I was once told something that everyone in “the church” is absolutely sure of: that each believer is free to interpret the Bible to suit him/herself. This in the face of God’s statement: “… knowing this FIRST of all, that NO PROPHECY OF SCRIPTURE IS OF ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:20,21). Then God provided scribes who recorded His prophets’ words which, along with those of New Testament apostles, constitute the Holy Bible (Eph. 2:19,20).
Yet the Counterfeit Church insists that each member has been given the divine right to go his/her respective way relative to the gospel of God–changing, removing, adding at will. Then those having the same interpretation join together and form various churches/faiths/denominations–counterfeit representations of the Church of God. Denominational doctrine (those Scriptures judged acceptable by each sect) is a counterfeit version of God’s gospel (Gal. 1:6-9). Because there is only one gospel, one church and one doctrine, denominations and their doctrines are abominations to God.
The desire to go off on one’s own and draw others along (denomination creation) began not long after the founding of the Church of God. By the time Paul came on the scene Satan’s church-dividing work was prompting him to write: “… the mystery of iniquity already abounds” (2 Thes. 2:7)–gospel-deniers were already creating denominations. The devil’s work would attain official status with the creation of the Universal (Catholic) Church not long after the death of the apostles. With the founding of Catholicism, apostasy on a global level was born; the leaven had infected the lump–Satan had officially created Counterfeit Christianity.
Catholicism (the Great Whore, Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots (Protestantism) (Rev. 17:1-5) became the first major denomination and, having the power of the Roman Government behind it, became the world’s dominating religious force. Later, some of her adherents decided to break away from her. These “protestants” (protesters) later split into hundreds of sects. In his way the Whore’s Harlot Daughters were born. The Catholic/Protestant system is a splinter sect that has separated itself from the Body of Christ/Church of God. Power-hungry man continues to further divide “the church” by creating more sects based on further rejection of God’s Word.
Because the two-headed religious system proclaims herself to be “the church,” I will use God’s Word to prove that she is an abomination to the Lord, that she is His enemy–a rebellious religious system that draws the Scripturally ignorant masses away from Him and into her heathenistic web. To be continued.
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