As noted in earlier postings, “evil” describes those who know the Truth but refuse to obey it. Jesus said that God’s Word is Truth (Jn. 17:17). Those who own the Truth (a Bible) but refuse to obey it are evil, as are those who, though calling themselves God’s people, refuse to hear His messengers who proclaim His Truth to them. The irony is that Bible owners will refuse to believe and obey what is in those Bibles, but will believe and obey heathen doctrines and customs which have no Biblical basis. In this series we are examining a number of church “truths” that are proven to be Satan’s lies by the Word that those who reject God’s Truth hold in their hands each Sunday as they gather to worship their god–the sun. One such church “truth” involves the supposed “trinity.”
The trinity doctrine came about in 322 A.D. at the Council of Nicene when Roman Emperor Constantine decreed that all in the kingdom would henceforth worship a three-in-one godhead and call it the “trinity.” The question is, why the change from Father and Son Whom the Scriptures plainly identify, to a threesome about which those Scriptures say nothing?
The Roman Empire was, in its day, the mightiest nation on earth by far. It overcame most of the nations in Western Europe and ruled them with an iron hand. Some of the people the empire conquered were worshiped a three-headed god. In order to appease them, Emperor Constantine, in collusion with the Catholic Church hierarchy, agreed upon a ruling group consisting of three gods. Initially, the threesome consisted of Jesus, Joseph and Mary. After another change or two they finally settled on God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. For a more complete history of the heathen trinity doctrine and how it came to be a church “truth,” download this website at and read The Trinity. Key word–Trinity. Read the homepage of this website for instructions on how to pull up a specific subject. The instructions are found under the heading titled NOTICE. There one will also find an offer of a free list of subject headings which indicate what the various series are about. At this time (May, 2024) series number approximately 600 involving approximately 2700 postings with new subjects being covered regularly as the Lord leads. The instruction for downloading a series applies to every title such as Christmas, Easter, Christ’s crucifixion, the rapture, etc.
As this series in particular and this website in general point out, the Institutional Church has fully embraced heathenism. She can be saved only by a total rejection of Satan’s governance over her, followed by true conversion, thereby enabling true Truth seekers the opportunity to qualify for salvation. Until and unless that happens they will continue to reject God’s Truth and thereby reject both Him and His Son (Lk. 10:16/ Jn. 12:48). Jesus warns those who reject His Words: “In vain do they worship Me, teaching for (instead of) My doctrines the commandments of men (Mat. 15:9). “Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord” and do not what I say?” (Lk. 6:46). Not everyone who calls Him their Lord will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but only those who “… do the will of My Father in Heaven” (Mat. 7:21).
Unbiblical beliefs and customs that the church has embraced and put forth as God’s will are exposed as “doctrines of devils” by this website. The Bible is God’s written will for mankind. For those who reject His will, Satan provides a variety of religions, faiths, denominations, cults, etc. from which to choose. Exposing them for what they are is the purpose for which this website was created by the Father and the Son. Because Their Word is the foundation upon which this ministry stands it continues to spread Their Word according to Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew 24:14. At last count the website has been visited/downloaded over 3.3 billion times. Only Father and Son using the power of the Holy Spirit can accomplish that. I ask the reader to carefully and prayerfully study the Biblical references provided and that he/she seek first and foremost the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Mat. 6:33). Make righteousness and holiness the ONLY reason for your existence and God will provide everything else that you need. The Lord declares through the Apostle Paul that THE END RESULT OF A LIFE FILLED WITH RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS IS ETERNAL LIFE WITH HIM AND HIS SON IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD (Rom 5:21; 6:22). L.J.
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