“Demons here, demons there; demons, demons everywhere.” Is this true? The answer depends on whom you ask. Recent polls taken throughout professing Christendom reveal that only about half of church members believe in them, even though the Scriptures are filled with references to them. And the vast majority of those references are found in the New Testament, many of which involved Jesus Christ Himself.
Satan and demonism have become part of our news cycle. Demonism has begun to touch and influence our children. In a book titled A Children’s Book of Demons we find the following statement: “Summoning demons has never been so fun!” After-school Satan clubs are now being offered in some elementary schools. Outright demonism is now en vogue, cool, trendy and even glamorous. Witches have become popular on social media. People claiming to have multiple personalities are gaining followers at a rapid rate. Watching them switch from one personality to another has become a popular way to get involved with the “in group” locally and globally. Movies and video games involving demonic themes have been around for years and are becoming more and more popular, and more importantly, accepted as “normal.” Is there something “in the air” that is causing people “go off the deep end?” Which brings up the focal question of this posting: ARE DEMONS REAL? The answer lies in the Book of Books from which true God-seekers glean the answers to all spiritual questions–The Holy Bible.
Who better to look to for information concerning demons than the Son of God Himself. The Gospels record that He regularly confronted Satan’s angels by casting them out of those in which they resided. Prime examples of this Truth are found in Matthew 4:24 and 8:16; Mark 1:32, 34 and 39/ Luke 4:41. The same was true for His disciples as shown in Matthew 10:8/ Mark 3:15 and 16:17 and Luke 10:17. Demon-influenced, and sometimes possessed, people are also written about in the Book of Acts.
Some demons are violent and physically aggressive. Such was the case as described in Matthew 8:28 where we find two demon-possessed men who are described as “exceeding fierce.” Other demons are merely annoying but can have much power. Such an instance is recorded in Acts 16:16-18. Note that the demon-possessed girl SPOKE THE TRUTH. What she said was not the problem; what she did was what caused Paul to do what he did. She used demonic power to tell fortunes, thereby making her handlers much money. After Paul cast out the demon, she could no longer tell fortunes. For this reason they tried to kill him.
Some, in fact most, of the demons I have personally dealt with caused their hosts to have physical or mental problems. Such were the cases recorded in Matthew 9:31,32 and 17:14-18. In some cases demons cause people to deliberately cut themselves or hurt themselves in other ways, which was the case written about in Mark 5:5. Today we have human-coined words and descriptions designed to make it appear that physical and mental diseases as having strictly physical or chemical causes. Though some of them do, but most are caused by demonic spirits. Our modern world refuses to believe in what it cannot see, hear or feel. What the world in general does not realize is that 1) the Bible is Truth and 2) it is as true today as it was anciently. Physical and mental problems normally have spiritual causes which a Biblically ignorant society does not understand and refuses to accept even when the offending demons are cast out and the patient is healed. Notice that Jesus and His disciples/apostles often used deliverance in curing physically and mentally sick people. The spirit world has not changed.
Any deviation from the physical and mental norm, as God defines normality, is likely to have been caused by one or more demonic spirits. The most demons I have dealt with in one person was 33. Many of the more prevalent examples of demon activity found in today’s world involve sex. Homosexuality, transsexuality, whoredoms, sex and pornography addiction, adultery, fornication, sodomy (sex with animals), etc. are all caused by demons that have invaded their hosts, taken over their mental faculties. And these devils are powerful. For example, those afflicted with transsexual demons “know” beyond a doubt that they are what their demon guest tells them they are. No amount of scientific proof will change what they “know” about themselves. My question to transexuals is: If you can change your sex with a thought, why can’t you change your species? Wouldn’t it be great to be an eagle? Or for the religiously inclined, an angel?
Demon-caused sexual deviations are the most powerful among demons and the most difficult to deal with. This is true even among so-called “Christian” queers, transsexuals, non-binarials, etc. This in spite of a myriad of Scriptural condemnations of those “truths” provided in the Holy Bible. For example, God condemns homosexuality in the plainest of language in the following New Testament passages: Romans 1:26-28/ 2 Peter 2:6/ 1 Timothy 1:8-10/ Jude 7). Old Testament passages speak the same message relative to sexual deviance: Genesis 18:20/ 19:4-11,24,25/ 1 Kings 14:24/ Leviticus 18:22,23/ Deuteronomy 23:17; 27:21/ Ezekiel 16:49,50. Sexual deviance is a spiritual addiction. Most people suffering from such addictions do not want to be delivered of them.
Other addictions such as those dealing with alcohol, drugs, nicotine, food, social media, television, sports, church and occult affiliations, mass entertainment, video games, music, etc. involve spiritual causative factors. In each case listed above, and others, demonic spirits have invaded the individual(s) and have directed their minds to go in certain directions. So what is the solution to the problem, provided the afflicted one wants the problem to be solved? Again, Jesus and the apostles inform us in word and example. Again, nothing has changed. Today, God’s apostles handle the same problems in the same way.
Deliverance is normally the key to ridding an individual of demons. Jesus and the apostles provide prime examples of such activities. Read the Gospels and the Book of Acts for instances in which the Lord and His apostles cast out demons both singularly and en masse. However, deliverance is not to be attempted simply because you want to. If you have not been appointed and anointed, do not try to cast out demons.
I have cast out demons over the phone. Like the Apostle Paul, I have prayed over an object and had the object placed on the body of an afflicted person in another location (Acts 19:12). I once cast a demon of drunkeness out of a man in a restaurant by “speaking” to it mentally. The delivered man was stunned when the demon departed, leaving him instantly sober. In the instance involving a telephone deliverance the demon was also connected to alcohol consumption. The woman I was talking to (a former student of mine) found herself instantly and totally clear-headed. When I asked her if she was now sober, she was so startled she could barely speak.
Those who are used of God in the deliverance of demonic spirits must remember His admonition to, “Lay hands quickly upon no man.” Notice that Jesus and His apostles never went looking for demons to cast out. Nor did they look for people to heal. Nor did they preach or hand out fliers in the streets (Mat. 12:19). LET US LOOK TO GOD’S RULE BOOK WHEN DEALING WITH SPIRITUAL SITUATIONS. Just because it appears that something needs to be done does not mean that it needs to be done. Let God be God. He will tell us what to do, as well as when, where and how (not necessarily why) to do it. And equally important: He will tell us IF we are to do it. L.J.
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