The first question one must ask relative to the true Christian walk concerns the Truth that is only found in the Holy Scriptures–all of the Scriptures, not just the headlines. God’s “headlines” are true, but only as they coincide with His “fine print.” For example, Jesus was talking to His disciples (Jn. 8:31) when He declared: “You are My disciples indeed …” That “headline” had to have been music to their ears. But then He added a bit of “fine print: “… IF YOU OBEY MY COMMANDMENTS.” In John 15:13,14 He declared another “headline,” stating that He would die for His FRIENDS. The disciples had been chosen by God. They had been with Jesus night and day for three plus years. They had preached the Gospel, healed the sick, cast out demons, etc. They had learned at His feet on a continuous basis. THEY WERE THE FRIENDS OF JESUS–CASE CLOSED. Then He added another “headline,” stating: “You (disciples) ARE my friends …” He had told them that they were both His disciples and His friends. Surely that settled the issue of who would join Him in the hereafter. But then He spoke seven “fine print” Words that put a whole new perspective on the subject: “… IF YOU DO WHATSOEVER I COMMAND YOU.” He had spoken 21 “headline” Words. But they meant nothing without the seven Words of “fine print.” Millions of professing Christians can quote the “headline.” But who knows the “fine print”? without which the “headline” has no relevance.
Another often-repeated “headline” is: “Jesus loves you.” Indeed, He loves the (people of) the world BECAUSE HE CREATED THEM. God tells us that there are two types of love. God loves every human being He has created–general love. But does He love those who hate Him in the same way He loves those who love Him?–individual love. Read Deuteronomy 5:9 and Psalm 5:5. What determines which type of love He has for which individuals? Will everyone ever born be saved simply because He loves them? More specifically, will everyone in the church be saved? The Apostle Peter answers the question in a letter to church members where he tells us that, “ONLY the RIGHTEOUS will be saved” (1 Pet. 4:17,18). Jesus said that not everyone who calls Him their Lord will be saved. He says that He does not know those who call Him their Lord, do great things in His name, etc., then substitute their words for His Words (Mat. 7:21-23). The substituted words are commonly known as “church doctrine.”
In the same sense, Jesus distinguished between His biological brethren and His spiritual brethren (Mat. 12:46-50). He identified His mother, brothers and sisters as His biological brethren. But then He pointed toward His disciples and identified His SPIRITUAL brethren as “… THEY WHO DO THE WILL OF MY FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN.” Was His love for those in each group the same? In Matthew 13:53-56 we find Him teaching in a synagogue where people knew Him and His family. The people were surprised by His Biblical knowledge and wondered how He knew so much. They listed the names of His mother and brothers and acknowledged that He had several sisters. HE HAD DECLARED EARLIER THAT THEY WERE NOT HIS SPIRITUAL MOTHER, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Was His love for them the same as His love for His disciples? No.
The Bible Truth is that the Father and His Son love all of mankind on the same level because they are Their creations. However, They love the INDIVIDUAL on the same level as the INDIVIDUAL LOVES THEM. Jesus proves His love for all mankind by telling us how to qualify to spend eternity with Him in paradise, then making it possible through His death. What greater love is possible? Recall that: “Greater love has no man than that He lay down His life for His FRIENDS” (Jn. 15:13,14). However, He identifies His FRIENDS as those who OBEY HIS TEN COMMANDMENT LAW–the Law that was supposedly nailed to His cross. JESUS DID NOT NAIL THE LAW TO THE CROSS; THE LAW NAILED JESUS TO THE CROSS. WITHOUT THE LAW HE WOULD NOT HAVE NEEDED TO DIE. HE COULD HAVE SIMPLY DECLARED ALL MEN SAVED. That Law still identifies sin, the same sin for which He was nailed to the cross (1 Jn. 3:4). Man is still nailing Jesus to the cross with each sin (Heb. 6:4-6).
That Jesus loves mankind is undeniable. That He distinguishes between those who love Him and those who do not is also undeniable. Also undeniable is the fact that salvation is directly linked to obedience to His Law, for that is how we PROVE OUR LOVE FOR HIM FOLLOWING OUR CONVERSION. Without proof of such love on man’s part there is no salvation. Let us look at two Biblical (“fine print”) proofs of this fact that have not already been mentioned. In Matthew 19:16,17 we find a man asking Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus replied: “IF you would have (eternal) life, OBEY THE COMMANDMENTS (LAW).” This man would be living long after Jesus died on the cross. If His soon-coming death would do away with the Law, why did He tell the man he must obey the Law?
The Apostle John wrote His three epistles to the church more than 50 years after Christ’s death. In His first letter (2:3-6) we find him stating that we qualify for salvation (are “IN CHRIST”) BY OBEYING HIS LAW, AND THAT ANYONE WHO CLAIMS TO BE “IN HIM” BUT DOES NOT OBEY HIS LAW IS A LIAR AND THE TRUTH IS NOT IN HIM (vs 4). What does this say about Law deniers who refuse to keep GOD’S COMMANDED SEVENTH DAY (SATURDAY) SABBATH?
In John 15:9,10 we find perhaps the most powerful statement relative to the Lord’s LOVE-SALVATION-LAW CONNECTION. Here the man Jesus is speaking TO HIS DISCIPLES, telling them that He loved them the same way the Father loved Him. There is no greater love than what Jesus voiced in this “headline.” But notice the “fine print” that followed: “YOU (DISCIPLES MUST) CONTINUE IN MY LOVE.” The choice of continuing or not continuing in Christ’s love was THEIRS. Remember Judas and Hebrews 6:4-6. Then Jesus told them that to continue (remain, abide, live) in the love He had for them they must KEEP (OBEY) THE LAW. Then He added what I believe to be the most important “fine print” statement found in the Holy Scriptures: “… EVEN AS I HAVE KEPT MY FATHERS’ COMMANDMENTS (LAW) AND (THEREFORE) ABIDE (REMAIN) IN HIS LOVE.” Did you catch that? JESUS HAD TO OBEY GOD’S LAW IN ORDER TO REMAIN IN HIS LOVE. IN ORDER TO FULFILL HIS COMMISSION AND TO BECOME GOD’S MESSIAH, JESUS HAD TO OBEY (FULFILL) THE LAW. Are we better than Jesus? Does grace exalt us above Him? “Fine print” lovers, get ready. From this point on we will be deep into it. L.J.
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