God commands that we study His Word in order to learn about Him. If we are honestly seeking Truth, we will search out all relevant Scriptural information, especially the parts that contradict what we have been told, which, as this website has proven repeatedly, has been mostly wrong. Pride and fear prevent most salvation seekers […]
Biblical Interpretation: Satan’s WMD (Pt. 6)
The Counterfeit (Catholic/Protestant) Church has several excuses for not observing Christ’s explicitly-commanded Holy Day festivals that occur throughout the year. First and foremost among their excuses is the “Law-nailed-to-the-cross” ruse which God exposes for what it is throughout the Holy Scriptures. This ministry repeatedly highlights the church’s explanations for her rebellion against her supposed Savior. […]
Biblical Interpretation: Satan’s WMD (Pt. 5)
The Lord knew that man, under the guidance of Satan, would attempt to change everything He had brought into being. Therefore He warned that the Holy Scriptures “are of no private (personal) interpretation” (2 Pet. 1:10). This series exposes false Christianity’s propensity for “Scriptural spinning”–making God’s Word fit the various religious organizations’ concepts of right […]
Biblical Interpretation: Satan’s WMD (Pt. 4)
References to “the Day of the Lord” or “the Lord’s Day” can be found in several places in the Holy Scriptures. In almost every case the time element refers to the year-long period between the end of the Great Tribulation and the arrival of Jesus Christ to bring to an end man’s spiritual and physical […]
Biblical Interpretation: Satan’s WMD (Pt. 3)
“The first to speak is believed to be right, until another states his case.” Basically, that is what this series, and many other series found on this website, are about. I am tasked with warning salvation seekers to beware of first-word assumptions. By this I mean that because someone generations ago quoted a statement from […]
Biblical Interpretation: Satan’s WMD (Pt. 2)
As stated in the previous posting, every “Christian” organization (denomination, faith, etc.) is the result of someone with an improved version of God’s Truth looking for a following. The overall result of this heresy is called Catholicism/Protestantism and her hundreds of conflicting, contadicting versions of “truth” commonly known as “church doctrines.” This two-headed, multi-bodied religious […]
Biblical Interpretation: Satan’s WMD (Pt. 1)
Because I have posted over 2100 messages on this website covering a wide variety of subjects found in God’s Holy Word, I realize that there could be some readers who, having found or learned of this ministry only recently, have not had time to explore some of them. Therefore, from time to time I try […]
Big Brother Is Here (Pt. 3)
In order for the Left’s version of 1984 to become a dictatorial reality for America, and consequently for the rest of the Western world, several things must take place within the society. A glance of the list I have prepared reads like Marx’s Communist Manifesto, upon which the list is based. We will examine the […]
Big Brother Is Here (Pt. 2)
Long-time readers of this website know that I rarely involve myself in politics. However, because what we see taking place on the American political scene is so intertwined with the spiritual decline of the nation that I am compelled by the Lord to tie the two together so that my readers can see Satan at […]
Big Brother Is Here (Pt. 1)
Philosopher and author George Orwell noted the following: “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” How true we are now seeing that statement to be in this “woke” age in which reality is whatever the individual desires it to be at any particular moment. So powerful is the “woke” (“reality […]
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