. When God declares that Christmas and Easter are abominations, she declares them to be foundation stones. When God condemns denominations, she creates more cults, etc., etc., ad infinitum. In sum, when God evaluates the church and condemns her heathen doctrines, instead of admitting that He is right and she is wrong, the church changes the standard of evaluation to one more in line with her theology. In other words, she writes her own bible.
Throughout the 300 plus postings I have put forth on this website I have used the Holy Scriptures to prove that the Institutional Church is a Satan-powered, man-dominated counterfeit of God’s true church. I have proven that those who call themselves “Christians” are not, that their church, their god, their messiah, their salvation etc. are nothing more than cheap fakes supplied by the devil.
By this time readers who have seen the light of God’s Truth and have embraced it are making the changes necessary to qualify for salvation upon the return of His Son. Unfortunately, the vast majority of readers still cling to Satan, his theology and his religious organizations. Over time, nothing has changed. As was the case with God’s ministers throughout history, shoe-changers will remain shoe-changers in spite of anyone’s efforts. These church masses are the mission fields that God has been calling out to over the past nine months or so through this website. He warned that only a few would heed His call (Mat. 7:13,14). As is always the case, He was right.
I have for several days been hearing God’s voice telling me to change directions. I will at this point begin to teach those who have ears to hear and eyes to see His Truth. I will no longer concentrate on exposing the Counterfeit Church (Catholicism/Protestantism) as Satan’s weapon of mass destruction. Anyone who cannot see this has been blinded by him. Those who know the Truth but refuse to embrace and obey it have had their conscience seared by him. Therefore, I will henceforth concentrate on teaching the Walk of Christ to Truth-seekers who believe His Word and, having counted the cost, are determined to live it. To them I say, “Welcome aboard.” L.J.
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