Quoting Scripture is one of Satan’s most effective ploys. In Eden he quoted the Lord: “Did God say you could not eat of every tree of the garden?” which was exactly what God had said. He did not tell his marks that he wanted to replace God as their leader; they would have known that […]
What is Truth cont. 2
Further proof that His Word is the only spiritual food on which His sheep are to dine is found in His Great Commission of Matthew 28:19,20. Here Jesus instructs the apostles to go into all nations and teach them to observe (learn and obey) “… ALL THINGS I HAVE COMMANDED (TAUGHT) YOU,” and to do […]
What is Truth? (continued)
Two words of warning must be issued at this point. First, the reader must understand that the whole of professing Christendom is practicing religious terrorism. What makes a terrorist a terrorist is that those around him do not know that he is the enemy, but believe that he is one of their own. Such an […]
What is Truth?
“What is Truth?” The question asked of Paul the apostle by a heathen ruler is the query the false church refuses to answer, for in so doing she would expose the fact that she does not believe Jesus’ answer: “Thy (God) Word is Truth” (Jn. 17:17), the same Truth by which God sanctifies (sets aside […]
The Few–the difference
The first chapters in the Book of Genesis reveal the history of the original Church of God and Satan’s attack on it resulting in the creation of two churches: 1) God’s original church with the Lord as the only remaining member, and 2) the Counterfeit Church comprised of Adam and Eve, with Satan in the […]
Slouching Toward Apostasy
The Counterfeit Church did not suddenly change from a God-centered to a man-centered entity over night. The process began early on and picked up speed over time. Following the creation of the Catholic Church the slide into apostasy quickly accelerated. Her birthing of the Protestant movement increased both the speed of change and the options […]
Many, if not most of the following Biblical principles have been rejected by the Counterfeit Church as heresy. I will, over time, place before the reader the Scriptural evidence of their God-inspired Truth. It is my hope that the reader will not summarily dismiss what is posted simply because it stands against what has been […]
The Source Of Church Heathenism
In my introduction to the website I listed a number of heathen practices, doctrines and holidays. A reasonable question is: How and when did heathenism enter the church? The answer comes from years of study and is summarized in the following. Not long after the establishment of the Church of God on the Day of […]
Rejected scriptures
In the area between the true and the false abides the counterfeit. The counterfeit attempts to bridge the gap between what is real and what is false while attempting to convince seekers of the real that the false is that for which they seek. Within the spiritual/religious world there are two distinct, opposing, eternally warring, […]
Bible study God’s way
One of the basic reasons the institutional church has embraced heathen doctrines and practices is her take-it-or-leave-it approach to the Bible instead of Jesus’ approach. His view is that the Bible is the Truth by which one is sanctified (Jn. 17:17). God so values His Word/Truth that He calls Jesus “the Word of God” (Jn. […]