Phobia: Aversion to or fear of any specified object or situation. Webster’s Concise Dictionary, Encyclopedic Edition. The word “unreasonable” is also used in reference to the condition described above. I use the word “Biblephobia” to describe those who own, carry, read, quote from, witness about, etc. God’s Word but who are adamantly averse to and afraid of it on a personal, utilitarian level. I call this the Adam and Eve Syndrome.
In Genesis 3 we find our ancestors in the most incredible circumstance anyone could ever hope to find themselves. They had been created by the creator of the universe and placed in a paradise of indescribable splendor. They daily conversed with their Creator face-to-face using a common language. Every need they would ever have was supplied. THEY WERE AT ONE WITH GOD. Then the serpent spoke and everything changed. The devil–today represented by false prophets–told them “the things of man” which, being human, appealed to their sense of self. The rest is history.
Now let us go to verse 8 where we read these Words: “Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and THEY HID THEMSELVES FROM THE LORD among the trees of the garden.” Sin had entered paradise and had separated man from his Maker (Isa. 59:2). As a wall separates the outside from the inside of a building, sin (“iniquity”–breaking of the Law-1 Jn. 3:4) is a wall between the sinner and God. Sin interrupted face-to-face communication between God and man.
Why did Adam and Eve hide from God? Because they DID NOT WANT TO HEAR HIS VOICE. Thus Biblephobia (fear of God’s Word) was born. Why did they fear His Words? Because they knew He would contradict and condemn their “new and improved way.” So they hid themselves among the trees, using leaves in a vain attempt to “cover” their rejection of His Words. The spiritual descendants of Adam and Eve (Catholicism/Protestantism) do exactly what they did–they hide themselves in the religious forest–denominations, faiths, sects, cults, etc. of “Christianity”–believing that their involvement in man- controlled religion (doctrines, creeds, customs, etc.) will shield them from having to believe and obey God’s Word. Just as Adam and Eve believed that, because they had figured out a way to “cover” their sins so that He would not notice them, “the church” believes that her religiosity (leaves) will do the same. In the same way that Adam and Eve continued to recognize God as God and themselves as His children, their descendants recognize God as God and call themselves by His name. But note what He will say to the church on the Day of Judgment: “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’ and do not what I say” (Lk. 6:46)? In John 12:44-50 Jesus addressed those religionists who believe that their super religiosity nullifies the necessity of believing and obeying His Word in order to receive eternal life, Jesus said: “He who believes in Me, believes not (only) in Me, but (als0) in Him who sent Me. And he who sees Me (also) sees Him who sent Me. I have come into the world (so) that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness. And if anyone hears My Words and does not believe (them), I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but that the world might be saved. He who rejects Me and does not receive (believe) My Words, has One that judges him–the Word that I have spoken (through His ministers) will judge him in the last day. For I have not spoken on My own authority, but the Father Who sent Me gave Me a command–what I should say and what I should speak. And I know that His command (Word) is (contains) everlasting life. Therefore, whatsoever I speak, just as the Father has told me, so I speak.” Could it be any more plain? The Book that the religious masses refuse to believe and obey came directly from God. It is His Way, His Truth, His plan for eternal life in written form. Jesus, “… the Way, the Truth and the Life,” was the manifestation of God in human form. AS MUST WE BE IF WE ARE TO INHERIT ETERNAL LIFE. He amened this statement in His Words to and through John when He said that if we call ourselves His people we must “… walk even as He walked” (1 Jn. 2:6). To be continued. L.J.
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