Because God’s 7th day Sabbath is the “sign” (Mark) that identifies God’s church, I will present several quotes from the apostate organization that initiated the change to the Sunday Sabbath. Her writings will reveal exactly who changed God’s “times and Laws.” “Had she (the Catholic Church) not such power (to change the Sabbath), she could […]
Mark of the Beast (cont. 2)
In A.D. 364 the priest of Rome convened the Council of Laodicea at which time he decreed the following: “Christians (Catholics) must not Judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day, resting on Sunday. If any be found Judaizing, let them be declared anathema (a heretic) from Christ.” The rule became […]
Mark of the Beast (cont. 1)
The Mark involves obedience. One will obey the Beast by receiving its Mark with faith in it, or obey God by receiving His Mark with faith in Him. Over the centuries men have had to choose whose Mark they would bear. The key to identifying the two Marks is found in Revelation 14:12: “… WHO […]
The Mark of the Beast
One of the most sacrosanct of man’s heathen practices involves the Sunday Sabbath. Man’s excuses for defying God relative to the Sabbath are several, not one of which in any way relates to His Word. This teaching will reveal God’s Truth about His Sabbath and the important part it will play when the Beast and […]
First John
Each believer has a particular passage of Scripture upon which he/she hangs his/her spiritual hat. Mine is the Book of First John. I intend to read this most God-revealing book every day as part of my Bible study agenda. After studying this beautiful, hard-hitting book I can understand why John was “… the disciple whom […]
The Void
Created in every individual is a spiritual void. Like a vacuum, this void is designed to be filled. During the early period of life it remains empty as the individual is presented with two diametrically opposed filling agents–righteousness and sin. Upon arriving at the age of accountability–the age at which one can discern the difference–man […]
The Body of Christ
I was once told something that everyone in “the church” is absolutely sure of: that each believer is free to interpret the Bible to suit him/herself. This in the face of God’s statement: “… knowing this FIRST of all, that NO PROPHECY OF SCRIPTURE IS OF ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION, for prophecy never came by the […]
Human nature (cont. 3)
When the apostate movement that came to be known as the Catholic Church was formed by Satan following the deaths of the apostles, the “mother” of false Christendom soon had the majority of people following and obeying her. Today, Catholicism (the “great whore, mystery, Babylon) and her “harlot daughters” (Protestantism) have gone the way of […]
Human nature (cont. 2)
When God created Adam He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Not only did God’s breath give life to a dead man, it also gave man the power to understand various options, weigh the merits of each, then make a decision using his human spirit. No other earthly creature (created entity) has this […]
Human nature (cont. 1)
In Eden God established His first church which He intended to rule the world. However, with the fall of His first parishioners, Satan gained control of the world and throughout history has used his religious institutions to control most of it. Through his various religions he exerts his will over the affairs of men. As […]