Critics of God’s Truth claim that Law-keepers believe that man is saved by obeying the Ten Commandment Law of God. Not so. Man cannot be saved THROUGH the Law. As the Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:8, salvation is BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH in God’s Word (Truth–Jn. 17:17). Romans 6:14 assures us that we are not under the Law, but under GRACE. Law-deniers would prefer that the discussion end at this point and leave it with this final statement: “Salvation is by grace. Period. End of conversation.” If one only relied on God’s “headlines,” this would seem like the right thing to do. However, He has much more to say in His numerous “fine print” statements that Law-deniers have spiritually omitted from His Holy Bible.
In order to receive the full meaning of Grace and the part it plays in the life of those who are indeed under it, we must answer the question: exactly what is grace? God prophesied through one of His apostles that a time would come when religious men would try to change the meaning of grace in order to make it fit into their doctrinal box. That time came some 1900 years ago and has been in operation until this day. The original apostles were already battling the all-grace-no-law heresy within a generation of the founding of the Christian church. Paul called the religion of the Galatian churches a “perversion” of God’s true Gospel (Gal. 1:6-9). He told the Corinthian Church that if someone came to them proclaiming “another Jesus” they would embrace him (2 Cor. 11:4).
Both of these accusations have proven to be true within professing Christendom. A quick glance at the Introduction to this website will reveal a few of the doctrines, beliefs and practices embraced by the false Jesus and his perverted Gospel that have been embraced by the Institutional Church. This website is dedicated to exposing her, her false gospel, false Jesus, false god, false salvation false grace and false faith. If what I am hearing from readers world-wide is true, the website is serving its purpose. It is the Americans who proclaim that God was wrong about the Law, grace, faith, salvation, etc. I am not easily shocked, but Americans’ attitude toward God’s Word continues to shock me.
What, exactly, is grace? Let us follow the example of the “noble Bereans” of Paul’s day who “searched the Scriptures daily” to learn God’s unfiltered, unedited, undenominationalized Truth about this most important subject. Without a Biblically proven understanding of grace, no one can be saved upon Christ’s return. His “firstfruits” (1 Cor. 15:20,23) will have understood it, will have lived according to its meaning and will be caught up to meet Him in the air during the first resurrection (1 Thes. 4:16). Read The Three Resurrections and The Kingdom of God. Key words–Three and Kingdom respectively.
The Apostle Jude saw that some in the church were teaching a false grace and were leading people away from God’s definition. In verse three he states his concern for the error being taught concerning “our common salvation.” He felt compelled to warn the people about a perverted gospel which was contrary to “the faith once delivered to the churches.” In verse four he describes the deception in this way: “There are certain men who have crept in secretly, men who are already condemned. These are ungodly men who TURN THE GRACE OF OUR GOD INTO LASCIVIOUSNESS, THEREBY DENYING THE ONLY LORD GOD AND OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.” Note the seriousness of the misuse of God’s holy grace. To do so is to deny the true work of God and Christ in the salvation process. This is the sin professing Christendom commits by turning grace into a license to sin. The word “lasciviousness” can be translated as “licentiousness” which means “a disregard for strict rules of correctness.” Spiritually speaking, it is God Who determines correctness, which He calls His Law, the breaking of which is sin (1 Jn. 3:4), the result of which is death (Rom. 6:23). Jude warned the church that these false prophets were using grace as an excuse to disobey God’s Law, claiming that, due to God’s grace, believers could sin and get away with it. Instead of using grace as a path to holiness, they were using it to justify unholiness.
How could this be? How could grace be so terribly misrepresented? By presenting it as something it is not. Grace was then, and is today throughout the church world, presented as SALVATION. The idea is that, because of God’s grace, believers are saved after completing a prescribed ritual, repeating the prescribed words and being baptized. Though we are indeed saved BY grace, grace does not save us. We are (can be) saved by grace in the sense that a drowning man is (can be) saved BY a rope. However, the rope does not save him. It can be used to save him, but ONLY IF HE USES IT CORRECTLY. If he ties it around his neck the rope will kill him. Grace is being used by Satan to spiritually “choke” the life out of church people who do not realize that they are spiritually dying. Because of a false concept of grace, billions believe that they can do what comes “naturally”–sin due to Adam’s sin-transferal miracle–and remain “saved” because they have been taught that being “under grace” means that one is “under grace” (“saved”) permanently. “Once saved–always saved” is the church’s mantra due to God’s grace. Wrong on all counts. What, then, is the Biblical definition of grace? Those who claim to be “under grace” need to know. Let us allow the Definer of Grace to tell us His definition. L.J.
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