The title of this posting brings to one’s attention the fact that the world’s so-called churches are in reality Satan’s Reeducation Centers. Being a totalitarian ruler, his centers are dedicated to erasing any of God’s Truth his victims might have heard or read and replacing them with his “truths”–church doctrine. He accomplishes his goal by using those whom God calls “false prophets” and “hirelings.” Through a process of spiritual brain-emptying and refilling, Satan has continued the mode of operation that proved to be successful in the Garden of Eden–he deceives people into rejecting God’s Words and accepting his words by telling them what they want to hear.
Recently I was talking with a woman about the apostasy of the Institutional Church, of which she is an active part. The conversation centered around the so-called “gay Christian” and gay marriage situations. During the discussion I reminded her of what God said about keeping such people out of the church, and what the church is to do when sinners within her are found out. I reminded her that those who refuse to change their sinful ways are not to be allowed into the Body of Christ. Sinners found in the church, if they insist on continuing in their sin, are to be put out. Her response reflected the title of this posting–she disagreed with God. This uber-religious bastion of Christianity rejected the very Words she claims to believe, thereby rejecting the Speaker of those Words. Her beliefs overruled God’s expressed Will. That, I explained to her, was why God rejects the Institutional Church; that is why professing Christendom is an abomination to Him. The Lady would have none of it–her beliefs trumped God’s will. I was not surprised. This is the attitude I find throughout the whole of professing Christendom. Satan’s leaven has infected the whole loaf. The birds have taken over the mustard tree. I had no choice but to obey God–I symbolically dusted off my shoes and walked away.
Recently a self-described “Christian” news commentator noted that in “the church” each part of the church system–Catholicism and the denominations of Protestantism–has its own theology and goes it own way, and that this is pleasing to the Lord. If God is to be believed, He condemns the disconnected, disjointed, competing, contending religious system that calls itself “the church.” He makes this clear in several Scriptures: “There is one body (of Christ–God’s church) and one (Holy) Spirit … one Lord (Jesus), one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all (Christians), Who is above all and through all and in all (Christians)” (Eph. 4:4,5). “For as we have many members in one body … we, (though) being many, are one body in Christ” (Rom. 12:4,5). “… the body (of Christ) is one (body) and has many members, but all the members of that one body, (though) being many, are one body, so also is Christ” (1 Cor. 12:12). Notice that the word “one” is paramount relative to God’s church and her Head. In another instance Paul addresses the denominational debacle: “Is Christ divided? God forbid.” God forbids the division of His church (1 Cor. 1:13). Divisions in the church were created by power-hungry false prophets in need of a following. Having rejected the governance of God, they preached a perverted gospel (Gal. 1:6-9), convinced Scripture-rejecting people to follow them, thereby creating other “churches, faiths, etc.”–Catholicism, then Protestantism, then Protestant denominations. Only Satan could orchestrate this religious fiasco.
The news commentator was right about the churches all going in different directions. In fact, he was right on two counts: they are all separated from each other; and they are all separated from God. I compare this situation to a wheel, the hub being the Lord and the spokes being the churches. With the passage of time the spokes have grown ever farther away from the hub until today they are no longer in contact with it. Today’s churches are totally disconnected from and in total rebellion against God.
Blinded by the supposed success of her rebellion against the Lord, professing Christendom continues to ignore the question put to Him by Peter in John 6:68. Here Jesus has asked the 12 disciples if they were going to leave Him as had many others. Peter answered by asking the eternal question: “Where would we go? Thou hast the Words of eternal life.” The churches go with Satan whom they believe has the words of eternal life. As did her Edenesque spiritual ancestors, the Counterfeit Church believes the devil when he tells her that she can defy God and “You shall not surely die.” In other words, His words concerning sin and death are irrelevant. Satan has convinced her that being religious will allow her to do as she pleases and still live forever, that the wages of her sins is not death as God declared, but rather eternal life as Satan declared. The devil has convinced her that she can practice heathenism, reject God’s Word, make her own rules, go her own various ways and live forever because it’s all good; the fix is in. The only requirement is that she be religious. For Satan it’s job well done. To be continued. L.J.
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