In several passages in the Holy Bible the Almighty pronounces a “woe” on certain groups of people whom He has placed in leadership positions among “My people who are called by My name.” Read the series titled “My People Who are Called by My Name”–Who Are They? and Who Are God’s People? Key words–Called and People respectively. As those series reveal, all who call Him their God fall within the “My people” category. However, as the series also prove, only a minutely few are among His “remnant,” His “little flock,” His “Very Elect” saints (Holy Ones). These, and only these, are members of His family–the Church of God, the name by which He calls His true, Law-keeping church 12 times in the New Testament. All other church names identify false churches. There is only one true church over which God rules by His Law. All others are counterfeits of the real Body of Christ which teach a perverted version of His Truth.
In most of the Old Testament God’s chosen people (the 12 tribes of Israel) operated under the rulership of a monarchy in which the heads of certain families within the priestly tribe of Levi were priests over their local synagogues. Also, God placed certain men, like Samuel, over the entire nation as His High Priest. Some of these men were very effective, others not so much. God’s rulership through His chosen men came to an end when the people proclaimed, “we want a king,” meaning that they wanted to be like the heathen nations around them. This is when God gave them Saul.
With the establishment of the New Testament Church in 31 A.D., the Lord placed in the church apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the Body of Christ” (Eph. 4:11). These men were to represent God to the people by being like Him in every way. Jesus summarized this Truth when He said: “When people have seen Me, they have seen the Father.” Jesus made clear throughout His time on earth, His apostles were expected to emulate Him in terms of character and power. Nothing has changed. God’s men are those who “walk as He (Jesus) walked” (1 Jn. 2:6) and overcome Satan even as He overcame” (him) (Rev. 3:21). Their congregations are commanded to follow their lead.
Do you see God in your spiritual leaders. If not, then God has not placed them in their leadership roles. This category encompasses 99% of those in church leadership positions today. These are the false prophets about whom Jesus spoke in Matthew 24:4 and about whom Paul wrote in Second Corinthians 11:13-15. These are “the blind who lead the blind,” both of which “fall into the ditch” (Mat. 23:13). What God calls the “ditch” is what man calls “Christianity.” Note that the “ditch” is singular. He regards the hundreds of churches, faiths, denominations, assemblies, etc. as Satan-empowered, man-directed cults. In reality, they are abominations in His eyes. He warns us: “Do not learn the ways of the heathen,” which is exactly what salvation seekers have been doing since the apostasy (falling away) began many years ago. Read “I Have Not Sent Them.” Key word–Sent.
As Ephesians 4:11 tells us, Jesus places in leadership positions those in each area where a true church develops. However, there are situations in which there is no one in an area who qualifies to be so used by God, in which case He will send in someone from elsewhere. A personal experience will show how this takes place.
By an act of God I found myself in a nice little city (12,000 population) in East Texas in 1985. Not long after arriving to teach in the local community college, the Lord prompted me to begin writing newspaper articles about His Truth and how it differed, actually destroyed, the majority of church doctrines being taught by the so-called “churches” of the area. One day I received a phone call from a woman who wanted to talk to me about my beliefs. Long story short, she said she and approximately 20 other people in the area had been praying that God would send them someone to teach them His true Word. After reading my articles the group had concluded that I was the answer to their prayers. All went well until I was asked about a particular teaching by the Apostle Paul. When I said that I agreed with Paul (who received his Gospel directly from Jesus–Gal. 1:12), everything fell apart. One member of the group disagreed with God. The entire group followed her. This is the pattern churchites have been following for centuries, beginning about 70 A.D. The apostasy has continued to grow in size and influence until this day. One day soon I will not be allowed to use the internet to teach God’s Word. And who will be the ones to make that happen–the Catholic/Protestant Church System in conjunction with the federal government. But God is going to circumvent them. One day soon the world will see God’s power demonstrated so universally that no one will be able to deny what is happening before their eyes. GOD IS KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. HE WILL SHOW THE ENTIRE WORLD HIS MAJESTY AND MIGHT SO THAT NO ONE WILL HAVE AN EXCUSE FOR REJECTING HIM. Incredibly, the masses, including the church masses, will do exactly that. The first time Jesus came to earth, only 120 or so of the multitudes He ministered to were with Him until the end. He said that only a few will rise to meet Him in the air upon His return (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14)
In the following posting we will look at specific passages of Scripture that reveal God’s attitude toward the modern day (Laodicean–heathen) church system (Rev. 3:14-20), her leaders and her parishioners. Be prepared, His sword of the Spirit (Word/Law) is exceedingly sharp. L.J.
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