Today Jesus speaks to those who rise up against Him by ignoring His Words through a statement He made to the religious leaders of His day who did the same: “… you do not have His (God’s) Word abiding in you because Whom He sent (Jesus Himself), Him you do not believe. You search (read, discuss, etc.) the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life, and these (Scriptures) are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me (so) that you may have eternal life …. I know you, that you do not have the love of God in you. I have come in My Father’s name and you do not receive (believe and obey) Me. If another (a false prophet) comes in his own name (church, denomination, etc.), him you will receive” (Jn. 5:38-43). This is exactly what happened following the establishment of the New Covenant Church and continues unabated throughout professing Christendom as religious people go in every direction except toward God, believe any word except God’s Word, follow any prophet except The Prophet of Nazareth. Why does super-religious man reject God? Because “… you do not have the love of (for) God in you.” Jesus said to such people then and now, that because they have, read, hear the Scriptures, they “THINK” they have eternal life. Hear what else Jesus says to religious rebels in John 10:26-28.
“… you do not believe (Me) because you are not of My sheep; as I said to you (in Jn 8:47) “My sheep hear My voice (Word) and I know them and they follow (believe and obey) Me … I give (only) them eternal life.” Note that those that hear, believe and obey Him are the only ones He knows and and the only ones who will receive eternal life. In John 8:45,47 He says to Bible-rejecters, “… because I tell the Truth (God’s Word-Jn. 17:17), you do not believe Me. He who is of God hears (believes and obeys) God’s Words … you do not hear (them) because you are not of God.” He could not be more clear–only those who believe and obey God’s Words are His sheep, are of God and are eligible for eternal life.
The Apostle Paul reiterated the Lord’s Words in 2 Corinthians 4:3,4: “… our gospel is veiled (hidden) to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age (Satan) has blinded, who do not believe (the gospel) lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, Who is the image of God, should shine on them.” Notice that (only) “THE GOSPEL,” not man’s perverted version of it (Gal. 1:6-9), is the light which reveals the glory of Jesus Christ and the life He died to secure for those who come to His light. By rejecting His Words/light/gospel/Truth, churchman has rejected Jesus Christ Himself and has shut himself off from “the hope of eternal life” (Titus 1:2). Even worse is the spiritual damage churchman’s rejection of Him does to those around him as he leads unsuspecting proselytes into Satan’s web of deceit, lies and death. As churchman openly and repeatedly defies God before the world, he sets the example for those who are seeking the Lord. GOD-REJECTING CHURCHMAN NOT ONLY SEALS HIS OWN FATE, BUT THE FATE OF OTHERS WHO LOOK TO HIM FOR TRUTH. Because she claims to be what she is not, the Counterfeit Church (Catholicism/ Protestantism) is God’s most dangerous enemy. By keeping God-seekers in ignorance of what He said while feeding them a steady diet of church doctrine, she leads the trusting proselyte through the wide gate and along the broad way that leads death (Mat. 7:13,14), all the while assuring him that he is on his way to heaven. See Bait and Switch.
In spite of churchman’s continuous rebellion against Him, God continues to extend His hand to him. To him He offers the opportunity to come out of the false church, study His Word, believe it, repent, be converted and walk with Him. To do this one must humble himself and follow his Leader: “Can two walk together unless they agree?” (Amos 3:3)? Contrary to religious man’s opinion, he must agree with God–His Word. Everything man knows about God is in His Holy Bible. Sadly, He tells us, only a few will believe and obey it (Mat. 7:13,14). To be continued. L.J.
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