As is always the case relative to a spiritual (Biblical) statement, the WHOLE Truth involves a singular “headline” statement followed by several qualifying “fine print” statements, all spoken by God (Adonai/Jehovah) to the Word (Yeshua/Jesus), Who then spoke His Words to His prophets and apostles, who then preached them to physical Israel and recorded them to be used as teaching tools for “our instruction upon whom the ends of the world have come,” meaning spiritual Israel–God’s end-time church (1 Corinthians 10:11), also referred to as “the Israel of God” (Gal. 6:16). THE HOLY BIBLE WAS WRITTEN TO, FOR AND ABOUT ISRAEL–GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE. GENTILES (HEATHEN) MUST BECOME SPIRITUAL ISRAELITES IN ORDER TO RECRIVE THE PROMISES FOUND IN THE BIBLE, ONE OF WHICH IS ETERNAL LIFE. GOD’S TRUE CHURCH TODAY IS COMPRISED OF SPIRITUAL (LAW-OBEYING) ISRAELITES AND LAW-OBEYING (SPIRITUAL) GENTILES. Both are spiritual Israelites–God’s true church whose members are equal in His eyes.
Faith plays a vitally important part in determining who is a true child of God and who pretends to be. Jesus said in Matthew 7:13,14 and 20:16 that “few” salvation seekers would (search for and) “find” the strait (narrow–restrictive) “gate” (church) of which He is the Head, but that “many” salvation seekers would (select from among many choices and) “enter into” the (wide–all inclusive) “gate” (church) of which Satan is the head. Many, Jesus said, are called to enter His gate (church) and walk His path (Law), but few answer His call. Faith plays an integral part in determining which “gate” (church) one chooses to enter and whose “way” (rules) one chooses to obey (1 Jn. 2:6). The salvation seeker has two types of faith from which to choose: God’s singular faith or Satan’s various faiths. Let us examine the two choices. The seeker’s faith determines whose commands he/she obeys. The authors of both types of faith promise salvation to those who obey their respective rules of behavior. Concerning faith, one Author speaks Biblical Truths (Jn. 17:17); the other speaks church lies (Jn. 8:44). This series will reveal the life and death difference between the two versions of faith.
Millions of church people believe that in order to be “saved” one need only “believe in Jesus.” “Only believe” is a favorite mantra within church circles. Anything beyond faith is condemned as “works,” which, we are told repeatedly, is the same as “legalism” which God supposedly rejects. Salvation seekers are told that “All you have to do is believe,” which is true, as long as you know what KIND of belief (faith) is necessary. This is the point at which Satan steps in and directs the seeker away from the Biblical Truths written and preserved for thousands of years to be used for instructing those in God’s end-time church. He also provides a number of alternatives (churches) from which to choose.
One of the favorite Truths heard throughout professing Christendom is found in John 6:47: “Verily, verily I say unto you, He who believes in Me (Jesus) has everlasting life.” Could it be stated any more clearly? This “headline” is absolute Biblical Truth. But like a safe filled with $100.00 bills (a “headline’), without the combination (“fine print,”) the “headline” is useless. Even though God’s “headlines” are absolute Truths, His promises are meaningless without knowledge of how to receive them. One must first believe what God said, which is the meaning of faith: “Faith comes from hearing (or reading) THE WORD OF GOD” (Rom. 10:19). Then one must OBEY (BE A DOER OF) those faith-producing WORDS OF GOD: “Be you DOERS of the WORD and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” Do not be merely a hearer of the WORD, but be a DOER of the WORK so as to be blessed in your DOING” (Jam. 1:23,25). Notice that the apostle uses the words “LAW,” “WORK” and “WORD” in the same context. In order to qualify for salvation we must believe the LAW (WORD of God) and WORK it–be DOERS (WORKERS) of it (THE LAW). God governs His people by His Law. Translation: GOD IS A STRICT LEGALIST. He commands that we BELIEVE His Law and OBEY IT–do “WORKS.” Therefore FAITH and WORKS are inseparable. Which brings us to the two types of faith: 1) LIVING faith and 2) DEAD faith. One faith produces eternal life, the other produces eternal death. Believing only the Lord’s “headlines” without believing and obeying His “fine print” produces death.
In the previous series we learned that, though grace is necessary and totally unearned, GRACE CANNOT SAVE THE SOUL. In this series we will learn that, though faith is necessary for salvation, FAITH CANNOT SAVE THE SOUL, not even when mixed with grace. One more ingredient must be added to the mix.
The common assumption is that all one needs for salvation is faith in Jesus. If this is true, John 6:47 is an obvious CONTRADICTION. Does God contradict Himself? Millions of Bible owners shout a resounding “Yes.” If you are one of those, turn off the computer and go to church next sun god observance day, commonly called “SUNDAY.” There you will learn that God in fact does contradict Himself. Reading the Introduction to this website will reveal several more of His “contradictions.” As for those who believe God’s Word, keep reading and obey what God commands you to do in 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1. Let us now examine other Biblical contradictions relative to faith.
In John 6:47 Jesus makes a definite, concrete statement. Then in Matthew 7:21 He says: “Not everyone who calls Me their Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who DOES the will (obeys the WORD/LAW) of My Father in heaven.” “Headline hunters” are quick to point out Christ’s obvious contradiction. We find the Apostle Paul supposedly contradicting himself: “Therefore, by the deeds of the Law shall no flesh be justified in God’s sight (Rom. 3:20). Then in Romans 2:13 he says, “For not the hearers of the Law are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified.” Justification and salvation are believed to be the same. Then in Ephesians 2:8,9 Paul writes: “For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God , not of works, lest any man should boast.” Yet the Apostle James states, “faith without works is dead” (2:20). Also read James 2:10,14,17,18,24 and 26.
Are there contradictions in these verses? Law-deniers say yes and quote God’s “headlines” as proof that the Law was indeed “nailed to the cross” along with any need for “works.” However, they cannot explain His “fine print” statements. Therefore they do not use them and do not refer to them. Catholic priests of old perfected this ruse by preaching in a language their people did not understand. They also made owning a Bible, or reading or hearing what is in it an offense punishable by torture, and even death if the “sinner” refused to admit his/her error and return to the fold. Protestant ministers embraced Catholicism’s Satanic tradition and use it to this day by ignoring God’s finer points. For example, When was the last time you heard a sermon based on James 2:20, or Romans 2:13 or Matthew 7:21, or John 6:47? L.J.
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