As is normally the case when man gains control of things spiritual, he tends to get the cart before the horse. This is nowhere more evident than in the various church rituals utilized in choosing church leaders. God’s selection process emanates from the top down; man’s way is from the bottom up. This process is […]
Jesus:God, Man or God-man (cont. 2)
John 20:26-28 relates that Jesus, having ascended to the Father, then returned to earth and appeared to His apostles. At that time Thomas called Him “… my Lord and my GOD.” Earlier, Peter, when asked by Jesus who He was, replied, “Thou art the Christ, the SON of the living God” (Mat. 16:16). They were […]
Jesus: God, Man or God-man (cont. 1)
The question at hand is: Would Jesus Christ command human beings to do what He had done while on earth if He had an advantage over all other human beings? Being fair, He would not, as the Scriptures reveal. Not even His Words were His, but rather those that the Father had given Him to […]
Jesus: God, Man or God-man?
A number of Scriptures tell us that in order to be God’s people we must be like His Son–“… walk (live) as He walked,” “… be perfect (mature) as He is perfect,” “… be pure even as He is pure,” etc. (1 Jn. 2:6/Mat. 5:48/1 Jn. 3:3). The Scriptures are clear: TO LIVE WITH JESUS […]
Who is Your Father (cont. 1)
In 2 Thessalonians 2:10,11 Paul speaks to and about those in the church who operate in deception and unrighteousness because they do not love the Truth (God’s Word-Jn. 17:17) and therefore cannot be saved. Because they refuse to be sanctified by God’s Word/Truth, HE sends them “STRONG DELUSION” so that they will believe a LIE […]
Who is Your Father?
“Our Father” is one of the most oft-spoken expressions heard in professing Christendom. The words flow from religious lips without hesitation because it is an accepted “fact” that if one “belongs” to a church, attends it regularly, obeys its doctrines and “feels” saved that the Biblical God is one’s spiritual father. But what does God […]
The Counterfeit Christ (cont. 1)
Daniel 9:25,26 states that 69 (prophetic) weeks would transpire between the decree to rebuild Jerusalem until the Messiah’s arrival at Jerusalem to announce His ministry. Using the “day for a year” principle explained in Numbers 14:3,4 and Ezekiel 4:6, the time element computes to 483 “days” or actual years (69 weeks x 7 days per […]
The Counterfeit Christ
Within 150 years of the founding of the Church of God a group calling itself the Universal (Catholic) Church, having broken away from God’s church, had sunk into total apostasy. Since that time heathenism has held a dictatorial position within the cult. The so-called Protestant Revolution did little to address the problem. Due to the […]
False Conversion
Throughout the world millions of people worship Jesus Christ in hundreds of different religious organizations. God tells us in His Word that there is only one true Body of Christ. Is it possible that not one of the world’s many churches, denomina- tions, faiths, etc. is the true Church of God? Is it possible to […]
One, often-repeated doctrine of the Counterfeit Church involves justification–that one receives and maintains it solely through faith. The Book of Romans is put forth as the centerpiece for the argument against having to do anything other than believe in order to be justified. To suggest that anything else is necessary is to risk “falling from […]
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