In the series titled Who Are God’s People (key word–People), the Almighty reveals that those whom God calls “My people, who are called by My name” are not all His children, that only a minutely few of the billions of professing believers are in fact disciples of Christ–true “Christians,” meaning “little Christs.” The Holy Scriptures prove that the vast majority of those within “the church” are false Christians from whom God commands His true saints to separate themselves. He commands His true saints (holy ones) to have nothing to do with them on the spiritual level. Only when they have separated themselves from the “unclean” ones will He be their God and they will be his children. Read Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1 where the Lord commands His true saints to “come out from among” those who are Christians in name only which, according to God’s Word, involves the vast majority of those who claim that He is their Lord (Master).
The first posting in this series laid bare the Bible Truth that those who claim to be God’s people but refuse to obey His Word are what He calls “evil,” a word He uses over 600 times. Note that if one removes the “e” in “evil” and places it at the end the word, the word becomes “vile,” which describes those who claim allegiance to the Biblical God but reject His Lordship over their lives by failing to obey His Law (the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation which He condensed into the Ten Commandments and wrote in stone). The Lord uses the word “vile” 19 times in the Holy Scriptures. A dozen of those times the word refers to a person who is vile because what he does is vile. What we do, say and think determines whether we are or are not vile in God’s view.
In this posting we will examine some of the church’s “truths” that contradict the Word of God. Using that Word, we will prove that, in the eyes of God, those “truths” are in fact Satan-concocted abominations. I will state a church “truth,” then provide God’s Biblical response to it, thereby revealing it to be a lie. In so doing we will find that the many, if not most, of the church’s foundational “truths” upon which the Institutional Catholic/Protestant Church System is built, are in fact heathen beliefs and customs. Read Simon of Samaria. Key word–Legacy.
Jesus warned His true saints to “BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS” (Mat. 7:15) who would present themselves as “ministers of light” (2 Cor. 11:13,15). These men and women would proclaim that He (Jesus) is indeed the Christ and, having “deceived many,” would convince the deceived ones that God had sent them (Mat. 24:5). Church history has proven that Jesus was right. Bearing Satan’s false light (Mat. 6:23), his false prophets have “deceived the whole world” (Rev. 12:9), including the worldly church. God’s true messengers are commanded to expose them (Eph. 5:11), which is the focus of this ministry which is directed toward the Institutional Church.
In the Holy Scriptures saints are told to “BEWARE OF THE VOICE OF STRANGERS” (Jn. 10:5). They are instructed to “try (test) the spirits of their ministers (1 Jn. 4:1) so as to “prove (test) all things” they proclaim (1 Thes. 5:21) by comparing them to the Holy Scriptures. I will begin now to expose a few of the heathen “truths” Satan’s “wolves in sheep’s clothing” (Mat. 7:15) have convinced those in the counterfeit church to embrace. I will state a church “truth,” then provide Biblical Truths that prove the church “truth” to be a Satanic lie that has been put forth as “thus saith the Lord.”
“The Law was nailed to the cross of Christ.” The Law is holy, just and good (Rom. 7:12). The Law identifies sin and righteousness (1 Jn. 3:4). To break one commandment is to break the entire Law (Jam. 2:10). Breaking one commandment (“one thing you lack”) disqualifies one for salvation (Mk. 10:17-22). God provided a perfect sacrifice, Who lived and died perfectly in order to provide perfect Holy Spirit power so that we can live perfect lives. Because of this, God has every right to command perfection from those who would receive the perfect gift–eternal life. Understand this: Jesus did not nail the Law to the cross; the Law nailed Jesus to the cross. Man’s breaking of God’s Law was what forced Christ to die in order to enable man to obey that perfect Law. Read First Peter 1:15,16; 2:15,16/ Revelation 20:6 and 22:11. Peter tells us that WE MUST BE HOLY AS HE IS HOLY AND BECAUSE HE IS HOLY. Salvation is the end product of righteousness and holiness (Rom. 5:21; 6:22). Only those who are holy will rise to meet the Lord in the air during the first resurrection. No so-called “sinners saved by grace” will rise in the first resurrection–“the resurrection of the just(ified)” (Lk. 14:14). These will be those who will “receive eternal life” for having “done good” (Jn. 5:29). Read the Three Resurrections, The Very Elect and the Kingdom of God. Key words–Three, Elect and Kingdom respectively.
“The 7th day Sabbath was a Jewish law that does not apply to the church.” God created the 7th day Sabbath, blest (bestowed His blessing on) it, sanctified it (set it apart for holy use) and called it “MY HOLY DAY” (Gen. 2:1-3/ Exo. 20:8-11; 31:13-18/ Deut. 5:12-15/ Isa. 58:13). No man can judge God’s saints concerning His Sabbath Days (Col. 2:16). In Eden God established the 7th day Sabbath for all people for all time. There were no Jews in Eden. He is still the “Lord of THE (His) Sabbath” (Mat. 12:8). Roman Emperor Constantine changed the weekly Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday for the Romen Empire in 322 A.D. at the Council of Nicene. Pope Sylvester I made the change for the church in 364 A.D. at the council of Laodicea. For 290 years the church had observed God’s Sabbath Day. When Martin Luther and his followers left the mother church they took many of her heathen beliefs and custom with them. The Sunday Sabbath was one of them. Read the home page of this website which reveals that heathenism continues to reign supreme in the counterfeit church.
“God established denominations in order to satisfy man’s different religious beliefs and customs.” There are NO DIVISIONS in God’s church (1 Cor. 1:10). Religious wolves scatter the sheep (Jn. 10:12/ Rom. 16:17) by dividing them into denominations, faiths, churches, etc., which are in fact cults. Each of the hundreds of different “churches” has its own head (2 Cor. 11:4). Christ is the head of only ONE CHURCH which is God’s tiny, Law-keeping body (Eph. 5:23). To divide the church is to divide her head. Christ is not divided (1 Cor. 1:13). In Ephesians 5:23 the Apostle Paul declares that Jesus is THE (one and only) Head of THE (one and only) church and is THE (one and only) Savior of THE (one and only) body. The dual-headed, multi-bodied, contending, contradicting, convoluted abomination that calls itself “the church” is Satan’s primary weapon against mankind today because the “light” she puts forth is in fact darkness, which Jesus calls “great darkness” because she puts it forth as His light (Mat. 6:23). And as He said, men love Satan’s darkness and hate His light because light exposes what goes on in the darkness (Jn. 3:19).
“Jesus was crucified on Friday and arose on Sunday.” “As Jonah was in the whale’s belly THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS the Son of man will be in the heart of the earth THREE DAYS and THREE NIGHTS” (Mat. 12:40). “Destroy this temple (Christ’s body) and in three days I will build it up” (Jn. 3:19). Jesus Himself declared that He would be in the tomb three days and three nights. The church claims that her Christs were in the tomb only one day and two nights (Friday night, Saturday and Saturday night). The church’s saviors are fakes just as Paul warned the Corinthian church in Second Corinthians 11:4. Each church has indeed embraced “another Jesus.” Satan has blinded his church so that she can’t count to three, except when it comes to the trinity. More later.
“God made the New Covenant with Gentiles. The New Covenant does not include His Law.” “I will make a NEW COVENANT WITH THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL AND THE HOUSE OF JUDAH … and I WILL WRITE MY LAW IN THEIR HEARTS” (Jer. 31:31-33/ Heb. 8:8-12). Jesus shed “… the (His) blood of the ETERNAL COVENANT (Heb. 13:20). Gentiles who accept and obey Him and His Law become part of “… the CHURCH, (which is) THE ISRAEL OF GOD.” (Gal. 6:16). The “fault” with the Law was not with the Law itself, but with “THEM”–the people of Israel (Heb. 8:8) who refused to obey it and, as a result, were defeated, enslaved and scattered throughout the earth. Several generations later the Lord did the same thing to the Jews (tribes of Judah and Benjamin) and for the same reason. Read Who and Where is Israel Today? Key word–Who. L.J.
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