“Political Correctness” is a polite term that means there is no limit to man’s idiocy. With that in mind, I will do some serious venting in this posting.
Of late I have heard and read about incidences in which people, particularly military and public service personnel, have been robbed of their careers for HAVING ATTITUDES THAT DO NOT CONFORM TO THE PREVAILING MIND-SET. Not only are Americans being told what they can say or write on the job, but also what they are allowed to think on the job. The lunacy deepens.
One highly decorated leader of a city service branch was fired by the mayor for writing a handbook FOR HIS SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS which included the Biblical concept of marriage. He did not bring his handbook to the job, nor did he mention his theology on the job. HE WAS FIRED FOR WHAT HE DID ON HIS OWN TIME IN HIS OWN HOME. This is not hearsay; I watched and listened as he and his lawyer spoke on the subject. They are taking the mayor to court. As insane as this is, his vindication is not a sure thing in today’s court system. It gets worse.
Military chaplains are being told that they MUST HAVE THEIR SERMONS AND PRAYERS APPROVED BY THEIR SUPERIORS BEFORE THEY CAN PREACH AND PRAY. IN THOSE SERMONS AND PRAYERS THERE CAN BE NO REFERENCE TO GOD, JESUS OR THE HOLY SPIRIT. Again, this is not hearsay; both sides of the issue have come out publicly in defense of their respective stands. Political Correctness reigns supreme in the United States of America, the supposed home of the brave and LAND OF THE FREE, the nation whose TRUST is supposedly in GOD, whose people are supposedly UNITED under that same GOD. These once-truths are now nothing more than catch-phrases recalled from bygone days. As I have earlier stated, there will come a time when all references to the Biblical God will be removed from all public locations, from the nation’s currency, etc. Following this, there will be laws passed which will make any such references found on private property a felony offense. A time is coming when owning a Bible will be a serious crime. True Christianity will be forced underground. One will either conform to governmental dictates or suffer the consequences.
God warns that He will not always warn mankind in Amos 8:11,12 where He speaks of a time when there will be a dearth of His Word world-wide, when men will yearn for it and search for it in vain. Just as evil Israel sought for the Lord but could not find Him, church people will run hither and yon in search of someone to teach them the Word, but to no avail. As was the case for their religious ancestors, God will have withdrawn Himself from them (Hos. 5:6). That day has arrived. God has turned His back on this nation and all other so-called “Christian nations.” Though a few ministers are still preaching and teaching His true Word, their voices will soon be silenced. The Lord will tell His servants to stop warning the masses. A time is coming when He will take His tiny church to “her place” that He has “prepared for her” (Rev. 12:6,14). I believe this place to be an area in the nation of Jordan called Petra. When that times comes, only His two witnesses will continue to speak His Word (Rev. 11:3-8). Eventually their voices will be silenced.
The time God’s messengers have been warning about for centuries has arrived. But what we are now experiencing is a mere hint of what is coming–a time of global horror that will make the Catholic Inquisition pale by comparison. Jesus warned that the coming terror will be a time the likes of which the world has never experienced (Mat. 24:21). The transition to total tribulation has begun. Throughout the world the courts are following their political administrations in a rush to the left and away from the Lord. Current expediency and group-think has replaced eternal Truth. As happened in Eden, SATAN-CONTROLLED MAN HAS REPLACED GOD AS THE DISCERNER OF RIGHT AND WRONG. And being led by Satan, rebellious man has reversed the natural order of things exactly as God said man would do in the last days: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (Isa. 5:20,21). A better description of the world and the worldly church cannot be stated.
For this reason the United States, along with others of her spiritual ilk, will suffer as no nations have suffered in the history of mankind. God is no respecter of persons–what one sows one reaps. “Christian nations” have sown the wind; the resulting whirlwind is beginning to swirl. Just as God sent the Assyrians to defeat and enslave the Israelites, and the Babylonians to defeat and enslave the Jews, He sent the Muslims against the United States on 9/11 as a warning–a call for national repentance and turning to Him. But to no avail. Soon 9/11 will seem like a good day. God’s wrath has begun to fall on this nation. Nuclear attacks, invasion, defeat and enslavement are coming. Read what He did to the nations of Israel and Judah for a preview of what is coming here.
And just as the self-professed church was at the forefront of the Christian world’s downfall, she will be the first to feel God’s wrath when He exposes her for what she is–a fraud. By the time the Great Tribulation enters its final 3 1/2 years, the vast majority of churches, led by their hirelings, will have already bowed to political correctness due to spiritual push having come to spiritual shove. The movement toward compromise with the world that began hundreds of years ago is picking up steam in response to Satan’s Love, Tolerance, Inclusion and Diversity push. Church people are wilting before his onslaught like flowers in a furnace. The heat has only just begun. Truly, these are merely the beginning of sorrows. L.J.
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