Is the human being born a sinner as we have been taught? Did God, Who is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34) allow or cause each and every human born after Adam and Eve’s fall to be automatically infected with a spiritual virus called sin? Does man acquire a sin nature at conception? No. But […]
“… perfect” (cont. 5)
In Matthew 5 we find Jesus making reference to those who have accepted God as the Director of their lives. Of these Jesus highlights those who are meek, who mourn, etc. In verse six He speaks of those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, promising to fill them. To be “filled”with righteousness leaves no room […]
“… perfect” (cond. 4)
In Matthew 6:33 we are commanded to seek the righteousness of God. Seeking entails effort. If I “seek” to pay my bills I must work to be able to do so. “SEEK the Lord while He may be FOUND” (Isa. 55:6). If, as the church maintains, it is impossible for man to produce righteousness by […]
“… perfect” (cont. 3)
Due to a combination of “Once saved, always saved” and “Jesus died so that I can sin and get away with it” doctrines the Counterfeit Church continues her repeated rebuke of God time after time, ad infinitum. Hear what the Lord says: “… if WE (Paul included) continue to sin after coming to the knowledge […]
“… perfect” (cont) 2
When a child is learning to walk he repeatedly stumbles and falls down, which is expected. Parents know that during that most difficult learning process they will have to help the child repeatedly. However, with the passage of time less and less help is needed. Soon the child ceasing stumbling altogether, which is expected. But […]
“… Be Ye Therefore Perfect (Pt. 1)
Contrary to popular opinion, SIN IS VOLUNTARY. It is not forced upon man by the transfer of a sin gene from Satan to Adam, then from Adam to the whole of mankind. This most egregious of Satan’s deceptions will be discussed at length in the segment on human nature. We will now enter into a […]
“… Be Ye Therefore Perfect”
Does God require works relative to salvation? Is righteousness on the part of the believer necessary in order to inherit eternal life? The Counterfeit Church says “NO” to both questions. Why? Because saying “YES” would be admitting that salvation requires both “WORKS” and “RIGHTEOUSNESS” on the part of the believer. It is for this reason […]
Born Again (Pt. 2)
Religious man proclaims that one is born again the moment one completes the rituals prescribed by his particular religious system. This mode of entry into the church’s version of Christendom is universal. Having followed the prescribed steps outlined by a representative of the particular sect, one is declared “born again”/”saved.” But God provides a totally […]
Born Again (Pt. 1)
One of the most effective weapons utilized by Satan to draw people into his various denominations, faiths, etc., is the notion that, due to their having taken Jesus into their hearts as their personal Savior, joined the church, been baptized, etc. that they are saved, born again and rapture ready. To ensure that they remain […]
Hope and Salvation cont. 2
Nowhere in the Bible do we find God granting salvation and rebirth to anyone before the return of His Son. Nowhere do we find Him guaranteeing that church members will enter His Kingdom before Christ’s advent. That no saint is guaranteed entrance into Paradise is perhaps best expressed in 1 Peter 4:17,18: “For the time […]