One can hardly pick up a newspaper or watch a televised newscast without hearing the epithet “Cancel Culture.” The word “cancel” means to do away with something because it offends a certain segment of the population. On the political and social level, the cancel culture is comprised of a number of highly vocal, publicly powerful people who come against a belief with which they disagree. It has grown so volatile, and its proponents so forceful, that the person holding the offending view is ordered to disappear along with his/her offensive idea. To the CC, neither the belief nor the believer is worthy of existence. Both need to fade into the netherworld so that the CC person’s view is the only one left standing. Any view that does not line up with the “right” view is nothing more than mental garbage.
Perhaps the most widely known CC labeled “lie” is the belief that there are only two sexes. People have been fired from their jobs and students have been expelled from schools because they dared to express that reprehensible view. According to the CC, not only are there multiple sexes, a person can change into any one of them with a thought. I suspect that we haven’t reached the apex of the if-you-can-think-it-you-can-be-it-by-thinking-it fad. Which presents some interesting possibilities.
Several weeks ago I opined on this website that, if one can change one’s sex with a thought, one can change one’s species with a thought. Not to my surprise, I was right. Yesterday I read that a growing number of children have “realized” that they are in reality not human beings, but rather animals or man-created fictional characters. Some “know” that they are creatures from another world. I recently shared with readers an episode related by a public school teacher who, at the beginning of the school year, had a transfer student in her elementary school who believed that he was a lizard and arrived at school on day one “walking” on his hands and knees. To no one’s surprise, he had moved to Texas from California. His parents saw no problem with him believing what he believed. He soon learned that Texas is, to say the least, different from the West Coast. The “lizard” now walks as if he was a real human child. Then there is the Japanese man who believes he is a dog and wears a dog suit that actually makes him look like a dog. I saw a picture of him, walking on all fours, on a leash, being led on a city sidewalk by his master. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF SATAN. Which brings us to the focus of this posting.
The “Cancel Culture” is being presented as a New Wave concept that has been suddenly thrust upon the scene by a group of mental superiors who claim to have transcended the limits of human reasoning like no other generation before it. The historical facts prove otherwise. CC’s self-described mental giants have been around for thousands of years. They have been in power for so long in one area of life that their dictates have been accepted without so much as a contrary thought–with a (very) few exceptions. Cancel Culture has been the head wagging the dog within church circles for the past 2000 years or so.
Students of the Bible know that none other than Jesus Christ had to face the CC of his day head-on in order to present His Father’s Truths that were so hated that both He and eleven of His apostles were martyred for their “radical” beliefs and statements which, they were told, were so far from God’s real “truths” that both they and their terrible beliefs had to be eliminated. And they were. Jesus and His apostles were martyred and their message was cast into a deep, dark hole labeled “RELIGIOUS DISINFORMATION.” With the original carpenter-turned-false-prophet and his lackies dead and their false Gospel nullified, the case was closed forever. Almost. Don’t forget: GOD HAS ALWAYS HAD A REMNANT WHO REFUSED TO PLAY SATAN’S GAME.
With the help of the Roman Empire a new religion had come on the scene two years after the birth of Christianity on the Day of Pentecost in 31 A.D. This new and improved church with its new and improved gospel was of the you-want-it-you-got-it brand of Christianity that made man, not the Biblical God, the captain of man’s own religious ship. Bible history tells us that there has been a counter culture as long as man has been on the scene.
The first CC specialist was the Serpent of Eden who “cancelled” God’s Truth with one three letter word: “not.” God had told Adam and Eve that if they sinned they would die. Satan cancelled both God and His message by convincing our first parents that they could sin and NOT die, but rather would inherit eternal life. Because Adam and Eve had the power of choice, Satan won the day, and with a few exceptions (God’s remnant), he has won every day since. Today the Serpent has thousands of false prophets doing his CC work for him. And they are very good at their job. Open any phone book to CHURCHES.
On the Home Page of this website I list a few of the CC beliefs and customs with which the church has totally cancelled God’s Truths, rendered them null and void and replaced them with heathen “truths.” Not only have the Lord’s Biblical Truths been totally cancelled, the mere mention of His Word on those subjects sends the counterfeit church into a religious meltdown. Want to be cancelled by religious people? Speak God’s Word. Want to be embraced by religious people? Speak Satan’s word. Having done both, I know of what I speak and write.
As I have said many times: AS GOES THE CHURCH, SO GOES THE NATION. The social and political Cancel Culture fiasco that has forced itself into the minds of millions of Americans over the past couple of years is nothing more than a faction of the nation following in the footsteps of the counterfeit church whose Christianity-is-what-we-want-it-to-be theology has dominated the religious scene for several generations. Jesus spoke to this issue when He noted that: “When the blind lead the blind they both “fall into the ditch” (Mat. 15:14). Satan has blinded the eyes of, first the church, then the nation. Saying that the U.S.A. has fallen into the ditch is being kind–“sewer” would be my choice of words. The church has been in “the ditch” so long she believes that she is on the mountaintop. This mental reversal trick is the goal of every dictatorial government and religion on earth.
In his novel titled 1984, George Orwell wrote about a world in which “Big Brother” (the world-ruling Government) had brainwashed the world’s citizens to the point that they believed that 2 + 2 was 5–literally. The government attained that level of mental control over the populace by continually telling them what they wanted them to believe and preventing them from reading or hearing anything to the contrary. Big Brother instituted the “Ministry of Truth” to insure that nothing to the contrary of ministry-defined “truth” could be heard or read. Recently, the U.S. Government established a Ministry of Disinformation for the same purpose. Fortunately, the people rose up and forced the D.C. communists to disband it. However, in the religious realm, the Ministry of Disinformation has been so successful that any mention of God’s Biblical Truth is automatically rejected by the religious masses whose allegiance to their spiritual Big Brother is total. In this way he controls all but a few thousand of the millions who call themselves God’s people.
Dear readers, do not be part of the world in which you live. Do not be deceived into following her leader who has deceived her (Rev. 12:9). Live apart and above that which calls itself “the church.” Be peculiar, chosen, royal, holy, priestly, godly and pure as we are commanded to be (1 Pet. 2:9). Obey God’s command to come out of the world, including the worldly church (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1). God is speaking to you personally. Hear His voice and obey it. L.J.
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